17.4.1. Random-Number Engines and Distribution

The random-number engines are function-object classes (§ 14.8, p. 571) that define a call operator that takes no arguments and returns a random unsigned number. We can generate raw random numbers by calling an object of a random-number engine type:

default_random_engine e;  // generates random unsigned integers
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    // e() "calls" the object to produce the next random number
    cout << e() << " ";

On our system, this program generates:

16807 282475249 1622650073 984943658 1144108930 470211272 ...

Here, we defined an object named e that has type default_random_engine . Inside the for, we call the object e to obtain the next random number.

The library defines several random-number engines that differ in terms of their performance and quality of randomness. Each compiler designates one of these engines as the default_random_engine type. This type is intended to be the engine with the most generally useful properties. Table 17.15 lists the engine operations and the engine types defined by the standard are listed in § A.3.2 (p. 884).

Table 17.15. Random Number Engine Operations


For most purposes, the output of an engine is not directly usable, which is why we described them earlier as raw random numbers. The problem is that the numbers usually span a range that differs from the one we need. Correctly transforming the range of a random number is surprisingly hard.

Distribution Types and Engines

To get a number in a specified range, we use an object of a distribution type:

// uniformly distributed from 0 to 9 inclusive
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> u(0,9);
default_random_engine e;  // generates unsigned random integers
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    // u uses e as a source of numbers
    // each call returns a uniformly distributed value in the specified range
    cout << u(e) << " ";

This code produces output such as

0 1 7 4 5 2 0 6 6 9

Here we define u as a uniform_int_distribution<unsigned>. That type generates uniformly distributed unsigned values. When we define an object of this type, we can supply the minimum and maximum values we want. In this program, u(0,9) says that we want numbers to be in the range 0 to 9 inclusive. The random number distributions use inclusive ranges so that we can obtain every possible value of the given integral type.

Like the engine types, the distribution types are also function-object classes. The distribution types define a call operator that takes a random-number engine as its argument. The distribution object uses its engine argument to produce random numbers that the distribution object maps to the specified distribution.

Note that we pass the engine object itself, u(e). Had we written the call as u(e()), we would have tried to pass the next value generated by e to u, which would be a compile-time error. We pass the engine, not the next result of the engine, because some distributions may need to call the engine more than once.

Image Note

When we refer to a random-number generator, we mean the combination of a distribution object with an engine.

Comparing Random Engines and the rand Function

For readers familiar with the C library rand function, it is worth noting that the output of calling a default_random_engine object is similar to the output of rand. Engines deliver unsigned integers in a system-defined range. The range for rand is 0 to RAND_MAX. The range for an engine type is returned by calling the min and max members on an object of that type:

cout << "min: " << e.min() << " max: " << e.max() << endl;

On our system this program produces the following output:

min: 1 max: 2147483646

Engines Generate a Sequence of Numbers

Random number generators have one property that often confuses new users: Even though the numbers that are generated appear to be random, a given generator returns the same sequence of numbers each time it is run. The fact that the sequence is unchanging is very helpful during testing. On the other hand, programs that use random-number generators have to take this fact into account.

As one example, assume we need a function that will generate a vector of 100 random integers uniformly distributed in the range from 0 to 9. We might think we’d write this function as follows:

// almost surely the wrong way to generate a vector of random integers
// output from this function will be the same 100 numbers on every call!
vector<unsigned> bad_randVec()
    default_random_engine e;
    uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> u(0,9);
    vector<unsigned> ret;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    return ret;

However, this function will return the same vector every time it is called:

vector<unsigned> v1(bad_randVec());
vector<unsigned> v2(bad_randVec());
// will print equal
cout << ((v1 == v2) ? "equal" : "not equal") << endl;

This code will print equal because the vectors v1 and v2 have the same values.

The right way to write our function is to make the engine and associated distribution objects static6.1.1, p. 205):

// returns a vector of 100 uniformly distributed random numbers
vector<unsigned> good_randVec()
    // because engines and distributions retain state, they usually should be
    // defined as static so that new numbers are generated on each call
    static default_random_engine e;
    static uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> u(0,9);
    vector<unsigned> ret;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    return ret;

Because e and u are static, they will hold their state across calls to the function. The first call will use the first 100 random numbers from the sequence u(e) generates, the second call will get the next 100, and so on.

Image Warning

A given random-number generator always produces the same sequence of numbers. A function with a local random-number generator should make that generator (both the engine and distribution objects) static. Otherwise, the function will generate the identical sequence on each call.

Seeding a Generator

The fact that a generator returns the same sequence of numbers is helpful during debugging. However, once our program is tested, we often want to cause each run of the program to generate different random results. We do so by providing a seed. A seed is a value that an engine can use to cause it to start generating numbers at a new point in its sequence.

We can seed an engine in one of two ways: We can provide the seed when we create an engine object, or we can call the engine’s seed member:

default_random_engine e1;             // uses the default seed
default_random_engine e2(2147483646); // use the given seed value
// e3 and e4 will generate the same sequence because they use the same seed
default_random_engine e3;        // uses the default seed value
e3.seed(32767);                  // call seed to set a new seed value
default_random_engine e4(32767); // set the seed value to 32767
for (size_t i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
    if (e1() == e2())
        cout << "unseeded match at iteration: " << i << endl;
    if (e3() != e4())
        cout << "seeded differs at iteration: " << i << endl;

Here we define four engines. The first two, e1 and e2, have different seeds and should generate different sequences. The second two, e3 and e4, have the same seed value. These two objects will generate the same sequence.

Picking a good seed, like most things about generating good random numbers, is surprisingly hard. Perhaps the most common approach is to call the system time function. This function, defined in the ctime header, returns the number of seconds since a given epoch. The time function takes a single parameter that is a pointer to a structure into which to write the time. If that pointer is null, the function just returns the time:

default_random_engine e1(time(0));  // a somewhat random seed

Because time returns time as the number of seconds, this seed is useful only for applications that generate the seed at second-level, or longer, intervals.

Image Warning

Using time as a seed usually doesn’t work if the program is run repeatedly as part of an automated process; it might wind up with the same seed several times.

Exercises Section 17.4.1

Exercise 17.28: Write a function that generates and returns a uniformly distributed random unsigned int each time it is called.

Exercise 17.29: Allow the user to supply a seed as an optional argument to the function you wrote in the previous exercise.

Exercise 17.30: Revise your function again this time to take a minimum and maximum value for the numbers that the function should return.

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