9.5.5. Numeric Conversions


Strings often contain characters that represent numbers. For example, we represent the numeric value 15 as a string with two characters, the character '1' followed by the character '5'. In general, the character representation of a number differs from its numeric value. The numeric value 15 stored in a 16-bit short has the bit pattern 0000000000001111, whereas the character string "15" represented as two Latin-1 chars has the bit pattern 0011000100110101. The first byte represents the character '1' which has the octal value 061, and the second byte represents '5', which in Latin-1 is octal 065.


The new standard introduced several functions that convert between numeric data and library strings:

int i = 42;
string s = to_string(i);  // converts the int i to its character representation
double d = stod(s);       // converts the string s to floating-point

Table 9.16. Conversions between strings and Numbers


Here we call to_string to convert 42 to its corresponding string representation and then call stod to convert that string to floating-point.

The first non-whitespace character in the string we convert to numeric value must be a character that can appear in a number:

string s2 = "pi = 3.14";
// convert the first substring in s that starts with a digit,  d = 3.14
d = stod(s2.substr(s2.find_first_of("+-.0123456789")));

In this call to stod, we call find_first_of9.5.3, p. 364) to get the position of the first character in s that could be part of a number. We pass the substring of s starting at that position to stod. The stod function reads the string it is given until it finds a character that cannot be part of a number. It then converts the character representation of the number it found into the corresponding double-precision floating-point value.

The first non-whitespace character in the string must be a sign (+ or -) or a digit. The string can begin with 0x or 0X to indicate hexadecimal. For the functions that convert to floating-point the string may also start with a decimal point (.) and may contain an e or E to designate the exponent. For the functions that convert to integral type, depending on the base, the string can contain alphabetic characters corresponding to numbers beyond the digit 9.

Image Note

If the string can’t be converted to a number, These functions throw an invalid_argument exception (§ 5.6, p. 193). If the conversion generates a value that can’t be represented, they throw out_of_range.

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