13.1.1. The Copy Constructor


A constructor is the copy constructor if its first parameter is a reference to the class type and any additional parameters have default values:

class Foo {
   Foo();             // default constructor
   Foo(const Foo&);   // copy constructor
   // ...

For reasons we’ll explain shortly, the first parameter must be a reference type. That parameter is almost always a reference to const, although we can define the copy constructor to take a reference to nonconst. The copy constructor is used implicitly in several circumstances. Hence, the copy constructor usually should not be explicit7.5.4, p. 296).

The Synthesized Copy Constructor

When we do not define a copy constructor for a class, the compiler synthesizes one for us. Unlike the synthesized default constructor (§ 7.1.4, p. 262), a copy constructor is synthesized even if we define other constructors.

As we’ll see in § 13.1.6 (p. 508), the synthesized copy constructor for some classes prevents us from copying objects of that class type. Otherwise, the synthesized copy constructor memberwise copies the members of its argument into the object being created (§ 7.1.5, p. 267). The compiler copies each nonstatic member in turn from the given object into the one being created.

The type of each member determines how that member is copied: Members of class type are copied by the copy constructor for that class; members of built-in type are copied directly. Although we cannot directly copy an array (§ 3.5.1, p. 114), the synthesized copy constructor copies members of array type by copying each element. Elements of class type are copied by using the elements’ copy constructor.

As an example, the synthesized copy constructor for our Sales_data class is equivalent to:

class Sales_data {
    // other members and constructors as before
    // declaration equivalent to the synthesized copy constructor
    Sales_data(const Sales_data&);
    std::string bookNo;
    int units_sold = 0;
    double revenue = 0.0;
// equivalent to the copy constructor that would be synthesized for Sales_data
Sales_data::Sales_data(const Sales_data &orig):
    bookNo(orig.bookNo),         // uses the string copy constructor
    units_sold(orig.units_sold), // copies orig.units_sold
    revenue(orig.revenue)        // copies orig.revenue
    {    }                       // empty body

Copy Initialization

We are now in a position to fully understand the differences between direct initialization and copy initialization (§ 3.2.1, p. 84):

string dots(10, '.'),               // direct initialization
string s(dots);                     // direct initialization
string s2 = dots;                   // copy initialization
string null_book = "9-999-99999-9"; // copy initialization
string nines = string(100, '9'),    // copy initialization

When we use direct initialization, we are asking the compiler to use ordinary function matching (§ 6.4, p. 233) to select the constructor that best matches the arguments we provide. When we use copy initialization, we are asking the compiler to copy the right-hand operand into the object being created, converting that operand if necessary (§ 7.5.4, p. 294).

Copy initialization ordinarily uses the copy constructor. However, as we’ll see in § 13.6.2 (p. 534), if a class has a move constructor, then copy initialization sometimes uses the move constructor instead of the copy constructor. For now, what’s useful to know is when copy initialization happens and that copy initialization requires either the copy constructor or the move constructor.

Copy initialization happens not only when we define variables using an =, but also when we

• Pass an object as an argument to a parameter of nonreference type

• Return an object from a function that has a nonreference return type

• Brace initialize the elements in an array or the members of an aggregate class (§ 7.5.5, p. 298)

Some class types also use copy initialization for the objects they allocate. For example, the library containers copy initialize their elements when we initialize the container, or when we call an insert or push member (§ 9.3.1, p. 342). By contrast, elements created by an emplace member are direct initialized (§ 9.3.1, p. 345).

Parameters and Return Values

During a function call, parameters that have a nonreference type are copy initialized (§ 6.2.1, p. 209). Similarly, when a function has a nonreference return type, the return value is used to copy initialize the result of the call operator at the call site (§ 6.3.2, p. 224).

The fact that the copy constructor is used to initialize nonreference parameters of class type explains why the copy constructor’s own parameter must be a reference. If that parameter were not a reference, then the call would never succeed—to call the copy constructor, we’d need to use the copy constructor to copy the argument, but to copy the argument, we’d need to call the copy constructor, and so on indefinitely.

Constraints on Copy Initialization

As we’ve seen, whether we use copy or direct initialization matters if we use an initializer that requires conversion by an explicit constructor (§ 7.5.4, p. 296):

vector<int> v1(10);  // ok: direct initialization
vector<int> v2 = 10; // error: constructor that takes a size is explicit
void f(vector<int>); // f's parameter is copy initialized
f(10); // error: can't use an explicit constructor to copy an argument
f(vector<int>(10));  // ok: directly construct a temporary vector from an int

Directly initializing v1 is fine, but the seemingly equivalent copy initialization of v2 is an error, because the vector constructor that takes a single size parameter is explicit. For the same reasons that we cannot copy initialize v2, we cannot implicitly use an explicit constructor when we pass an argument or return a value from a function. If we want to use an explicit constructor, we must do so explicitly, as in the last line of the example above.

The Compiler Can Bypass the Copy Constructor

During copy initialization, the compiler is permitted (but not obligated) to skip the copy/move constructor and create the object directly. That is, the compiler is permitted to rewrite

string null_book = "9-999-99999-9"; // copy initialization


string null_book("9-999-99999-9"); // compiler omits the copy constructor

However, even if the compiler omits the call to the copy/move constructor, the copy/move constructor must exist and must be accessible (e.g., not private) at that point in the program.

Exercises Section 13.1.1

Exercise 13.1: What is a copy constructor? When is it used?

Exercise 13.2: Explain why the following declaration is illegal:

Sales_data::Sales_data(Sales_data rhs);

Exercise 13.3: What happens when we copy a StrBlob? What about StrBlobPtrs?

Exercise 13.4: Assuming Point is a class type with a public copy constructor, identify each use of the copy constructor in this program fragment:

Point global;
Point foo_bar(Point arg)
    Point local = arg, *heap = new Point(global);
    *heap = local;
    Point pa[ 4 ] = { local, *heap };
    return *heap;

Exercise 13.5: Given the following sketch of a class, write a copy constructor that copies all the members. Your constructor should dynamically allocate a new string12.1.2, p. 458) and copy the object to which ps points, rather than copying ps itself.

class HasPtr {
    HasPtr(const std::string &s = std::string()):
        ps(new std::string(s)), i(0) { }
    std::string *ps;
    int    i;

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