15.7.2. Synthesized Copy Control and Inheritance


The synthesized copy-control members in a base or a derived class execute like any other synthesized constructor, assignment operator, or destructor: They memberwise initialize, assign, or destroy the members of the class itself. In addition, these synthesized members initialize, assign, or destroy the direct base part of an object by using the corresponding operation from the base class. For example,

• The synthesized Bulk_quote default constructor runs the Disc_Quote default constructor, which in turn runs the Quote default constructor.

• The Quote default constructor default initializes the bookNo member to the empty string and uses the in-class initializer to initialize price to zero.

• When the Quote constructor finishes, the Disc_Quote constructor continues, which uses the in-class initializers to initialize qty and discount.

• When the Disc_quote constructor finishes, the Bulk_quote constructor continues but has no other work to do.

Similarly, the synthesized Bulk_quote copy constructor uses the (synthesized) Disc_quote copy constructor, which uses the (synthesized) Quote copy constructor. The Quote copy constructor copies the bookNo and price members; and the Disc_Quote copy constructor copies the qty and discount members.

It is worth noting that it doesn’t matter whether the base-class member is itself synthesized (as is the case in our Quote hierarchy) or has a an user-provided definition. All that matters is that the corresponding member is accessible (§15.5, p. 611) and that it is not a deleted function.

Each of our Quote classes use the synthesized destructor. The derived classes do so implicitly, whereas the Quote class does so explicitly by defining its (virtual) destructor as = default. The synthesized destructor is (as usual) empty and its implicit destruction part destroys the members of the class (§13.1.3, p. 501). In addition to destroying its own members, the destruction phase of a destructor in a derived class also destroys its direct base. That destructor in turn invokes the destructor for its own direct base, if any. And, so on up to the root of the hierarchy.

As we’ve seen, Quote does not have synthesized move operations because it defines a destructor. The (synthesized) copy operations will be used whenever we move a Quote object (§13.6.2, p. 540). As we’re about to see, the fact that Quote does not have move operations means that its derived classes don’t either.

Base Classes and Deleted Copy Control in the Derived

The synthesized default constructor, or any of the copy-control members of either a base or a derived class, may be defined as deleted for the same reasons as in any other class (§13.1.6, p. 508, and §13.6.2, p. 537). In addition, the way in which a base class is defined can cause a derived-class member to be defined as deleted:

• If the default constructor, copy constructor, copy-assignment operator, or destructor in the base class is deleted or inaccessible (§15.5, p. 612), then the corresponding member in the derived class is defined as deleted, because the compiler can’t use the base-class member to construct, assign, or destroy the base-class part of the object.

• If the base class has an inaccessible or deleted destructor, then the synthesized default and copy constructors in the derived classes are defined as deleted, because there is no way to destroy the base part of the derived object.

• As usual, the compiler will not synthesize a deleted move operation. If we use = default to request a move operation, it will be a deleted function in the derived if the corresponding operation in the base is deleted or inaccessible, because the base class part cannot be moved. The move constructor will also be deleted if the base class destructor is deleted or inaccessible.

As an example, this base class, B,

class B {
    B(const B&) = delete;
    // other members, not including a move constructor
class D : public B {
    // no constructors
D d;     // ok: D's synthesized default constructor uses B's default constructor
D d2(d); // error: D's synthesized copy constructor is deleted
D d3(std::move(d)); // error: implicitly uses D's deleted copy constructor

has an accessible default constructor and an explicitly deleted copy constructor. Because the copy constructor is defined, the compiler will not synthesize a move constructor for class B13.6.2, p. 537). As a result, we can neither move nor copy objects of type B. If a class derived from B wanted to allow its objects to be copied or moved, that derived class would have to define its own versions of these constructors. Of course, that class would have to decide how to copy or move the members in it base-class part. In practice, if a base class does not have a default, copy, or move constructor, then its derived classes usually don’t either.

Move Operations and Inheritance

As we’ve seen, most base classes define a virtual destructor. As a result, by default, base classes generally do not get synthesized move operations. Moreover, by default, classes derived from a base class that doesn’t have move operations don’t get synthesized move operations either.

Because lack of a move operation in a base class suppresses synthesized move for its derived classes, base classes ordinarily should define the move operations if it is sensible to do so. Our Quote class can use the synthesized versions. However, Quote must define these members explicitly. Once it defines its move operations, it must also explicitly define the copy versions as well (§13.6.2, p. 539):

class Quote {
    Quote() = default;             // memberwise default initialize
    Quote(const Quote&) = default; // memberwise copy
    Quote(Quote&&) = default;      // memberwise copy
    Quote& operator=(const Quote&) = default; // copy assign
    Quote& operator=(Quote&&) = default;      // move assign
    virtual ~Quote() = default;
    // other members as before

Now, Quote objects will be memberwise copied, moved, assigned, and destroyed. Moreover, classes derived from Quote will automatically obtain synthesized move operations as well, unless they have members that otherwise preclude move.

Exercises Section 15.7.2

Exercise 15.25: Why did we define a default constructor for Disc_quote? What effect, if any, would removing that constructor have on the behavior of Bulk_quote?

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