16.4. Variadic Templates


A variadic template is a template function or class that can take a varying number of parameters. The varying parameters are known as a parameter pack. There are two kinds of parameter packs: A template parameter pack represents zero or more template parameters, and a function parameter pack represents zero or more function parameters.

We use an ellipsis to indicate that a template or function parameter represents a pack. In a template parameter list, class... or typename... indicates that the following parameter represents a list of zero or more types; the name of a type followed by an ellipsis represents a list of zero or more nontype parameters of the given type. In the function parameter list, a parameter whose type is a template parameter pack is a function parameter pack. For example:

// Args is a template parameter pack; rest is a function parameter pack
// Args represents zero or more template type parameters
// rest represents zero or more function parameters
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void foo(const T &t, const Args& ... rest);

declares that foo is a variadic function that has one type parameter named T and a template parameter pack named Args. That pack represents zero or more additional type parameters. The function parameter list of foo has one parameter, whose type is a const & to whatever type T has, and a function parameter pack named rest. That pack represents zero or more function parameters.

As usual, the compiler deduces the template parameter types from the function’s arguments. For a variadic template, the compiler also deduces the number of parameters in the pack. For example, given these calls:

int i = 0; double d = 3.14; string s = "how now brown cow";
foo(i, s, 42, d);    // three parameters in the pack
foo(s, 42, "hi");    // two parameters in the pack
foo(d, s);           // one parameter in the pack
foo("hi");           // empty pack

the compiler will instantiate four different instances of foo:

void foo(const int&, const string&, const int&, const double&);
void foo(const string&, const int&, const char(&)[3]);
void foo(const double&, const string&);
void foo(const char(&)[3]);

In each case, the type of T is deduced from the type of the first argument. The remaining arguments (if any) provide the number of, and types for, the additional arguments to the function.

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