Defined Terms

bitset Standard library class that holds a collection of bits of a size that is known at compile time, and provides operations to test and set the bits in the collection.

cmatch Container of csub_match objects that provides information about the match to a regex on const char* input sequences. The first element in the container describes the overall match results. The subsequent elements describe the results for the subexpressions.

cregex_iterator Like sregex_iterator except that it iterates over an array of char.

csub_match Type that holds the results of a regular expression match to a const char*. Can represent the entire match or a subexpression.

default random engine Type alias for the random number engine intended for normal use.

formatted IO IO operations that use the types of the objects being read or written to define the actions of the operations. Formatted input operations perform whatever transformations are appropriate to the type being read, such as converting ASCII numeric strings to the indicated arithmetic type and (by default) ignoring whitespace. Formatted output routines convert types to printable character representations, pad the output, and may perform other, type-specific transformations.

get Template function that returns the specified member for a given tuple. For example, get<0>(t) returns the first element from the tuple t.

high-order Bits in a bitset with the largest indices.

low-order Bits in a bitset with the lowest indices.

manipulator A function-like object that “manipulates” a stream. Manipulators can be used as the right-hand operand to the overloaded IO operators, << and >>. Most manipulators change the internal state of the object. Such manipulators often come in pairs—one to change the state and the other to return the stream to its default state.

random-number distribution Standard library type that transforms the output of a random-number engine according to its named distribution. For example, uniform_int_distribution<T> generates uniformly distributed integers of type T, normal_distribution<T> generates normally distributed numbers, and so on.

random-number engine Library type that generates random unsigned numbers. Engines are intended to be used only as inputs to random-number distributions.

random-number generator Combination of a random-number engine type and a distribution type.

regex Class that manages a regular expression.

regex_error Exception type thrown to indicate a syntactic error in a regular expression.

regex_match Function that determines whether the entire input sequence matches the given regex object.

regex_replace Function that uses a regex object to replace matching subexpressions in an input sequence using a given format.

regex_search Function that uses a regex object to find a matching subsequence of a given input sequence.

regular expression A way of describing a sequence of characters.

seed Value supplied to a random-number engine that causes it to move to a new point in the sequence of number that it generates.

smatch Container of ssub_match objects that provides information about the match to a regex on string input sequences. The first element in the container describes the overall match results. The subsequent elements describe the results for the subexpressions.

sregex_iterator Iterator that iterates over a string using a given regex object to find matches in the given string. The constructor positions the iterator on the first match by calling regex_search. Incrementing the iterator calls regex_search starting just after the current match in the given string. Dereferencing the iterator returns an smatch object describing the current match.

ssub_match Type that holds results of a regular expression match to a string. Can represent the entire match or a subexpression.

subexpression Parenthesized component of a regular expression pattern.

tuple Template that generates types that hold unnamed members of specified types. There is no fixed limit on the number of members a tuple can be defined to have.

unformatted IO Operations that treat the stream as an undifferentiated byte stream. Unformatted operations place more of the burden for managing the IO on the user.

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