18.1.5. Exception Class Hierarchies

The standard-library exception classes (§ 5.6.3, p. 197) form the inheritance hierarchy (Chapter 15) as shown in Figure 18.1.

The only operations that the exception types define are the copy constructor, copy-assignment operator, a virtual destructor, and a virtual member named what. The what function returns a const char* that points to a null-terminated character array, and is guaranteed not to throw any exceptions.

The exception, bad_cast, and bad_alloc classes also define a default constructor. The runtime_error and logic_error classes do not have a default constructor but do have constructors that take a C-style character string or a library string argument. Those arguments are intended to give additional information about the error. In these classes, what returns the message used to initialize the exception object. Because what is virtual, if we catch a reference to the base-type, a call to the what function will execute the version appropriate to the dynamic type of the exception object.

Exception Classes for a Bookstore Application

Applications often extend the exception hierarchy by defining classes derived from exception (or from one of the library classes derived from exception). These application-specific classes represent exceptional conditions specific to the application domain.

If we were building a real bookstore application, our classes would have been much more complicated than the ones presented in this Primer. One such complexity would be how these classes handled exceptions. In fact, we probably would have defined our own hierarchy of exceptions to represent application-specific problems. Our design might include classes such as

// hypothetical exception classes for a bookstore application
class out_of_stock: public std::runtime_error {
    explicit out_of_stock(const std::string &s):
                       std::runtime_error(s) { }
class isbn_mismatch: public std::logic_error {
    explicit isbn_mismatch(const std::string &s):
                          std::logic_error(s) { }
    isbn_mismatch(const std::string &s,
        const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs):
        std::logic_error(s), left(lhs), right(rhs) { }
    const std::string left, right;

Our application-specific exception types inherit them from the standard exception classes. As with any hierarchy, we can think of the exception classes as being organized into layers. As the hierarchy becomes deeper, each layer becomes a more specific exception. For example, the first and most general layer of the hierarchy is represented by class exception. All we know when we catch an object of type exception is that something has gone wrong.

The second layer specializes exception into two broad categories: run-time or logic errors. Run-time errors represent things that can be detected only when the program is executing. Logic errors are, in principle, errors that we could have detected in our application.

Our bookstore exception classes further refine these categories. The class named out_of_stock represents something, particular to our application, that can go wrong at run time. It would be used to signal that an order cannot be fulfilled. The class isbn_mismatch represents a more particular form of logic_error. In principle, a program could prevent and handle this error by comparing the results of isbn() on the objects.

Using Our Own Exception Types

We use our own exception classes in the same way that we use one of the standard library classes. One part of the program throws an object of one of these types, and another part catches and handles the indicated problem. As an example, we might define the compound addition operator for our Sales_data class to throw an error of type isbn_mismatch if it detected that the ISBNs didn’t match:

// throws an exception if both objects do not refer to the same book
Sales_data::operator+=(const Sales_data& rhs)
    if (isbn() != rhs.isbn())
        throw isbn_mismatch("wrong isbns", isbn(), rhs.isbn());
    units_sold += rhs.units_sold;
    revenue += rhs.revenue;
    return *this;

Code that uses the compound addition operator (or ordinary addition operator, which itself uses the compound addition operator) can detect this error, write an appropriate error message, and continue:

// use the hypothetical bookstore exceptions
Sales_data item1, item2, sum;
while (cin >> item1 >> item2) {  // read two transactions
    try {
        sum = item1 + item2;     //  calculate their sum
        // use sum
    } catch (const isbn_mismatch &e) {
      cerr << e.what() << ": left isbn(" << e.left
           << ") right isbn(" << e.right << ")" << endl;

Exercises Section 18.1.5

Exercise 18.9: Define the bookstore exception classes described in this section and rewrite your Sales_data compound assigment operator to throw an exception.

Exercise 18.10: Write a program that uses the Sales_data addition operator on objects that have differing ISBNs. Write two versions of the program: one that handles the exception and one that does not. Compare the behavior of the programs so that you become familiar with what happens when an uncaught exception occurs.

Exercise 18.11: Why is it important that the what function doesn’t throw?

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