13.6.1. Rvalue References


To support move operations, the new standard introduced a new kind of reference, an rvalue reference. An rvalue reference is a reference that must be bound to an rvalue. An rvalue reference is obtained by using && rather than &. As we’ll see, rvalue references have the important property that they may be bound only to an object that is about to be destroyed. As a result, we are free to “move” resources from an rvalue reference to another object.

Recall that lvalue and rvalue are properties of an expression (§ 4.1.1, p. 135). Some expressions yield or require lvalues; others yield or require rvalues. Generally speaking, an lvalue expression refers to an object’s identity whereas an rvalue expression refers to an object’s value.

Like any reference, an rvalue reference is just another name for an object. As we know, we cannot bind regular references—which we’ll refer to as lvalue references when we need to distinguish them from rvalue references—to expressions that require a conversion, to literals, or to expressions that return an rvalue (§ 2.3.1, p. 51). Rvalue references have the opposite binding properties: We can bind an rvalue reference to these kinds of expressions, but we cannot directly bind an rvalue reference to an lvalue:

int i = 42;
int &r = i;             // ok: r refers to i
int &&rr = i;           // error: cannot bind an rvalue reference to an lvalue
int &r2 = i * 42;       // error: i * 42 is an rvalue
const int &r3 = i * 42; // ok: we can bind a reference to const to an rvalue
int &&rr2 = i * 42;     // ok: bind rr2 to the result of the multiplication

Functions that return lvalue references, along with the assignment, subscript, dereference, and prefix increment/decrement operators, are all examples of expressions that return lvalues. We can bind an lvalue reference to the result of any of these expressions.

Functions that return a nonreference type, along with the arithmetic, relational, bitwise, and postfix increment/decrement operators, all yield rvalues. We cannot bind an lvalue reference to these expressions, but we can bind either an lvalue reference to const or an rvalue reference to such expressions.

Lvalues Persist; Rvalues Are Ephemeral

Looking at the list of lvalue and rvalue expressions, it should be clear that lvalues and rvalues differ from each other in an important manner: Lvalues have persistent state, whereas rvalues are either literals or temporary objects created in the course of evaluating expressions.

Because rvalue references can only be bound to temporaries, we know that

• The referred-to object is about to be destroyed

• There can be no other users of that object

These facts together mean that code that uses an rvalue reference is free to take over resources from the object to which the reference refers.

Image Note

Rvalue references refer to objects that are about to be destroyed. Hence, we can “steal” state from an object bound to an rvalue reference.

Variables Are Lvalues

Although we rarely think about it this way, a variable is an expression with one operand and no operator. Like any other expression, a variable expression has the lvalue/rvalue property. Variable expressions are lvalues. It may be surprising, but as a consequence, we cannot bind an rvalue reference to a variable defined as an rvalue reference type:

int &&rr1 = 42;    // ok: literals are rvalues
int &&rr2 = rr1;   // error: the expression rr1 is an lvalue!

Given our previous observation that rvalues represent ephemeral objects, it should not be surprising that a variable is an lvalue. After all, a variable persists until it goes out of scope.

Image Note

A variable is an lvalue; we cannot directly bind an rvalue reference to a variable even if that variable was defined as an rvalue reference type.

The Library move Function

Although we cannot directly bind an rvalue reference to an lvalue, we can explicitly cast an lvalue to its corresponding rvalue reference type. We can also obtain an rvalue reference bound to an lvalue by calling a new library function named move, which is defined in the utility header. The move function uses facilities that we’ll describe in § 16.2.6 (p. 690) to return an rvalue reference to its given object.

int &&rr3 = std::move(rr1);   // ok

Calling move tells the compiler that we have an lvalue that we want to treat as if it were an rvalue. It is essential to realize that the call to move promises that we do not intend to use rr1 again except to assign to it or to destroy it. After a call to move, we cannot make any assumptions about the value of the moved-from object.

Image Note

We can destroy a moved-from object and can assign a new value to it, but we cannot use the value of a moved-from object.

As we’ve seen, differently from how we use most names from the library, we do not provide a using declaration (§ 3.1, p. 82) for move13.5, p. 530). We call std::move not move. We’ll explain the reasons for this usage in § 18.2.3 (p. 798).

Image Warning

Code that uses move should use std::move, not move. Doing so avoids potential name collisions.

Exercises Section 13.6.1

Exercise 13.45: Distinguish between an rvalue reference and an lvalue reference.

Exercise 13.46: Which kind of reference can be bound to the following initializers?

int f();
vector<int> vi(100);
int? r1 = f();
int? r2 = vi[0];
int? r3 = r1;
int? r4 = vi[0] * f();

Exercise 13.47: Give the copy constructor and copy-assignment operator in your String class from exercise 13.44 in § 13.5 (p. 531) a statement that prints a message each time the function is executed.

Exercise 13.48: Define a vector<String> and call push_back several times on that vector. Run your program and see how often Strings are copied.

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