15.2.2. Defining a Derived Class


A derived class must specify from which class(es) it inherits. It does so in its class derivation list, which is a colon followed by a comma-separated list of names of previously defined classes. Each base class name may be preceded by an optional access specifier, which is one of public, protected, or private.

A derived class must declare each inherited member function it intends to override. Therefore, our Bulk_quote class must include a net_price member:

class Bulk_quote : public Quote { // Bulk_quote inherits from Quote
    Bulk_quote() = default;
    Bulk_quote(const std::string&, double, std::size_t, double);
    // overrides the base version in order to implement the bulk purchase discount policy
    double net_price(std::size_t) const override;
    std::size_t min_qty = 0; // minimum purchase for the discount to apply
    double discount = 0.0;   // fractional discount to apply

Our Bulk_quote class inherits the isbn function and the bookNo and price data members of its Quote base class. It defines its own version of net_price and has two additional data members, min_qty and discount. These members specify the minimum quantity and the discount to apply once that number of copies are purchased.

We’ll have more to say about the access specifier used in a derivation list in §15.5 (p. 612). For now, what’s useful to know is that the access specifier determines whether users of a derived class are allowed to know that the derived class inherits from its base class.

When the derivation is public, the public members of the base class become part of the interface of the derived class as well. In addition, we can bind an object of a publicly derived type to a pointer or reference to the base type. Because we used public in the derivation list, the interface to Bulk_quote implicitly contains the isbn function, and we may use a Bulk_quote object where a pointer or reference to Quote is expected.

Most classes inherit directly from only one base class. This form of inheritance, known as “single inheritance,” forms the topic of this chapter. §18.3 (p. 802) will cover classes that have derivation lists with more than one base class.

Virtual Functions in the Derived Class

Derived classes frequently, but not always, override the virtual functions that they inherit. If a derived class does not override a virtual from its base, then, like any other member, the derived class inherits the version defined in its base class.


A derived class may include the virtual keyword on the functions it overrides, but it is not required to do so. For reasons we’ll explain in §15.3 (p. 606), the new standard lets a derived class explicitly note that it intends a member function to override a virtual that it inherits. It does so by specifying override after the parameter list, or after the const or reference qualifier(s) if the member is a const7.1.2, p. 258) or reference (§13.6.3, p. 546) function.

Derived-Class Objects and the Derived-to-Base Conversion

A derived object contains multiple parts: a subobject containing the (nonstatic) members defined in the derived class itself, plus subobjects corresponding to each base class from which the derived class inherits. Thus, a Bulk_quote object will contain four data elements: the bookNo and price data members that it inherits from Quote, and the min_qty and discount members, which are defined by Bulk_quote.

Although the standard does not specify how derived objects are laid out in memory, we can think of a Bulk_quote object as consisting of two parts as represented in Figure 15.1.


Figure 15.1. Conceptual Structure of a Bulk_quote Object

The base and derived parts of an object are not guaranteed to be stored contiguously. Figure 15.1 is a conceptual, not physical, representation of how classes work.

Because a derived object contains subparts corresponding to its base class(es), we can use an object of a derived type as if it were an object of its base type(s). In particular, we can bind a base-class reference or pointer to the base-class part of a derived object.

Quote item;        //  object of base type
Bulk_quote bulk;   //  object of derived type
Quote *p = &item;  //  p points to a Quote object
p = &bulk;         //  p points to the Quote part of bulk
Quote &r = bulk;   //  r bound to the Quote part of bulk

This conversion is often referred to as the derived-to-base conversion. As with any other conversion, the compiler will apply the derived-to-base conversion implicitly (§4.11, p. 159).

The fact that the derived-to-base conversion is implicit means that we can use an object of derived type or a reference to a derived type when a reference to the base type is required. Similarly, we can use a pointer to a derived type where a pointer to the base type is required.

Image Note

The fact that a derived object contains subobjects for its base classes is key to how inheritance works.

Derived-Class Constructors

Although a derived object contains members that it inherits from its base, it cannot directly initialize those members. Like any other code that creates an object of the base-class type, a derived class must use a base-class constructor to initialize its base-class part.

Image Note

Each class controls how its members are initialized.

The base-class part of an object is initialized, along with the data members of the derived class, during the initialization phase of the constructor (§7.5.1, p. 288). Analogously to how we initialize a member, a derived-class constructor uses its constructor initializer list to pass arguments to a base-class constructor. For example, the Bulk_quote constructor with four parameters:

Bulk_quote(const std::string& book, double p,
           std::size_t qty, double disc) :
           Quote(book, p), min_qty(qty), discount(disc) { }
    // as before

passes its first two parameters (representing the ISBN and price) to the Quote constructor. That Quote constructor initializes the Bulk_quote’s base-class part (i.e., the bookNo and price members). When the (empty) Quote constructor body completes, the base-class part of the object being constructed will have been initialized. Next the direct members, min_qty and discount, are initialized. Finally, the (empty) function body of the Bulk_quote constructor is run.

As with a data member, unless we say otherwise, the base part of a derived object is default initialized. To use a different base-class constructor, we provide a constructor initializer using the name of the base class, followed (as usual) by a parenthesized list of arguments. Those arguments are used to select which base-class constructor to use to initialize the base-class part of the derived object.

Image Note

The base class is initialized first, and then the members of the derived class are initialized in the order in which they are declared in the class.

Using Members of the Base Class from the Derived Class

A derived class may access the public and protected members of its base class:

// if the specified number of items are purchased, use the discounted price
double Bulk_quote::net_price(size_t cnt) const
    if (cnt >= min_qty)
        return cnt * (1 - discount) * price;
        return cnt * price;

This function generates a discounted price: If the given quantity is more than min_qty, we apply the discount (which was stored as a fraction) to the price.

We’ll have more to say about scope in §15.6 (p. 617), but for now it’s worth knowing that the scope of a derived class is nested inside the scope of its base class. As a result, there is no distinction between how a member of the derived class uses members defined in its own class (e.g., min_qty and discount) and how it uses members defined in its base (e.g., price).

Inheritance and static Members

If a base class defines a static member (§7.6, p. 300), there is only one such member defined for the entire hierarchy. Regardless of the number of classes derived from a base class, there exists a single instance of each static member.

class Base {
    static void statmem();
class Derived : public Base {
    void f(const Derived&);

static members obey normal access control. If the member is private in the base class, then derived classes have no access to it. Assuming the member is accessible, we can use a static member through either the base or derived:

void Derived::f(const Derived &derived_obj)
    Base::statmem();    // ok: Base defines statmem
    Derived::statmem(); // ok: Derived inherits statmem
    // ok: derived objects can be used to access static from base
    derived_obj.statmem(); // accessed through a Derived object
    statmem();             // accessed through this object

Declarations of Derived Classes

A derived class is declared like any other class (§7.3.3, p. 278). The declaration contains the class name but does not include its derivation list:

class Bulk_quote : public Quote; // error: derivation list can't appear here
class Bulk_quote;                // ok: right way to declare a derived class

The purpose of a declaration is to make known that a name exists and what kind of entity it denotes, for example, a class, function, or variable. The derivation list, and all other details of the definition, must appear together in the class body.

Classes Used as a Base Class

A class must be defined, not just declared, before we can use it as a base class:

class Quote;   // declared but not defined
// error: Quote must be defined
class Bulk_quote : public Quote { ... };

The reason for this restriction should be easy to see: Each derived class contains, and may use, the members it inherits from its base class. To use those members, the derived class must know what they are. One implication of this rule is that it is impossible to derive a class from itself.

A base class can itself be a derived class:

class Base { /* ... */ } ;
class D1: public Base { /* ... */ };
class D2: public D1 { /* ... */ };

In this hierarchy, Base is a direct base to D1 and an indirect base to D2. A direct base class is named in the derivation list. An indirect base is one that a derived class inherits through its direct base class.

Each class inherits all the members of its direct base class. The most derived class inherits the members of its direct base. The members in the direct base include those it inherits from its base class, and so on up the inheritance chain. Effectively, the most derived object contains a subobject for its direct base and for each of its indirect bases.

Preventing Inheritance

Sometimes we define a class that we don’t want others to inherit from. Or we might define a class for which we don’t want to think about whether it is appropriate as a base class. Under the new standard, we can prevent a class from being used as a base by following the class name with final:

class NoDerived final { /*  */ }; // NoDerived can't be a base class
class Base { /*  */ };
// Last is final; we cannot inherit from Last
class Last final : Base { /*  */ }; // Last can't be a base class
class Bad : NoDerived { /*  */ };   // error: NoDerived is final
class Bad2 : Last { /*  */ };       // error: Last is final

Exercises Section 15.2.2

Exercise 15.4: Which of the following declarations, if any, are incorrect? Explain why.

class Base { ... };

(a) class Derived : public Derived { ... };

(b) class Derived : private Base { ... };

(c) class Derived : public Base;

Exercise 15.5: Define your own version of the Bulk_quote class.

Exercise 15.6: Test your print_total function from the exercises in § 15.2.1 (p. 595) by passing both Quote and Bulk_quote objects o that function.

Exercise 15.7: Define a class that implements a limited discount strategy, which applies a discount to books purchased up to a given limit. If the number of copies exceeds that limit, the normal price applies to those purchased beyond the limit.

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