10.5.3. Algorithm Naming Conventions


Separate from the parameter conventions, the algorithms also conform to a set of naming and overload conventions. These conventions deal with how we supply an operation to use in place of the default < or == operator and with whether the algorithm writes to its input sequence or to a separate destination.

Some Algorithms Use Overloading to Pass a Predicate

Algorithms that take a predicate to use in place of the < or == operator, and that do not take other arguments, typically are overloaded. One version of the function uses the element type’s operator to compare elements; the second takes an extra parameter that is a predicate to use in place of < or ==:

unique(beg, end);       // uses the == operator to compare the elements
unique(beg, end, comp); // uses comp to compare the elements

Both calls reorder the given sequence by removing adjacent duplicated elements. The first uses the element type’s == operator to check for duplicates; the second calls comp to decide whether two elements are equal. Because the two versions of the function differ as to the number of arguments, there is no possible ambiguity (§ 6.4, p. 233) as to which function is being called.

Algorithms with _if Versions

Algorithms that take an element value typically have a second named (not overloaded) version that takes a predicate (§ 10.3.1, p. 386) in place of the value. The algorithms that take a predicate have the suffix _if appended:

find(beg, end, val);     // find the first instance of val in the input range
find_if(beg, end, pred); // find the first instance for which pred is true

These algorithms both find the first instance of a specific element in the input range. The find algorithm looks for a specific value; the find_if algorithm looks for a value for which pred returns a nonzero value.

These algorithms provide a named version rather than an overloaded one because both versions of the algorithm take the same number of arguments. Overloading ambiguities would therefore be possible, albeit rare. To avoid any possible ambiguities, the library provides separate named versions for these algorithms.

Distinguishing Versions That Copy from Those That Do Not

By default, algorithms that rearrange elements write the rearranged elements back into the given input range. These algorithms provide a second version that writes to a specified output destination. As we’ve seen, algorithms that write to a destination append _copy to their names (§ 10.2.2, p. 383):

reverse(beg, end);           // reverse the elements in the input range
reverse_copy(beg, end, dest);// copy elements in reverse order into dest

Some algorithms provide both _copy and _if versions. These versions take a destination iterator and a predicate:

// removes the odd elements from v1
remove_if(v1.begin(), v1.end(),
                    [](int i) { return i % 2; });
// copies only the even elements from v1 into v2; v1 is unchanged
remove_copy_if(v1.begin(), v1.end(), back_inserter(v2),
               [](int i) { return i % 2; });

Both calls use a lambda (§ 10.3.2, p. 388) to determine whether an element is odd. In the first case, we remove the odd elements from the input sequence itself. In the second, we copy the non-odd (aka even) elements from the input range into v2.

Exercises Section 10.5.3

Exercise 10.41: Based only on the algorithm and argument names, describe the operation that the each of the following library algorithms performs:

replace(beg, end, old_val, new_val);
replace_if(beg, end, pred, new_val);
replace_copy(beg, end, dest, old_val, new_val);
replace_copy_if(beg, end, dest, pred, new_val);

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