19.1.2. Placement new Expressions

Although the operator new and operator delete functions are intended to be used by new expressions, they are ordinary functions in the library. As a result, ordinary code can call these functions directly.

In earlier versions of the language—before the allocator12.2.2, p. 481) class was part of the library—applications that wanted to separate allocation from initialization did so by calling operator new and operator delete. These functions behave analogously to the allocate and deallocate members of allocator. Like those members, operator new and operator delete functions allocate and deallocate memory but do not construct or destroy objects.

Differently from an allocator, there is no construct function we can call to construct objects in memory allocated by operator new. Instead, we use the placement new form of new12.1.2, p. 460) to construct an object. As we’ve seen, this form of new provides extra information to the allocation function. We can use placement new to pass an address, in which case the placement new expression has the form

new (place_address) type
new (place_address) type (initializers)
new (place_address) type [size]
new (place_address) type [size] { braced initializer list }

where place_address must be a pointer and the initializers provide (a possibly empty) comma-separated list of initializers to use to construct the newly allocated object.

When called with an address and no other arguments, placement new uses operator new(size_t, void*) to “allocate” its memory. This is the version of operator new that we are not allowed to redefine (§ 19.1.1, p. 822). This function does not allocate any memory; it simply returns its pointer argument. The overall new expression then finishes its work by initializing an object at the given address. In effect, placement new allows us to construct an object at a specific, preallocated memory address.

Image Note

When passed a single argument that is a pointer, a placement new expression constructs an object but does not allocate memory.

Although in many ways using placement new is analogous to the construct member of an allocator, there is one important difference. The pointer that we pass to construct must point to space allocated by the same allocator object. The pointer that we pass to placement new need not point to memory allocated by operator new. Indeed, as we’ll see in § 19.6 (p. 851), the pointer passed to a placement new expression need not even refer to dynamic memory.

Explicit Destructor Invocation

Just as placement new is analogous to using allocate, an explicit call to a destructor is analogous to calling destroy. We call a destructor the same way we call any other member function on an object or through a pointer or reference to an object:

string *sp = new string("a value"); // allocate and initialize a string

Here we invoke a destructor directly. The arrow operator dereferences the pointer sp to obtain the object to which sp points. We then call the destructor, which is the name of the type preceded by a tilde (~).

Like calling destroy, calling a destructor cleans up the given object but does not free the space in which that object resides. We can reuse the space if desired.

Image Note

Calling a destructor destroys an object but does not free the memory.

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