16.2.5. Template Argument Deduction and References


In order to understand type deduction from a call to a function such as

template <typename T> void f(T &p);

in which the function’s parameter p is a reference to a template type parameter T, it is important to keep in mind two points: Normal reference binding rules apply; and consts are low level, not top level.

Type Deduction from Lvalue Reference Function Parameters

When a function parameter is an ordinary (lvalue) reference to a template type parameter (i.e., that has the form T&), the binding rules say that we can pass only an lvalue (e.g., a variable or an expression that returns a reference type). That argument might or might not have a const type. If the argument is const, then T will be deduced as a const type:

template <typename T> void f1(T&);  // argument must be an lvalue
// calls to f1 use the referred-to type of the argument as the template parameter type
f1(i);   //  i is an int; template parameter T is int
f1(ci);  //  ci is a const int; template parameter T is const int
f1(5);   //  error: argument to a & parameter must be an lvalue

If a function parameter has type const T&, normal binding rules say that we can pass any kind of argument—an object (const or otherwise), a temporary, or a literal value. When the function parameter is itself const, the type deduced for T will not be a const type. The const is already part of the function parameter type; therefore, it does not also become part of the template parameter type:

template <typename T> void f2(const T&); // can take an rvalue
// parameter in f2 is const &; const in the argument is irrelevant
// in each of these three calls, f2's function parameter is inferred as const int&
f2(i);  // i is an int; template parameter T is int
f2(ci); // ci is a const int, but template parameter T is int
f2(5);  // a const & parameter can be bound to an rvalue; T is int

Type Deduction from Rvalue Reference Function Parameters

When a function parameter is an rvalue reference (§ 13.6.1, p. 532) (i.e., has the form T&&), normal binding rules say that we can pass an rvalue to this parameter. When we do so, type deduction behaves similarly to deduction for an ordinary lvalue reference function parameter. The deduced type for T is the type of the rvalue:

template <typename T> void f3(T&&);
f3(42); // argument is an rvalue of type int; template parameter T is int

Reference Collapsing and Rvalue Reference Parameters

Assuming i is an int object, we might think that a call such as f3(i) would be illegal. After all, i is an lvalue, and normally we cannot bind an rvalue reference to an lvalue. However, the language defines two exceptions to normal binding rules that allow this kind of usage. These exceptions are the foundation for how library facilities such as move operate.

The first exception affects how type deduction is done for rvalue reference parameters. When we pass an lvalue (e.g., i) to a function parameter that is an rvalue reference to a template type parameter (e.g, T&&), the compiler deduces the template type parameter as the argument’s lvalue reference type. So, when we call f3(i), the compiler deduces the type of T as int&, not int.

Deducing T as int& would seem to mean that f3’s function parameter would be an rvalue reference to the type int&. Ordinarily, we cannot (directly) define a reference to a reference (§ 2.3.1, p. 51). However, it is possible to do so indirectly through a type alias (§ 2.5.1, p. 67) or through a template type parameter.


In such contexts, we see the second exception to the normal binding rules: If we indirectly create a reference to a reference, then those references “collapse.” In all but one case, the references collapse to form an ordinary lvalue reference type. The new standard, expanded the collapsing rules to include rvalue references. References collapse to form an rvalue reference only in the specific case of an rvalue reference to an rvalue reference. That is, for a given type X:

X& &, X& &&, and X&& & all collapse to type X&

• The type X&& && collapses to X&&

Image Note

Reference collapsing applies only when a reference to a reference is created indirectly, such as in a type alias or a template parameter.

The combination of the reference collapsing rule and the special rule for type deduction for rvalue reference parameters means that we can call f3 on an lvalue. When we pass an lvalue to f3’s (rvalue reference) function parameter, the compiler will deduce T as an lvalue reference type:

f3(i);  // argument is an lvalue; template parameter T is int&
f3(ci); // argument is an lvalue; template parameter T is const int&

When a template parameter T is deduced as a reference type, the collapsing rule says that the function parameter T&& collapses to an lvalue reference type. For example, the resulting instantiation for f3(i) would be something like

// invalid code, for illustration purposes only
void f3<int&>(int& &&); // when T is int&, function parameter is int& &&

The function parameter in f3 is T&& and T is int&, so T&& is int& &&, which collapses to int&. Thus, even though the form of the function parameter in f3 is an rvalue reference (i.e., T&&), this call instantiates f3 with an lvalue reference type (i.e., int&):

void f3<int&>(int&); // when T is int&, function parameter collapses to int&

There are two important consequences from these rules:

• A function parameter that is an rvalue reference to a template type parameter (e.g., T&&) can be bound to an lvalue; and

• If the argument is an lvalue, then the deduced template argument type will be an lvalue reference type and the function parameter will be instantiated as an (ordinary) lvalue reference parameter (T&)

It is also worth noting that by implication, we can pass any type of argument to a T&& function parameter. A parameter of such a type can (obviously) be used with rvalues, and as we’ve just seen, can be used by lvalues as well.

Image Note

An argument of any type can be passed to a function parameter that is an rvalue reference to a template parameter type (i.e., T&&). When an lvalue is passed to such a parameter, the function parameter is instantiated as an ordinary, lvalue reference (T&).

Writing Template Functions with Rvalue Reference Parameters

The fact that the template parameter can be deduced to a reference type can have surprising impacts on the code inside the template:

template <typename T> void f3(T&& val)
    T t = val;  // copy or binding a reference?
    t = fcn(t); // does the assignment change only t or val and t?
    if (val == t) { /* ... */ } // always true if T is a reference type

When we call f3 on an rvalue, such as the literal 42, T is int. In this case, the local variable t has type int and is initialized by copying the value of the parameter val. When we assign to t, the parameter val remains unchanged.

On the other hand, when we call f3 on the lvalue i, then T is int&. When we define and initialize the local variable t, that variable has type int&. The initialization of t binds t to val. When we assign to t, we change val at the same time. In this instantiation of f3, the if test will always yield true.

It is surprisingly hard to write code that is correct when the types involved might be plain (nonreference) types or reference types (although the type transformation classes such as remove_reference can help (§ 16.2.3, p. 684)).

In practice, rvalue reference parameters are used in one of two contexts: Either the template is forwarding its arguments, or the template is overloaded. We’ll look at forwarding in § 16.2.7 (p. 692) and at template overloading in § 16.3 (p. 694).

For now, it’s worth noting that function templates that use rvalue references often use overloading in the same way as we saw in § 13.6.3 (p. 544):

template <typename T> void f(T&&);      // binds to nonconst rvalues
template <typename T> void f(const T&); // lvalues and const rvalues

As with nontemplate functions, the first version will bind to modifiable rvalues and the second to lvalues or to const rvalues.

Exercises Section 16.2.5

Exercise 16.42: Determine the type of T and of val in each of the following calls:

template <typename T> void g(T&& val);
int i = 0; const int ci = i;

(a) g(i);

(b) g(ci);

(c) g(i * ci);

Exercise 16.43: Using the function defined in the previous exercise, what would the template parameter of g be if we called g(i = ci)?

Exercise 16.44: Using the same three calls as in the first exercise, determine the types for T if g’s function parameter is declared as T (not T&&). What if g’s function parameter is const T&?

Exercise 16.45: Given the following template, explain what happens if we call g on a literal value such as 42. What if we call g on a variable of type int?

template <typename T> void g(T&& val) { vector<T> v; }

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