absenteeism, lowest, 67

ads, recognition with, 69–70

advice, asking employees for, 174–175

afternoon off with pay, 27

airport coupons, 117

airport parking coupons, 117

anniversary celebrations, 74–75

announcements, using the Wall for, 38


a hearty round of, 84–85

appreciated, employees feel, 12

art, choosing from approved, 134–135

articles as recognition, 17


significant, 163–164

athletic teams, company-sponsored, 46–47

attendance, 116

attention, honoree as the center of, 51

authors, heralded, 28

awards, unique, 116–117


balance, the work-life, 104

balloons, 122–123

banquet, awards, 172–173

bar, coffee, 101

baskets, gift, 162–163

billboard, rent a, 138–139

birthdays, 113

blouses, 56

BMW Z4, 60

bonuses, 169–170

books as rewards, 16

bowling, 46

boxer shorts, 56

breakfast, 40

breaks, snack, 101–102

business cards, 120–121



use of a powerhouse, 60–61

card, gasoline gift, 52


business, 120–121

greeting, 25–26

sending online, 24–25

career counseling,

professional, 118–119

carpooling rewards, 53–54

cars, rental, 117

carwash, free, 39–40, 54

cash gifts, 13, 44, 64, 114

center, day-care, 103

ceremony, award, 42

certificate, 41–42, 124

certificate, gift, 44

Chanukah, 82

chefs, 28

childcare, 103–104

subsidizing, 104

Christmas, 82

clock or watch as award, 144–145

closing early on holidays, 100–101

clothing, logo, 56–57

coaching, 18, 87

community, 56, 107


literature, 80

newsletter, 67–68

picnic, 82–83

publications, 80

company, award, 41

company-specific awards, 116–117

company-sponsored athletic teams, 46–47

competence, building, 13

concierge at the workplace, 104–105

conducting mini-seminars, employees, 30

constraints, budgetary, 62

context, workplace, 12

cook for your employees, 40–41

cookbook, company, 183

cool companies, 142–143

Corvette, 60

cost reduction, reward for, 56


professional career, 118–119


airport parking, 117

discount, 117–118

gasoline, 117

groceries, 117

hotel, 117

movie, 117

rental car, 117

creative teams, 95–96

crisis centers, 107

cruise, weekend, 63–64

culture, workplace, 12


day, an employee’s special, 167–168

day off with pay, 27

day care, 103, 142

development, reward for employee, 56

dinner for two, 40, 45

discount coupons, 117–118

discussion on their expertise, lead a, 123–124

donations, 99


Eco-friendly steps, 23

electronics as awards, 143–144

e-mail messages, 21, 22

employee development, reward for, 56

employee naps, 135–136

Employee of the Month, 61, 124–125, 173

Employee of the Year, 125–126

Employee Suggestion Program, 64–65

energizing and enthusiastic words, list of, 11

entertainment event, special, 28, 55

environmentally friendly programs, 23

ergonomic, making the workplace, 131


special entertainment, 55

expanding jobs vertically and horizontally, 15

expertise, lead a discussion in their, 123–124


featured employees, 80

feedback, 12, 14, 72–73

feeling confident, 15

feng shui, arranging the office according to, 132–133

filmmakers on the Internet, 92

FIT employees, 49, 50

flextime program, 86

flowers, the power of, 98

food, coupons for free, 47

foods, list employees and their favorite, 45

footballs, Nerf, 48

fountains, 156

free carwash, 54

Friends of Information Technology, 50

Frisbees, 48

fruit for employees, 24


gasoline coupons, 117

gift cards, gasoline, 52

Gives Outstanding Leadership and Direction, 116

goal attainment, 67

going green, 24

GOLD Standard, the, 116

golf balls, 48

governmental training programs, 30

grab bags of rewards, 150

graduation ceremony, 32

green, going, 24

greeting and salutations, 57–58

greeting cards, 25–26

groceries coupons, 117

group, internal focus, 115

guru for a day, 123–124

gurus, management, 28


hand, give employees a, 83–84

handwritten notes, 20

harsh or cold environment, 12

headlines, fake, 70–71

health-club memberships, 106–107

health-oriented perks, 24

healthy lifestyle recognition, 34–35

helicopter tours, 179

heroes, military, 28

home building programs, 107

homeless shelters, 107

homework and exams, 32

horizontally expanding jobs, 15

hot-air balloon rides, 179

hotel coupons, 117



employees feel, 12

your team is, 13

improvement, areas for, 14

improvement, proven, 126–127

improving performance, ways to, 11

indifference, 12

individual, employees as valued, 17

industry conventions. 30

Information Technology, Friends of, 50

input, employee, 115

insurance premiums, 106

interest in employee work, level of, 13

interest, showing genuine, 14

interests and hobbies, books related to, 17

internal focus group, 115

involved, get, 76–77


jewelry, 124, 146–147

jewelry box, 146–147

job applicants, screening, 97

jobs and expanding

horizontally, 15

vertically, 15

jobs, acting as manager of

own job, 15

journals, 19, 69


kites, 48

Koosh balls, 48

Kwanza, 82


language, upbeat, 21

leadership, excellent, 116

learning, accelerated, 95

LED signs, 166

limousine, 55, 136–137

list employees and favorite foods, 45

lunch, 19, 40, 50, 51, 71–72, 88–89, 147–148, 164–165


magazines, 19

manager of own job, acting as, 15

massages, 128–129, 155

meal for you employees, cook a, 40–41

meditation, 129–130

membership, free club, 112–113, 154–155

memberships, health-club, 106–107

mentoring, 94–95

messages, positive, 22

mouse pad, personalized, 49–50

movie coupons, 117

movie stars, 28



creating an award in his or her, 137–138

including your, 21

naps, employee, 135–136

newsletter, company, 67–68

newspaper, announcements in local, 68

note, personal, 17, 20, 37, 63–64

nutritionists, 151


office as a reward, 133–134


and offline classes, 29–30

cards, sending, 24–25

suggestion system, 64–65

open door policy, 176–177

oportunies to grow, increasing, 15

opportunities, photo, 37

orientation, 178–179

others, significant, 81–82

outings, fun, 160–161



preferred, 124

special, 54

parking space, 36

parks and recreation, 46

peer feedback, 72–73

perks, health-oriented, 24

personal shopping, 105

personality and situation, cards to fit, 26


inscription in books, 16

postage stamps, 58–59

phone directory, local, 40

photos, using the Wall for, 38

physical fitness, 142

picnic, company, 82–83, 152–153

Pilates instructors, 151

pizza, 51

plans, financial, 62

plaques, 41–42

platter, deli, 51

play, tickets to a, 63

point reward system, 33–34

Porsche Boxter, 60

portraits, employee, 156–157

positive words, hearing, 11

posting online photos of super

employees, 36

Post-it messages, 65–66

president, message from the, 59

private training companies, 30

pro, one-on-one with a, 148–149

professional counseling, 118–119


management development, 31–32

scholarship, 102–103


community clean-up, 107

educational, 29–30

home building, 107

youth, 107

promotional sporting goods, 48

promotions and formal

announcements, 37

promotions, 36–37

psychological rewards, 13

psychologically wipe the slate clean, 39


raises as rewards, 36, 62–63

random approach to recognition, 161–162


and credit to employees, 11

form, 127–128

opportunities, 77–78

subscription, 19

recognize, making extra effort to, 20

recycled materials, using, 24

referral rewards, 93–94

rental car coupons, 117

resistance, input leading to less, 115

respected, employees feel, 12

responsibilities and objectives, reviewing, 19

retirement plans, 168

retreats, 153–154

rewards on the spot, 43–44


providing two, 17

psychological, 13

ribbons, 41–42


sabbaticals, 75–76

safety, 116

sandwiches, sub, 51

scarves, 56

scholarship program, 102–103

scoreboard, flashing names on the, 48

screensaver, personalized, 173–174

self-worth, building a sense of, 13

seminars, 29

shopping, personal, 105

significant others, 81–82

signs, 166

snack breaks, 101–102

soccer, 46

softball, 46

solar power, 24

speaker, going off site to hear a, 28

sporting events, ticket to, 47–48

stamps, personalized postage, 58–59, 58

stress, experience less, 53

struggling, employee, 18

subscription recognition, 19

subsidizing childcare, 104

Suggestion Program, Employee, 64–65

suggestion system, online, 64–65

suggestions, 116

surveys, 90–91

sweatshirts, 56


talent team, 171–172

task force, 95–96

team, talent, 171–172

teams, creative, 95–96

Technology, Friends of Information, 50

telecommuting, 86

tennis balls, 48

thanks and appreciation to employees, 11

Thanksgiving, 82

360-degree feedback, 181

ties, 56

time off as a surprise, 27

TIP award, 18

TIP-TOP level, 18

title, changing job, 78–79

Totally Improved Performance, 18

toxins, reducing, 24

training, personal, 151–152

transfers, 180–181

transit passes, 159–160

travelers, recognizing, 141–142

tree planted in employee’s name, 158–159

trip, field, 109–110

trip, rewarded with a special, 108

trophies, 41–42

trophy ideas, write down 10, 43

trophy, original, 42–43

tropical fish, 156

T-shirts, 56

tycoons, 28


V.I.P. Award, 127–128

vacation, winning, 108–109

ventilation system, redesigning, 24

vertically expanding jobs, 15

videos, employees featured in, 91–92

visiting, 13

vocabulary, sports, 47

volleyball, 46

voluntarism, 107–108, 116

volunteer work, 67


Wall of Fame, 38, 46, 81, 139

wall, recognition, 37–38

watch or clock as award, 144–145

watches in place of rubber bands, 98

water, bottles of, 89

weekend vacation, 179

welcome-back e-mail, 175–176

wellness program, 34–35

wine, bottles of, 89

work hours, flexibility in their, 85–86

work, appreciating, 113

work, handling strain of, 130

workplace context and culture, 12

work-related articles, 17

workstation with promotions, better, 36


yearbook, company, 140–141

yoga, 155

yoga instructors, 151

youth programs, 107

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