The Value of Video

A growing number of companies are making short videos that feature their employees, and one of the clearest outcomes is that employees literally view them as a source of recognition.

The video itself can be a professional production or it can be handled internally. While the professionals can do a professional job, many companies today have would-be filmmakers who can use today’s affordable cameras and technology to make a great video. And if the video is made by members of your team, they are in line for even more recognition.

The idea of the video is for the filmmakers to wander around the company, camera in hand, and shoot unscripted footage of employees at work or at watercoolers, and catch a few of them for spontaneous comments. This video can be used for conferences, orientation programs, board meetings, or other events that draw customers, vendors, family, or guests into your offices. However, the first screening should be for all of your employees.

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