Primo Parking

For employees who drive or carpool to work, the reward of a great parking space literally and figuratively has its place in an overall recognition program. A spot that is near the entrance is always appreciated, especially in outdoor lots during the hot, humid, or hazy months of the summer and the cold and icy months of winter.

There are some additional steps that can make this reward particularly appealing, such as giving the parking space a special designation. This can include a sign that prominently announces that it is reserved for company superstars, or special colored lines that distinguish this space from all others.

You can tack another reward onto this by posting online photos of the super employees as they proudly stand by their cars in this super space. For an even longer-term impact, you can add the names of these winning employees onto the sign that denotes this spot. By doing so, you have actually turned this sign into a trophy.

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