Office 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts

You can quickly perform tasks by using keyboard shortcuts—one or more keys that you press on the keyboard to complete a task. For example, pressing Command+P opens the Print dialog box.


Keyboard shortcut descriptions refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other keyboard layouts might not correspond to the keys on a U.S. keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts for laptop computers might also differ.

Working with files, programs, and tools



Create a new file or item






Open a file


Close a file


Quit the current program


Hide the current program


Switch to the next program


Switch to the previous program


Hide other programs


Minimize the window


View Reference Tools (Entourage)


View Reference Tools (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)


Open the Project Gallery


Open the Preferences dialog box


Dialog boxes



Move to the next box, option, control, or command


Move to the previous box, option, control, or command


Exit a dialog box or cancel an action


Perform the action assigned to a default button





Undo the last change


Redo or repeat the last action


Cut the selection to the Clipboard


Copy the selection to the Clipboard


Copy the selection to the Scrapbook


Paste from the Clipboard


Paste from the Scrapbook


Select All


Display the Find dialog box


Delete one character to the left


Delete one character to the right

Del or Clear




Apply or remove bold formatting


Apply or remove an underline


Apply or remove italic formatting


Insert hyperlink


Moving around in text



One character to the left

Left Arrow

One character to the right

Right Arrow

One line up

Up Arrow

One line down

Down Arrow

To the beginning of a word or one word to the left

Option+Left Arrow

One word to the right

Option+Right Arrow

To the end of a line

Command+Right Arrow or End

To the beginning of a line

Command+Left Arrow or Home

To the beginning of a paragraph or up one paragraph

Option+Up Arrow

Down one paragraph

Option+Down Arrow

Display the Find dialog box


Basic Office 2008 Skills

These basic skills are either unrelated to a specific program feature, or necessary to know in order to complete other sets of instructions.

Closing files and programs

To close an Office file

  1. Click Close on the File menu.

  2. Click the Close button in the upper-left corner of the window.

To close an Office file and quit the program

  • Click Quit on the File menu.

To quit a program

  • Click Quit <Program> on the <Program> menu.

To force an unresponsive program to quit

  1. Click Force Quit on the Apple menu.

  2. In the Force Quit Applications dialog box, click the program, and click Force Quit.

  3. In the confirmation message box, click Force Quit again.

Dialog boxes

To move a dialog box

  • Drag its title bar.

Document windows

See Also

"Viewing files" later in this Quick Reference section

To close a document window

  • Click the red Close button at the left end of the window’s title bar.

To temporarily hide a document window

  • Click the yellow Minimize button at the left end of the title bar.

To change the size of the document window

  • Drag the resize handle.

To restore the default document window size

  • Click the green Restore button at the left end of the title bar.

Elements Gallery

To display or hide a gallery

  1. Click the tab of the gallery you want to display.

  2. Click the active tab to hide a gallery.

  3. Double-click any inactive tab to hide a gallery.

To open or close the Elements Gallery

  1. Click the Gallery button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Click Elements Gallery on the View menu.

  3. Click the active Elements Gallery tab.

  4. Double-click an inactive Elements Gallery tab,.

To manage the behavior and appearance of the Elements Gallery

  • On the Gallery page of the Preferences dialog box, select the General and Appearance options you want.

Opening files

To start an Office 2008 program and open a document

  1. Double-click the Office file in the Finder.

  2. Right-click the document and click Open.

To open an existing Office file

  • Open a document you have worked with recently by pointing to Open Recent on the File menu and then clicking the file you want.


  1. Click Open on the File menu, or click the Open button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the file you want to open, and then do one of the following:

    1. Open the original file for editing by double-clicking the file.

    2. Open the file for viewing only by clicking Read-Only in the Open list and then clicking Open.

    3. Open a copy of the file by clicking Copy in the Open list and then clicking Open.

Preferences dialog box

To display the Preferences dialog box for the active program

  • Click Preferences on the <Program> menu.

To display a specific page of preferences

  1. In the Preferences dialog box, click the icon for that page.

  2. In the Search box in the upper-right corner of the Preferences dialog box, enter a search term related to the desired setting to spotlight the appropriate page.

To return to the list of preferences

  • At the top of the active page, click the Show All button.

Saving files

To save a file for the first time

  1. Click Save on the File menu, or click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. In the Save As pane, navigate to the folder where you want to save the file, assign a name to the file, and then click Save.

To save changes to an existing file

  • Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

To save a copy with a different name or in a different location

  1. Click Save As on the File menu.

  2. In the Save As pane, navigate to the folder where you want to save the copy of the file, or assign a different name to the file, and then click Save.

To create a new folder while saving a file

  1. Display the navigation area of the Save As pane, and click New Folder.

  2. In the New Folder dialog box, replace untitled folder with the name you want, and click Create.

Selecting text

See Also

"Office 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts" earlier in this Quick Reference section

To select text

  1. Select an individual word by double-clicking it.

  2. Select adjacent words, lines, or paragraphs by dragging through them.

  3. Select adjacent words, lines, or paragraphs by positioning the insertion point at the beginning of the text, holding down the Shift key, and either pressing an arrow key or clicking at the end of the text you want to select.

  4. Select a sentence by clicking anywhere in the sentence while holding down the Command key.

  5. Select a line by clicking the selection area to the left of the line.

  6. Select a paragraph by triple-clicking it, or by double-clicking the selection area to the left of the paragraph.

  7. Select an entire document by triple-clicking anywhere in the selection area.

To select noncontiguous blocks of text

  • Select the first block of text, and then hold down the Command key while selecting additional blocks.

To release selected text

  • Click in the document window anywhere other than in the selected text or selection area.

Starting and activating programs

To start or switch to an Office 2008 program

  • Click the program icon in the Dock.

To start an Office 2008 program and open a document

  1. Double-click an Office file in the Finder.

  2. Right-click the document in the Finder and click Open.

To start an Office 2008 program from the Finder

  • In the Finder, open the Applications folder and then the Microsoft Office 2008 folder. Then do one of the following:

    1. Double-click the program you want to run.

    2. Right-click the program and click Open.

To open the Project Gallery

  1. Click the Project Gallery icon in the Dock.

  2. Click Project Gallery on the File menu.

Toolbars and the toolbar area

To display or hide a toolbar

  1. Point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click the name of the toolbar you want to display or hide.

  2. Right-click anywhere in the toolbar area (not on the title bar), point to Toolbars on the shortcut menu that appears, and then click the name of the toolbar you want to display or hide.

To move a floating toolbar

  • Drag its title bar.

To manage the appearance and content of the toolbar area

  1. Display or hide the toolbar area by clicking the Hide Toolbars button in the upper-right corner of the document window.

  2. Display or hide icon labels in the toolbar area by right-clicking in the toolbar area and then clicking Icon Only.


To manage the appearance and content of the Toolbox

  1. Display or hide the Toolbox by clicking the Toolbox button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Switch palettes by clicking the palette buttons at the top of the Toolbox, or by choosing the palette you want from the View menu.

  3. Minimize the Toolbox by double-clicking its title bar. Double-click again to restore the Toolbox.

  4. When the Toolbox is minimized, display a palette by clicking its button.

  5. Move the Toolbox on the screen by dragging it by its title bar.

  6. Dock the Toolbox by dragging it close to the left or right edge of the screen.

  7. Swivel the Toolbox to display the Toolbox Settings pane by clicking the Settings button.

  8. Control how and when the Toolbox closes by using the commands at the top of the Toolbox Settings pane.

  9. Control what appears on each Toolbox palette by using the commands at the bottom of the Toolbox Settings pane.

  10. Change the color scheme of the Toolbox from the Gallery page of the Preferences dialog box.

Simple Instructions for Doing Things in Office 2008

The generic instructions in this topic apply to the core Office 2008 programs: Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac, Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 for Mac.


To add a misspelled word to the AutoCorrect list

  • On the AutoCorrect page of the Preferences dialog box, enter the misspelled word in the Replace box and the correct spelling in the With box.

To cancel an AutoCorrect replacement

  1. Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar before you type anything else.

  2. Click the AutoCorrect Options button, and then click Undo, Change back to, or Stop Automatically Correcting.

To manage AutoCorrect

  • On the AutoCorrect page of the Preferences dialog box, select or configure options for automatically correcting text and formatting as you type.

Clip art

To view the available clip art

  1. Display the Clip Art page of the Object Palette.

  2. Change the size of the images in the preview window by moving the slider at the bottom of the palette.

To insert a clip

  • On the Clip Art page of the Object Palette, click Clip Art in the category list, click the clip you want, and then drag it to the document, worksheet, or slide.

To add an image to the Clip Gallery

  1. Open the Clip Gallery by clicking Clip Art on the Insert menu.

  2. Click Online to display the Microsoft Office Online Web site, and search for the image you want.

  3. Select the Add to selection basket check box adjacent to the image.

  4. Use the links in the Selection Basket pane on the left side of the screen to preview the selected clip and download it.

  5. After the clip is downloaded, navigate to the Downloads window or to the Downloads folder in your user profile, right-click the file, and click Open.

Compatibility reports

To check the compatibility of a document with other versions

  1. In the Toolbox, click the Compatibility Report button.

  2. On the View menu, under Toolbox, click Compatibility Report.

To identify the cause of a compatibility issue

  • In the Compatibility Report palette, click an item in the Results list to activate the specific document element that generated the warning.

To remove a warning from the Results list

  • Click the warning and then, in the Ignore list, click Ignore Once to remove the currently selected warning, Ignore All to remove all current instances of the warning, or Don’t Show Again to stop generating the warning.

To manage the Compatibility Report feature

  • On the Compatibility page of the Preferences dialog box, select or configure options that control the behavior of the Compatibility Report palette and file settings that affect compatibility with previous program versions.



"SmartArt diagrams" later in this Quick Reference section

Editing content

See Also

"Office 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts" earlier in this Quick Reference section

To start a new paragraph or a new line at the insertion point

  1. Start a new paragraph by pressing Return.

  2. Start a new line within the same paragraph by pressing Shift+Return.

To insert text

  • Click to position the insertion point, and begin typing.

To delete content

  • Click to position the insertion point, and then press the Delete key to delete the character to the left or press the Del key to delete the character to the right.

To copy selected content to the Clipboard

  • Click Copy on the Edit menu.

To paste content from the Clipboard

  • Position the insertion point where you want to insert the clipping, and then click Paste on the Edit menu.

To change the default pasting operation

  • After pasting, click the Paste Options button and click the option you want.

To combine two paragraphs

  • Delete the paragraph mark at the end of the first paragraph.

To move selected content by dragging

  • Point to the selection, press and hold the mouse button, drag the selection to its new location, and release the mouse button.

To move selected text via the Clipboard

  1. Click Cut on the Edit menu.

  2. Position the insertion point in the location in which you want to insert the clipping, and then click Paste on the Edit menu.

To undo or redo a change

  1. Undo the last action by clicking the Undo button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Undo multiple actions by clicking the earliest action you want to undo in the Undo list.

  3. Redo the last action by clicking the Redo button on the Standard toolbar.

  4. Redo multiple actions by clicking the earliest action you want to redo in the Redo list.

To control how the program behaves when you are editing an Office file

  • On the Edit page of the Preferences dialog box, select or configure options that control how the program behaves while you are editing a document.

Finding and replacing text and formatting

To find a search term

  1. Click Find on the Edit menu.

  2. On the Find page of the Find and Replace dialog box, type the term you want to locate in the Find what box, and then click Find Next.

To refine a search

  1. Display the Find page of the Find and Replace dialog box, and enter the search term.

  2. If necessary, click the Expand button. On the expanded Find page, select options to more specifically define the search.

To find a special character

  1. Display the expanded Find page of the Find and Replace dialog box.

  2. In the Special list, click the character you want to search for, and then either click Find Next or select the Highlight all items found in check box and click Find All.

  3. Click Close.

To replace a search term

  1. Click Replace on the Edit menu, or if the Find page of the Find and Replace dialog box is already displayed, click the Replace button.

  2. On the Replace page, type the term you want to locate in the Find what box and the replacement term in the Replace with box, and then do one of the following:

    1. Locate and select the next occurrence of the search term by clicking Find Next. When you find an occurrence you want to replace, click Replace.

    2. Replace all occurrences in the document by clicking Replace All.

  3. Click Close.

To replace formatting (Word and Excel)

See Also

"To replace a font throughout a presentation" in the "Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 for Mac" Quick Reference section

  1. Display the expanded Replace page of the Find and Replace dialog box, and enter the Find what and Replace with terms, if any.

  2. Select the type of formatting you want to search for in the Format list, and the type you want to replace it with.

  3. Either click Find Next and Replace, or click Replace All.

  4. Click Close.

Font Book

To open the Font Book

  • Click Font Book in the /Applications/ folder.

Format Painter

To copy formatting from a selection and apply it to only one other location

  • Click the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar, and then either click a single content item or drag across multiple contiguous items to apply the formatting.

To copy formatting from a selection and apply it to multiple locations

  1. On the Standard toolbar, double-click the Format Painter button.

  2. Click or drag across each item you want to apply formatting to.

  3. Press the Escape key to release the Format Painter.

Formatting graphics

To change the size of a graphic

  1. Drag a corner handle to resize a shape while maintaining its aspect ratio.

  2. Drag the top or bottom handle to change the height of the shape.

  3. Drag a side handle to change the width of the shape.

  4. Precisely resize the graphic by right-clicking it, clicking Format Shape, and then setting the height, width, or scale on the Size page of the Format Object dialog box.

To rotate a graphic

  1. Drag a green rotation handle to rotate the shape in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

  2. If necessary, display a green rotation handle by opening the Size, Rotation, and Ordering panel of the Formatting Palette, clicking the Rotate button, and then clicking Free Rotate.

  3. Rotate precisely by right-clicking the shape, clicking Format Shape, and then on the Size page of the Format Shape dialog box, setting an exact degree of rotation.

To change the stacking order, distribution, or alignment

  • Right-click the shape whose stacking order you want to change, point to Arrange, and then click one of the options.

Formatting Palette

To display the Formatting Palette

  1. In the Toolbox, click the Formatting Palette button.

  2. On the View menu, under Toolbox, click Formatting Palette.

Formatting text manually

See Also

"Formatting text manually" in the "Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac" Quick Reference section

To change the font of selected text

  • In the Font panel of the Formatting Palette, in the Font Name list, click the font you want.

To vary the look of text without changing the font

  1. Change the font size by clicking the size you want in the Size list in the Font panel.

  2. Increase or decrease the font size in set increments by sliding the Size control in the Font panel.

  3. Change the font style by clicking a style button on the Formatting toolbar or by clicking the style in the Font panel.

  4. Change the font color to a different theme or standard color by clicking the color you want in the Font Color list in the Font panel.

Page setup

To control the size and orientation of printed files

  1. Set the page size by changing the Paper Size setting in the Page Setup dialog box.

  2. Orient content vertically or horizontally on the page by clicking the corresponding button in the Page Setup panel of the Formatting Palette, or in the Page Setup dialog box.

  3. Define the printable area of the page by setting the left, right, top, and bottom margins in the Document Margins panel of the Formatting Palette.

Photos and pictures

To insert an image from a file

  1. Point to Picture on the Insert menu, and then click From File.

  2. On the Photos page of the Object Palette, double-click the image or drag it to the page.

To add a folder or library to the Photos page

  1. In the category list at the top of the Photos page, click Other Library Or Folder.

  2. In the lower-left corner of the Open Library Or Folder dialog box, click Show iPhoto Libraries or Show Image Folders to indicate the type of folder you want to add.

  3. Select the image folder or iPhoto library you want to add to the Object Palette, and then click Choose.

To format a selected picture

  1. Apply a preset Quick Style, shadow, glow, reflection, or three-dimensional effect from the corresponding tab in the Quick Styles and Effects panel of the Formatting Palette.

  2. Apply a custom shadow effect from the Shadow panel of the Formatting Palette.

  3. Apply a custom reflection effect from the Reflection panel of the Formatting Palette.

  4. Apply a monotone color wash by clicking the Recolor button in the Picture panel of the Formatting Palette and then in the picture, clicking an area of the color you want to set as transparent.

  5. Crop the picture by clicking the Crop button in the Picture panel and then dragging the corner and side handles that appear.

  6. Cut the picture into a shape by clicking the Change Shape button in the Picture panel, pointing to the shape group, and then clicking the shape you want.

  7. Make one color in the picture transparent (so that you can see through the picture to its background) by clicking the Set Transparent Color button in the Picture panel and then, in the picture, clicking the color you want to make transparent.

  8. Apply a specialized image effect (Distortion, Stylize, Color Adjustment, Color Effect, Blur, Sharpen, or Halftone Effect) by clicking Effects in the Picture panel and then, in the Image Effects dialog box, clicking the effect you want and, if necessary, adjusting the default effect settings.

  9. Replace the current picture with another while retaining the shape and effects, by clicking the Replace button in the Picture panel and then, in the Choose a Picture window, double-clicking the replacement picture.

Printing files

To print the contents of a file by using the default settings

  • Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.

To print part of a file or to print by using non-default settings

  • Click Print on the File menu, choose the settings you want in the Print dialog box, and then click Print.

To preview a file before printing

  • In the Print dialog box, select the Show Quick Preview check box and view each page in turn in the Quick Preview pane by clicking the Next and Previous buttons below the pane.

Program preferences

To control basic settings specific to a program

  • On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, select and configure options that control general settings, such as menu, sound, and appearance options.

To control the display of content and program elements (such as scroll bars)

  • On the View page of the Preferences dialog box, select and configure options that control how a program displays a file and which types of objects appear on screen.

To control the information saved with an Office file and the save frequency of AutoRecover versions

  • On the Save page of the Preferences dialog box, select or configure options for how the program saves files.

Project Gallery

To display the Project Gallery

  1. Click Project Gallery on the File menu.

  2. Click the Microsoft Project Gallery icon in the Dock.

  3. Double-click Microsoft Project Gallery in the /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/ folder.

To manage the behavior and appearance of the Project Gallery

  • On the Settings page of the Project Gallery, select the General, Documents and Wizards, and File Locations options you want.

Reference tools

To display reference information for a word or phrase

  • Type the word or phrase in the Search box at the top of the Reference Tools palette and then press Return.

To research alternatives for a word by using the thesaurus

  1. In the Reference Tools palette of the Toolbox, expand the Thesaurus panel.

  2. In the Search box at the top of the palette, enter the word or phrase you want to look up and then press Return.

  3. In the Meanings list, click the meaning that is most representative of the meaning you want to convey.

  4. Research a suggested synonym further by clicking it and then clicking the Look Up button.

  5. Insert a synonym from the list by clicking it and then clicking the Insert button.

To translate a word or phrase into another language

  • Right-click the word, or select and right-click the phrase, and then click Translate.


  1. In the Reference Tools palette of the Toolbox, expand the Translation panel.

  2. In the Translation panel, choose the original language in the From list, and the language you want to translate to in the To list.

  3. Enter the word or phrase you want to translate In the Search box at the top of the palette and then press Return.

Saving files

To set the default locations in which Word looks for and saves files

  • On the File Locations page of the Preferences dialog box, click Documents, Clipart pictures, User templates, Workgroup templates, User options, AutoRecover files, Tools, or Startup, and then click Modify. In the Choose a Folder dialog box, select the folder and then click Choose.


To insert a shape

  1. Insert a shape at its default size by clicking it on the Shapes page of the Office Palette and then clicking the document, worksheet, or slide.

  2. Insert a custom-sized shape by clicking it on the Shapes page and then dragging across the document, worksheet, or slide.

  3. Insert a shape with equal horizontal and vertical dimensions by holding down the Shift key while you drag.

To format a shape

  • Make any of the following modifications from the Formatting Palette (in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), from the Format AutoShape dialog box (in Word), or from the Format Shape dialog box (in PowerPoint):

    1. Change the dimensions and angle of rotation.

    2. Change the fill color and outline color.

    3. Add shadows, glows, reflections, and three-dimensional effects.

To display the Format AutoShape or Format Shape dialog box

  • Right-click the shape and then click Format AutoShape or Format Shape.

To add text to a selected shape

  1. Click in the text area of the shape to activate the insertion point, or right-click the shape and click Add Text. Then type the text that you want the shape to display.

  2. Format the text by right-clicking the shape, clicking Format Text, and then in the Format Text dialog box, choosing the options you want.

SmartArt diagrams

To insert a diagram

  1. Display the SmartArt Graphics tab of the Elements Gallery, click the button for the type of diagram you want, and then click the diagram thumbnail.

  2. In the Text pane, click a placeholder and type the text you want to appear in the corresponding shape.

  3. To promote, demote, add, and remove shapes, click the buttons on the Text Pane window toolbar.

To modify a diagram

  1. Add and remove shapes, and edit the text that appears in the shapes, by making changes in the Text pane.

  2. Move a shape within a diagram by dragging it.

  3. Remove a shape from a diagram by selecting it and then pressing the Del key.

  4. Use the options in the panels of the Formatting Palette of the Toolbox to make changes such as the following:

    1. Switch to a different layout of the same type or of a different type.

    2. Add shading and three-dimensional effects to all the shapes in a diagram.

    3. Change the color scheme.

    4. Change an individual shape—for example, you can change a square into a star to make it stand out.

    5. Apply a built-in shape style.

    6. Change the color, outline, or effect of a shape.

Software Update

To configure the Software Update feature to automatically check for and download updates

  1. In the Dock, click the System Preferences icon.

  2. In the System Preferences window, under System, click Software Update.

  3. In the Software Update window, select the Check for updates check box and the Download important updates automatically check box.

  4. In the Check for updates list, choose the update frequency (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).

To manually check for updates

  • Click the Check Now button on the Software Update page of the System Preferences dialog box.

Status bar

To turn the display of information on the status bar off and on

  • Right-click the status bar and click the item you want to turn on or off.


To insert a symbol

  1. On the Symbol page of the Object Palette, click the category you want in the category list, click the symbol you want, and then drag it to the document, worksheet, or slide.

  2. To insert the symbol as a text character rather than a movable, resizable image, click an insertion point before dragging the symbol.

System control

To access commands for controlling your Mac

  • Click the Apple icon at the left end of any menu bar and then click the command you want.


To apply a different theme

  • Click the thumbnail of the theme you want in the Document Theme gallery of the Formatting Palette.

To change the color scheme

  • In the Document Theme gallery, click the color scheme you want in the Colors list.

To change the font scheme

  • In the Document Theme gallery, click the font scheme you want in the Fonts list.

User information

To edit user information in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

  • On the page of the Preferences dialog box listed for each program, enter the information you want to appear in all programs:

    • Word: The User Information page

    • PowerPoint: The Advanced page

    • Excel: The General page

To edit user information in Entourage

  • In the Address Book, create a contact record containing your information. Then on the Contact menu, click This Contact Is Me.

Viewing files

To change the view

  1. Click commands on the View menu.

  2. Click buttons on the View toolbar in the lower-left corner of the window.

See Also

the additional techniques in the "Viewing" topics in the "Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac," "Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac," and "Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 for Mac" Quick Reference sections

To change the magnification

  1. Choose a specific magnification level or way of fitting the content in the window from the Zoom list on the Standard toolbar

  2. Click Zoom on the View menu, select the magnification you want in the Zoom dialog box, and click OK.

To scroll parts of a file into view

  1. Move up or down by clicking the scroll arrows at either end of the vertical scroll bar. Move left or right by clicking the scroll arrows at either end of the horizontal scroll bar.

  2. Move in bigger increments by clicking the scroll bar on either side of the scroll box.

  3. Drag the scroll box on the scroll bar until the part of the document you want to view is visible.

To open a second window for the same file

  • Click New Window on the Window menu.

To view two or more files of the same type at the same time

  1. In Excel, click Arrange on the Window menu, select the arrangement you want in the Arrange Windows dialog box, and click OK.

  2. In PowerPoint and Word, click Arrange All on the Window menu to automatically arrange the open windows of that program.

To bring all documents from the same program to the front of a stack

  • Click Bring To Front on the Window menu.

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