
Apple Remote Control

An infrared-based transmitter that you can use to control features such as iTunes and DVD Player.


Structural information about data that describes its context and meaning.


A feature that automatically detects and corrects misspelled words, grammatical errors, and incorrect capitalization. You can also add custom AutoCorrect entries.


A storage location for text or graphics you want to use again, such as a standard contract clause or a long distribution list. Each selection of text or graphics is recorded as an AutoText entry and is assigned a unique name.


The screen background image used on a graphical user interface (GUI). Any pattern or picture that can be stored as a bitmap (.bmp) file can be set as a screen background.


A box containing a comment, deletion, or formatting change that appears to the right of a document when Track Changes is turned on.

body text

Text that is not formatted with a built-in heading style (Heading 1 through Heading 9) or an outline-level paragraph format (Level 1 through Level 9). In outline view, Word displays a symbol to the left of body text.


A group to which you can assign Entourage items for the purpose of sorting or filtering related items.


A box formed by the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet or a table, in which you enter information.

character formatting

Formatting you can apply to selected text characters.

character spacing

The distance between characters in a word or line of text. Scaling, spacing, and kerning can be changed to adjust the space between characters.

chart area

The entire area occupied by a chart, including the legend and any titles.

Click and Type

A feature that allows you to double-click a blank area of a document to position the insertion point in that location, with the appropriate paragraph alignment already in place.


A temporary storage area. Information clips (such as text, files, graphics, sound, or video) can be copied to the Clipboard from one program or location and pasted elsewhere. The Clipboard can hold only one piece of information at a time. Each clip cut or copied to the Clipboard replaces the previous clip.

color scheme

A set of balanced colors that you can apply to enhance the appearance of documents, worksheets, presentations, and messages.

column heading

In Excel, the gray box at the top of a sheet column, displaying the column letter. See also row heading.


An instruction that tells a program to perform an action.


A note or annotation that an author or reviewer adds to a document. Word displays the comment in a balloon in the margin of the document or in the Reviewing pane.

contact record

In the Entourage Address Book, a collection of information about a person that might include business and personal contact information and other information you want to store.

contact window

In Entourage, the program window displaying the form in which you enter information about a contact to create a contact record.


An electronic set of information that includes identification and proof of identification, used to gain access to online resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and digital certificates.

cross-reference entry

In an index, an entry that refers readers to a related entry.

data label

A number that appears in a chart next to the bar or marker that it represents.

data point

A point that represents the value of a single item.

data series

Related data points that are plotted in a chart. A chart can plot one or more data series.

desktop alert

A window that appears on screen in response to an event, such as a task due date, an appointment, or an incoming e-mail message.

document template

A predefined set of text, formatting, and graphics, stored in a special type of document that can be used as the basis for other documents. A basic Word 2008 document template has the extension .dotx.

drag-and-drop editing

A way of moving or copying selected text by dragging it with the mouse pointer.


A way of moving objects by pointing to them, holding down the mouse button, moving the mouse pointer to the desired location, and releasing the button.

drop zone

An area of a document or slide designated for the placement of an image or other element.

e-mail signature

A block of text, sometimes accompanied by a graphic, that is appended to the end of a message you send.


A set of codes that instruct a program to automatically insert text, graphics, page numbers, and other information into a document. For example, the DATE field inserts the current date, the TOC field inserts a table of contents, and the INDEX field inserts an index of tagged terms.

field code

A code that controls the display and formatting of the information in a field.


In Excel, the action of copying the contents of one cell into adjacent cells by dragging the originating cell’s fill handle.


On a Mac, the program you use to locate and manage files, disks, network volumes, and other programs.

Folder list

The left pane of the Entourage program window in which groups, folders, and views are listed.


A set of characters of the same typeface (such as Garamond), style (such as italic), and weight (such as bold). A font consists of all the characters available in a particular style and weight for a particular design.

font color

One of a range of colors that can be applied to text.

font effect

An attribute, such as superscript, small capital letters, or shadow, that can be applied to a font.

font scheme

Two font families: one that controls the appearance of headings and another that controls the appearance of other text elements.

font size

The height (in points) of text characters, where one point is equal to approximately 1/72 of an inch.

font style

An attribute that changes the look of text. The most common font styles are regular (or plain), italic, bold, and bold italic.


A set of static text, images, lines, rectangles, borders, background color, and background images that repeats on the bottom of each page of a document, worksheet, or slide.

Format Painter

A tool you can use to transfer the character and paragraph format settings of a selection to another block of text.


A prewritten formula that takes a value or values, performs an operation, and returns a value or values. Use functions to simplify and shorten formulas on a worksheet, especially those that involve lengthy or complex calculations.


A grouping of thumbnails that display options visually.

greeked text

Placeholder text used to hold the position of text that will be inserted by a user.


An organizational element of the tabs of the Elements Gallery. Each group contains thumbnails representing the document element you can insert or apply by clicking the icon.


A set of static text, images, lines, rectangles, borders, background color, and background images that repeats on the top of each page of a document, worksheet, or slide.


Internet Message Access Protocol. A standard mail server for the Internet.


The process of having a program pull information from an existing file into the document, worksheet, or presentation you are working on.

indent marker

A marker on the horizontal ruler that controls the indentation of text from the left or right side of a document.


An alphabetical list of concepts and terms and the page numbers where they are found.

index entry

A field code that marks specific text for inclusion in an index. Index entries are formatted as hidden text.

index entry field

The field that defines an index entry. It includes the XE code and the entry enclosed in braces ( {} ).


The point of communication between two entities—in this case, Office 2008 and the user. The interface consists of all the elements designed to make using the Office programs easy and intuitive.

interface element

Any of the screen elements of Office 2008 that facilitate communication between the Office programs and the user.

key combination

A combination of two or more keys that perform an action when pressed together.


A word or phrase that helps you organize and locate clippings or files such as clip art.

layout placeholder

A text box on a slide with dimensions and formatting that are predefined by the presentation’s slide master. See also placeholder.


A table, usually displayed to the right or at the bottom of a chart, that identifies information in the chart.

local formatting

Formatting applied at the text or paragraph level.


A file in a format that allows it to contain macros—small programs that run from within the file. Only files with extensions ending in m (.docm, .xlsm, and .pptm) are macro-enabled.

manual page break

A page break inserted to force subsequent information to appear on the next page.


The part of a page—top, bottom, and sides—outside the main body of text.

named reference

A cell or group of related cells defined by a name you can use to reference the cell(s) in a formula.

navigation area

The area of a dialog box, such as the Save As or Open dialog box, in which you locate the file you want in a Finder-like structure.

Office file

The term used to refer collectively to Word documents, Excel workbooks, and PowerPoint presentations.

Office Theme template

A template in the Office Themes category of presentations in the Project Gallery. A presentation based on one of these templates has an attractive, professional design template attached.


The first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page.


A set of colors from which you can choose the one you want, or a tool (such as the Formatting Palette, the Object Palette, or the Reference Tools palette) displayed in the Toolbox.


A component of the Toolbox. Each program’s Toolbox includes multiple palettes, and each palette can include multiple panels of commands. You can choose which panels appear on each palette by opening and closing them.


In word processing, a block of text of any length that ends when you press the Return key.

paragraph formatting

Formatting that controls the appearance of a paragraph. Examples include indentation, alignment, line spacing, and pagination.

paragraph selector

In a Word notebook, the round dot that appears in the left margin adjacent to the first line of the current paragraph. You can select a paragraph by clicking its paragraph selector.


Text that you replace with your own information. See also layout placeholder.

plot area

In a 2-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including all data series. In a 3-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including the data series, category names, tick-mark labels, and axis titles.


The unit of measure for expressing the size of characters in a font, where 72 points equals 1 inch.


A maildrop service that allows a client to retrieve mail that the server is holding for it.


The product created in Power Point. Also called a slide show. Presentations consist of a series of slides containing text, graphics, and other content designed to convey information to an audience.

primary mouse button

The mouse button you use for clicking and double-clicking screen elements. The primary mouse button is the left button on most mice and trackball devices, and the lower button on some trackball devices, but you can switch the function of the buttons from within the operating system.

print area

In Excel, an optional definition of specific sheet cells that will display when the sheet is printed. Content outside a defined print area is not printed.

Project Gallery

A program installed with Office 2008 from which you can create files based on simple or professionally designed project templates, and custom templates located in the default User Templates folder. You can also access Office files you’ve recently worked in.

project template

A file that stores text, character and paragraph styles, page formatting, and elements such as graphics for use as a pattern in creating other documents.


A file detail, such as an author name or project code, that helps identify the file.


A setting that allows a file to be read or copied, but not changed or saved. If you make changes to a read-only file, you can save your changes only if you give the document a new name.

row heading

In Excel, the gray box at the left end of a sheet row, displaying the row number. See also column heading.


An on-screen scale marked off in inches or other units of measure and used to show line widths, tab settings, paragraph indents, and so on.

sans serif

A style of typeface with no ornamentation on the upper or lower ends of the characters.


The process of adjusting the way content fits onto a printed page. Scaling content for printing doesn’t affect its size or appearance when you’re viewing it on-screen.


A central storage location for content snippets and files that you want to reuse elsewhere. The Scrapbook is shared by Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, so you can retrieve stored content from a program other than the one you saved it in.

secondary mouse button

The mouse button you use for right-clicking screen elements, primarily to display shortcut menus of commands specific to a selected item. The secondary mouse button is the right button on most mice and trackball devices, and the upper button on other trackball devices, but you can switch the function of the buttons from within the operating system.


A part of a document. You create sections so that you can apply page settings, such as orientation or margins, that are different from those of the rest of the document.

section break

A marker that indicates the beginning or end of a section. A section break stores the section formatting elements, such as the margins, page orientation, headers and footers, and sequence of page numbers.


To highlight an item in preparation for making some change to it.

selection area

An area in a document’s left margin in which you can click and drag to select blocks of text.

slide master

The slide that stores the base content of each slide layout—the default position of layout placeholders, the default fonts and colors of text within text placeholders, and any background graphics that appear on all slides of a certain type.

smart button

A button that is displayed when refining options are available for an action you have just performed. For example, clicking the Auto Fill Options button displays a menu of options tailored specifically for the type of data series you’re filling.

SmartArt diagram

A professional business graphic easily created within a document, worksheet, presentation, or message by using SmartArt technology. Diagrams can depict relationships, hierarchies, processes, and other business functions.


A TCP/IP protocol for sending messages from one computer to another on a network. This protocol is used on the Internet to route e-mail.

soft page break

A page break that Word inserts when text reaches the bottom margin of a page.

spam filter

A utility that identifies junk e-mail messages and blocks attachments that might contain viruses or worms.


In Word, a tool you can use to move a collection of content from multiple locations to another location. You cut each item you want to move to the Spike, position the insertion point, and then paste the content collection from the Spike.

splash screen

A transitional screen image that appears as a program is in the process of launching.


On a Mac, the desktop search engine that quickly locates files, programs, and features by searching a virtual index of all items and files on the system.


An index entry that falls under a more general entry. For example, the index entry planets could have the subentries Mars and Venus.


In a document, a character with which you can specify the amount of space preceding or following a section of text, and its alignment.

tab leader

A repeating character (usually a dot or dash) that separates text before the tab from text or a number after it.


Information presented in a grid that consists of a series of cells laid out in columns and rows.


A file that stores text, character and paragraph styles, page formatting, and elements such as graphics for use as a pattern in creating other documents, worksheets, and presentations.


A miniature version of an image or page that is often used for quickly browsing through multiple images or pages.

tick-mark label

A label on an axis of a chart that identifies the axis value or category.

title bar

The top frame of a program, file, item, dialog box, or other window. You can move a window by dragging the title bar.


A convenient collection of tool palettes specific to each Office 2008 program. The Toolbox displays in its own window that you can position independently of the program window, so the tools you use most often are always available. The Toolbox palettes include Formatting, Object, Scrapbook, Reference Tools, and several others. Commands on a palette are arranged on panels. See also panel.


A picture or phrase that appears behind the text in a document or on a slide.


An Excel file containing one sheet, or a collection of related sheets, that you create for the storage and analysis of data on which you can perform calculations.


The last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top of a page.


An area of the program window in which you perform most tasks with documents, worksheets, and presentations.


The horizontal plane in a chart; also called the category axis.


The vertical plane in a chart; also called the value axis.


The plane that represents depth in a chart; also called the series axis.

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