Getting Help with This Book and Its Companion Content

If your question or issue concerns the content of this book or its companion content, please first consult the Microsoft Press Book and CD Support page, located at:

From this page, you can access information about replacement books and CDs, and locate the errata page, which contains corrections for known content issues. You can also report content issues if you find an error in the book that doesn’t yet appear on the book’s errata page.

To locate the errata page for a specific book, enter the book’s ISBN (located in the white box in the lower-left corner of the back cover), including hyphens, into the search box on the Microsoft Help and Support site, which is located at:

Another place to look for helpful information is on this book’s companion Web site, where we’ll be posting additional articles and exercises that didn’t fit into the printed book, and practice files necessary for the exercises. You can find the companion Web site at:

If you don’t find the help you’re looking for from any of these resources, you can send comments or questions to Microsoft Learning Technical Support at:

Or you can contact me (the author) through my blog, which is located at:

Constructive feedback, error reports, and questions that help to shape future versions of this and other books are always welcome.

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