Practice Responding to Messages

In this exercise, you’ll reply to and forward the message you sent to yourself in the previous exercise.


SET UP In this exercise, you’ll work with the SBS test message you created in the previous exercise. If you didn’t do that exercise, you can work with any message in your Inbox, preferably one with an attachment. Display your Inbox, and we’ll get started!


If you haven’t configured an account that receives mail in the On My Computer group, you can perform this exercise in another account group without a problem. However, in the final exercise in this chapter, "Practice Deleting Messages," the process of setting up a schedule to automatically empty your Deleted Items folder will not work.

  1. In your Inbox, double-click the SBS test message header.

    The message opens in its own window.

  2. If a yellow bar displaying the message "This message has been partially downloaded" appears at the top of the message header, and the text of the file attachment information is gray rather than black, click the Get entire message link. If a yellow bar displaying the message "A copy of this message is on the server" appears at the top of the message header, you can ignore it.

  3. Scroll the message window to the bottom, where you can see the image that you attached to the outgoing message.



    You can collapse the Attachments pane by clicking the downward-pointing triangle to the left of the Attachments label.

  4. On the toolbar, click the Reply button.


    A new message window opens. Your name or e-mail address already appears in the To box. The text of the original message appears in the content pane, preceded by one line of information identifying the date, time, and sender of the original message. Re: appears at the beginning of the Subject line to indicate that this is a reply to an original message. The message has no attached files.

  5. Enter some reply text in the message if you want to, and then click the Send button.


    Entourage sends the message and returns you to the original message window. A message appears at the top of the message header to let you know that you have replied to it.

  6. On the message window toolbar, click the Forward button.


    A new message window opens, with the address area active, and no recipients indicated.

  7. Enter your e-mail address in the To box, and then press Return to close the address box.

    The text of the original message appears in the content pane, preceded by the message header content of the original message. FW: appears at the beginning of the Subject line to indicate that this is a forwarded message. The Smiley and Fairytale files are attached to the message.

  8. Enter text in the message content pane if you want to, and then click the Send button.

    Entourage encodes the attachments, sends the message, and again returns you to the original. The message at the top of the message header is replaced by one indicating that you forwarded the message.

  9. Click the History link at the right end of the yellow bar to display a list of actions you’ve taken with this message.

  10. Close the original message, and return to your Inbox.

    Colored arrows on the message header indicate that you’ve replied to and forwarded the message. (The arrows match those on the Reply and Forward toolbar buttons so that you can discern their meanings.) A paperclip icon on the header of the forwarded message indicates that it has attachments, whereas the lack of that icon on the reply message indicates that it doesn’t.



CLEAN UP Keep the three messages for use in the next exercise.

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