Practice Creating and Sending E-Mail Messages

In this exercise, you’ll compose an e-mail message, attach a file to it, and then send the message.


SET UP Start Entourage and configure your e-mail account. Display the Inbox that appears in the On My Computer group in the Folder list. We’ll use the Fairytale document and the Smiley graphic in this exercise, from the ~/Documents/Microsoft Press/2008OfficeMacSBS/ Communicate/ folder.


If you haven’t configured an account that receives mail in the On My Computer group, you can perform this exercise in another account group without a problem. However, in the final exercise in this chapter, "Practice Deleting Messages," the process of setting up a schedule to automatically empty your Deleted Items folder will not work.

  1. On the toolbar, click the New Mail Message button.


    A new message window opens, with the address box expanded.


    Clicking the New arrow, rather than the button, displays a list of Entourage items. You can create any type of item, including messages, calendar events, tasks, notes, con tact records, and groups, from the New list in any module.

  2. In the To box, type your own e-mail address, and then press the Return key.

    The address box closes and the insertion point moves to the Subject box.

  3. In the Subject box, type SBS test message. Then press Return to move to the content pane.


    The subject of this message begins with SBS so that you can easily differentiate it from other messages in your Inbox and Sent Items folders.

  4. In the content pane, type If I do what I’ve always done, I’ll get what I’ve always got! and press Return twice. Then type the following phrases, pressing Return once after each of the first four phrases (but not the last):

    The thought process of change:

    I wish

    I want

    I can

    I will!

  5. Select the last four phrases (those beginning with the word I). Then, on the toolbar in the message header, click the Bullets button.


    Entourage converts the list of names to a simple bulleted list.

  6. Press Command+A to select all the message content.

  7. On the message header toolbar, click the Font Color arrow (not the button). Then in the Font Color list, click Purple.


    The color of the message text changes.


    Clicking Other at the bottom of the Font Color list displays the Colors dialog box. For information about the individual pages of the Colors dialog box, see "Practice Formatting Characters" in Chapter 11.

  8. Select only the first sentence. On the message header toolbar, in the Font list, click Curlz MT. In the Font Size list, click 18. Then press the Home key to release the selection and display the results of your work.

  9. On the message window toolbar, click the Attach button.


    The Choose Attachment dialog box opens.

  10. Navigate to the ~/Documents/Microsoft Press/2008OfficeMacSBS/Communicate/ folder, click the Smiley image, and then click Open.

    In the message header, the name of the attached file appears to the right of the Attachments label.

  11. Repeat step 10 to insert the Fairytale document. Then click the right-pointing triangle to the left of the Attachments label to expand the section.

    The expanded list displays the file icon, name, and size of each attachment. You can add more attachments by clicking the Add button, or remove an attachment by clicking it and then clicking the Remove button.


    The box below the list displays the current encoding and compression settings for the attachments.

  12. Just below the Attachments list, click the box to display the attachment options.

  13. Review the Encode for, Compression, and Compatibility & Efficiency options you can set, and then close the box.

  14. On the message toolbar, click the Send button.


    Entourage closes the message window, encodes the attachments according to the specified settings, and moves the message to your Outbox. The next time Entourage sends and receives messages, this message appears in your Inbox.

    See Also

    For information about the Entourage send/receive schedule, see the sidebar "Schedule Actions to Occur Automatically" later in this chapter.

    When the message arrives in your Inbox, the icons in the message header give you information about the message and its contents, including the sender’s name, the message subject, and the time you received the message. The paperclip indicates that the message has one or more attachments. The flag button at the right end of the message header is currently inactive (indicated by its gray color).

    See Also

    See Also

    For information about message flags, see "Flag Items for Follow Up" in Chapter 16.

    The message contents are shown in the Preview pane. You can read the message and manage the attachments directly from the Preview pane, or you can double-click the message header to open the message in its own window.


    If the Preview pane is not open, point to Preview Pane on the View menu, and then click On Right.


CLEAN UP Keep the test message for use in the next exercise.

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