Chapter 9: Basic Corridors

Build a single-baseline corridor from an alignment, profile, and assembly. Corridors are created from the combination of alignments, profiles, and assemblies. Although corridors can be used to model many things, most corridors are used for road design.

Master It Open the Mastering Corridors.dwg file. Build a corridor on the basis of the Project Road alignment, the Project Road Finished Ground profile, and the Project Typical Road Assembly.


1. From the Home tab’s Create Design panel, select Corridors Create Simple Corridor.

2. Pick the Project Road alignment, the Project Road Finished Ground profile, and the Project Typical Road Assembly. Target the Existing Ground surface.

Use targets to add lane widening. Targets are an essential design tool used to manipulate the geometry of the road.

Master It Open Mastering Corridor Widening. Set the Lane - L to target the USH 10 Left 16 alignment and set Lane - R to target the USH 10 Right alignment.


1. Open the Corridor Properties dialog and switch to the Parameters tab.

2. At the regions level, scroll over and click the targets ellipsis.

3. In the Target Mapping dialog, click the width alignment for Lane - R. Select USH 10 Right 16.000 and click Add. Click OK.

4. Click the width alignment for Lane - L. Select USH 10 Left 16.000 and click Add. Click OK.

5. Click OK to dismiss the Target Mapping dialog box. Click OK to dismiss the Corridor properties and allow the corridor to build.

Create a corridor surface. The corridor model can be used to build a surface. This corridor surface can then be analyzed and annotated to produce finished road plans.

Master It Continue working in the Mastering Corridors.dwg file or open Mastering Corridors - Step 1 Complete. Create a corridor surface from Top links.


1. Open the Corridor Properties dialog and switch to the Surfaces tab.

2. Click Create Surface and then the plus (+) sign to add Top links.

3. Click OK to dismiss the dialog. The corridor and surface will build.

Add an automatic boundary to a corridor surface. Surfaces can be improved with the addition of a boundary. Single-baseline corridors can take advantage of automatic boundary creation.

Master It Continue working in the Mastering Corridors.dwg file or open Mastering Corridors - Step 2 Complete. Use the Automatic Boundary Creation tool to add a boundary using the Daylight code.


1. Open the Corridor Properties dialog and switch to the Boundaries tab.

2. Right-click on the surface entry and click Add Automatically Daylight.

3. Click OK to dismiss the dialog. The corridor and surface will build.

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