Chapter 5: Parcels

Create a boundary parcel from objects. The first step to any parceling project is to create an outer boundary for the site.

Master It Open the MasteringParcels.dwg file, which you can download from Convert the polyline in the drawing to a parcel.


1. From the Home tab’s Create Design panel, select Parcel Create Parcel From Objects.

2. At the Select lines, arcs, or polylines to convert into parcels or [Xref]: prompt, pick the polyline that represents the site boundary. Press ↵.

3. The Create Parcels – From Objects dialog appears. Select Subdivision Lots; Property; and Name, Square Foot and Acres from the drop-down menus in the Site, Parcel Style, and Area Label Style selection boxes, respectively. Keep the default values for the remaining options. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.

4. The boundary polyline forms parcel segments that react with the alignment. Area labels are placed at the newly created parcel centroids.

Create a right-of-way parcel using the right-of-way tool. For many projects, the ROW parcel serves as frontage for subdivision parcels. For straightforward sites, the automatic Create ROW tool provides a quick way to create this parcel. Cul-de-sacs serve as a terminal point for a cluster of parcels.

Master It Continue working in the Mastering Parcels.dwg file. Create a ROW parcel that is offset by 25′ on either side of the road centerline with 25′ fillets at the parcel boundary. Then add the circles representing the cul-de-sac as a parcel.


1. From the Home tab’s Create Design panel, select Parcel Create Right Of Way.

2. At the Select parcels: prompt, pick your newly created parcels on screen. Press ↵ to stop picking parcels. The Create Right Of Way dialog appears.

3. Expand the Create Parcel Right Of Way parameter, and enter 25 in the Offset From Alignment text box.

4. Expand the Cleanup At Parcel Boundaries parameter. Enter 25 in the Fillet Radius At Parcel Boundary Intersections text box. Select Fillet from the drop-down menu in the Cleanup Method selection box.

5. Click OK to dismiss the dialog and create the ROW parcels.

6. Trim the two circles at the ROW line to create arcs.

7. From the Home tab’s Create Design panel, select Parcel Create Parcel From Objects.

8. Pick the two arcs and accept the default settings. Two new parcels are created.

9. Pick a label at one of the newly created parcels, and from the Parcel tab and Modify panel, select Parcel Layout Tools.

10. Select the Delete Sub-Entity tool and pick the two ROW lines and ROW arc, leaving the outer arc alone. The cul-de-sac is created and is part of the ROW parcel.

11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the other cul-de-sac arc.

Create subdivision lots automatically by layout. The biggest challenge when creating a subdivision plan is optimizing the number of lots. The precise sizing parcel tools provide a means to automate this process.

Master It Continue working in the Mastering Parcels.dwg file. Create a series of lots with a minimum of 8,000 square feet and 75′ frontage.


1. From the Home Tab’s Create Design panel, select Parcel Parcel Creation Tools.

2. Expand the Parcel Layout Tools toolbar.

3. Change the value of the following parameters by clicking in the Value column and typing in the new values:

Default Area: 8000 Sq. Ft.

Minimum Frontage: 75

4. Change the following parameters by clicking in the Value column and selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu:

Automatic Mode: On

Remainder Distribution: Redistribute Remainder

5. Click the Slide Line – Create tool. The Create Parcels – Layout dialog appears.

6. Select Subdivision Lots, Single Family, and Name Square Foot & Acres from the drop-down menus in the Site, Parcel Style, and Area Label Style selection boxes, respectively. Keep the default values for the rest of the options. Click OK to dismiss the dialog.

7. At the Select Parcel to be subdivided: prompt, pick the Property: 1 label for your property parcel.

8. At the Select start point on frontage: prompt, use your Endpoint osnap to pick the point of curvature along the ROW parcel segment.

9. The parcel jig appears. Move your cursor slowly along the ROW parcel segment, and notice that the parcel jig follows the segment. At the Select end point on frontage: prompt, use your Endpoint osnap to pick the point of curvature along the ROW parcel segment.

10. At the Specify angle at frontage: prompt, type 90. Press ↵.

11. At the Accept Result: prompt, press ↵ to accept the lot layout.

12. Repeat steps 5 through 11 for the other property parcels, if desired. Note that the parcels are not going to line up properly. For extra credit, fix them to your liking.

Add multiple parcel-segment labels. Every subdivision plat must be appropriately labeled. You can quickly label parcels with their bearings, distances, direction, and more using the segment labeling tools.

Master It Continue working in the MasteringParcels.dwg file. Place Bearing Over Distance labels on every parcel line segment and Delta Over Length And Radius labels on every parcel curve segment using the Multiple Segment Labeling tool.


1. From the Annotate tab, select Add Labels Parcels Add Parcel Labels.

2. In the Add Labels dialog, select Multiple Segment, Bearing Over Distance, and Delta Over Length And Radius from the drop-down menus in the Label Type, Line Label Style, and Curve Label Style selection boxes, respectively.

3. Click Add.

4. At the Select parcel to be labeled by clicking on area label or [CLockwise/COunterclockwise]<CLockwise>: prompt, pick the area label for each of your single-family parcels.

5. Press ↵ to exit the command.

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