Chapter 18: Quantity Takeoff

Open and review a list of pay items along with their categorization. The pay item list is the cornerstone of QTO. You should download and review your pay item list and compare it against the current reviewing agency list regularly to avoid any missed items.

Master It Add the 12-, 18-, and 21-Inch Pipe Culvert pay items to your favorites in the QTO Manager.


1. Open the QTO Manager palette (it does not matter which drawing is open).

2. Enter 12-Inch Pipe in the text box to filter. Turn the categorization option off to more easily see the filter results.

3. Right-click on the 12-INCH PIPE CULVERT line and select Add To Favorites.

4. Repeat for the other sizes.

Assign pay items to AutoCAD objects, pipe networks, and corridors. The majority of the work in preparing QTO is in assigning pay items accurately. By using the linework, blocks, and Civil 3D objects in your drawing as part of the process, you reduce the effort involved with generating accurate quantities.

Master It Open the Mastering QTO.dwg file and assign the CLEARING AND GRUBBING pay item to the project area.


1. Open the QTO Manager palette.

2. Expand the Favorites branch and select the CLEARING AND GRUBBING item.

3. Right-click and select Assign Pay Item To Area.

4. Switch to the Object option by typing O at the command line.

5. Select the polyline representing the limits of disturbance of the site.

Use QTO tools to review what items have been tagged for analysis. By using the built-in highlighting tools to verify pay item assignments, you can avoid costly errors when running your QTO reports.

Master It Verify that the area in the previous exercise has been assigned a pay item.


1. Turn on Highlight Objects With Pay Items in the QTO Manager palette.

2. Pan and review that the polyline in question is highlighted and not shown in black, indicating no pay item assignment.

Generate QTO output to a variety of formats for review or analysis. The Quantity Takeoff reports give you a quick understanding of what items have been tagged in the drawing, and they can generate text in the drawing or external reports for uses in other applications.

Master It Calculate and display the amount of Type C Broken markings in the Mastering Reporting.dwg file.


1. From the Analyze tab’s QTO panel, select the Takeoff Command, and click OK to run the report with default settings.

2. In the lower-left corner of the screen, change the report style to Summary(TXT).xsl.

3. The calculated amount for Type C Broken pavement markings should be 3594.486′.

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