4.11.1. The Arithmetic Conversions


The arithmetic conversions, which we introduced in § 2.1.2 (p. 35), convert one arithmetic type to another. The rules define a hierarchy of type conversions in which operands to an operator are converted to the widest type. For example, if one operand is of type long double, then the other operand is converted to type long double regardless of what the second type is. More generally, in expressions that mix floating-point and integral values, the integral value is converted to an appropriate floating-point type.

Integral Promotions

The integral promotions convert the small integral types to a larger integral type. The types bool, char, signed char, unsigned char, short, and unsigned short are promoted to int if all possible values of that type fit in an int. Otherwise, the value is promoted to unsigned int. As we’ve seen many times, a bool that is false promotes to 0 and true to 1.

The larger char types (wchar_t, char16_t, and char32_t) are promoted to the smallest type of int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, or unsigned long long in which all possible values of that character type fit.

Operands of Unsigned Type

If the operands of an operator have differing types, those operands are ordinarily converted to a common type. If any operand is an unsigned type, the type to which the operands are converted depends on the relative sizes of the integral types on the machine.

As usual, integral promotions happen first. If the resulting type(s) match, no further conversion is needed. If both (possibly promoted) operands have the same signedness, then the operand with the smaller type is converted to the larger type.

When the signedness differs and the type of the unsigned operand is the same as or larger than that of the signed operand, the signed operand is converted to unsigned. For example, given an unsigned int and an int, the int is converted to unsigned int. It is worth noting that if the int has a negative value, the result will be converted as described in § 2.1.2 (p. 35), with the same results.

The remaining case is when the signed operand has a larger type than the unsigned operand. In this case, the result is machine dependent. If all values in the unsigned type fit in the larger type, then the unsigned operand is converted to the signed type. If the values don’t fit, then the signed operand is converted to the unsigned type. For example, if the operands are long and unsigned int, and int and long have the same size, the long will be converted to unsigned int. If the long type has more bits, then the unsigned int will be converted to long.

Understanding the Arithmetic Conversions

One way to understand the arithmetic conversions is to study lots of examples:

bool      flag;         char           cval;
short     sval;         unsigned short usval;
int       ival;         unsigned int   uival;
long      lval;         unsigned long  ulval;
float     fval;         double         dval;
3.14159L + 'a'; //  'a' promoted to int, then that int converted to long double
dval + ival;    //  ival converted to double
dval + fval;    //  fval converted to double
ival = dval;    //  dval converted (by truncation) to int
flag = dval;    //  if dval is 0, then flag is false, otherwise true
cval + fval;    //  cval promoted to int, then that int converted to float
sval + cval;    //  sval and cval promoted to int
cval + lval;    //  cval converted to long
ival + ulval;   //  ival converted to unsigned long
usval + ival;   //  promotion depends on the size of unsigned short and int
uival + lval;   //  conversion depends on the size of unsigned int and long

In the first addition, the character constant lowercase 'a' has type char, which is a numeric value (§ 2.1.1, p. 32). What that value is depends on the machine’s character set. On our machine, 'a' has the numeric value 97. When we add 'a' to a long double, the char value is promoted to int, and then that int value is converted to a long double. The converted value is added to the literal. The other interesting cases are the last two expressions involving unsigned values. The type of the result in these expressions is machine dependent.

Exercises Section 4.11.1

Exercise 4.34: Given the variable definitions in this section, explain what conversions take place in the following expressions:

(a) if (fval)

(b) dval = fval + ival;

(c) dval + ival * cval;

Remember that you may need to consider the associativity of the operators.

Exercise 4.35: Given the following definitions,

char cval;     int ival;    unsigned int ui;
float fval;    double dval;

identify the implicit type conversions, if any, taking place:

(a) cval = 'a' + 3;

(b) fval = ui - ival * 1.0;

(c) dval = ui * fval;

(d) cval = ival + fval + dval;

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