19.8.3. Linkage Directives: extern "C"

C++ programs sometimes need to call functions written in another programming language. Most often, that other language is C. Like any name, the name of a function written in another language must be declared. As with any function, that declaration must specify the return type and parameter list. The compiler checks calls to functions written in another language in the same way that it handles ordinary C++ functions. However, the compiler typically must generate different code to call functions written in other languages. C++ uses linkage directives to indicate the language used for any non-C++ function.

Image Note

Mixing C++ with code written in any other language, including C, requires access to a compiler for that language that is compatible with your C++ compiler.

Declaring a Non-C++ Function

A linkage directive can have one of two forms: single or compound. Linkage directives may not appear inside a class or function definition. The same linkage directive must appear on every declaration of a function.

As an example, the following declarations shows how some of the C functions in the cstring header might be declared:

// illustrative linkage directives that might appear in the C++ header <cstring>
// single-statement linkage directive
extern "C" size_t strlen(const char *);
// compound-statement linkage directive
extern "C" {
    int strcmp(const char*, const char*);
    char *strcat(char*, const char*);

The first form of a linkage directive consists of the extern keyword followed by a string literal, followed by an “ordinary” function declaration.

The string literal indicates the language in which the function is written. A compiler is required to support linkage directives for C. A compiler may provide linkage specifications for other languages, for example, extern "Ada", extern "FORTRAN", and so on.

Linkage Directives and Headers

We can give the same linkage to several functions at once by enclosing their declarations inside curly braces following the linkage directive. These braces serve to group the declarations to which the linkage directive applies. The braces are otherwise ignored, and the names of functions declared within the braces are visible as if the functions were declared outside the braces.

The multiple-declaration form can be applied to an entire header file. For example, the C++ cstring header might look like

// compound-statement linkage directive
extern "C" {
#include <string.h>    // C functions that manipulate C-style strings

When a #include directive is enclosed in the braces of a compound-linkage directive, all ordinary function declarations in the header file are assumed to be functions written in the language of the linkage directive. Linkage directives can be nested, so if a header contains a function with its own linkage directive, the linkage of that function is unaffected.

Image Note

The functions that C++ inherits from the C library are permitted to be defined as C functions but are not required to be C functions—it’s up to each C++ implementation to decide whether to implement the C library functions in C or C++.

Pointers to extern "C" Functions

The language in which a function is written is part of its type. Hence, every declaration of a function defined with a linkage directive must use the same linkage directive. Moreover, pointers to functions written in other languages must be declared with the same linkage directive as the function itself:

// pf points to a C function that returns void and takes an int
extern "C" void (*pf)(int);

When pf is used to call a function, the function call is compiled assuming that the call is to a C function.

A pointer to a C function does not have the same type as a pointer to a C++ function. A pointer to a C function cannot be initialized or be assigned to point to a C++ function (and vice versa). As with any other type mismatch, it is an error to try to assign two pointers with different linkage directives:

void (*pf1)(int);             // points to a C++ function
extern "C" void (*pf2)(int);  // points to a C function
pf1 = pf2; // error: pf1 and pf2 have different types

Image Warning

Some C++ compilers may accept the preceding assignment as a language extension, even though, strictly speaking, it is illegal.

Linkage Directives Apply to the Entire Declaration

When we use a linkage directive, it applies to the function and any function pointers used as the return type or as a parameter type:

// f1 is a C function; its parameter is a pointer to a C function
extern "C" void f1(void(*)(int));

This declaration says that f1 is a C function that doesn’t return a value. It has one parameter, which is a pointer to a function that returns nothing and takes a single int parameter. The linkage directive applies to the function pointer as well as to f1. When we call f1, we must pass it the name of a C function or a pointer to a C function.

Because a linkage directive applies to all the functions in a declaration, we must use a type alias (§ 2.5.1, p. 67) if we wish to pass a pointer to a C function to a C++ function:

// FC is a pointer to a C function
extern "C" typedef void FC(int);
// f2 is a C++ function with a parameter that is a pointer to a C function
void f2(FC *);

Exporting Our C++ Functions to Other Languages

By using the linkage directive on a function definition, we can make a C++ function available to a program written in another language:

// the calc function can be called from C programs
extern "C" double calc(double dparm) { /* ...    */ }

When the compiler generates code for this function, it will generate code appropriate to the indicated language.

It is worth noting that the parameter and return types in functions that are shared across languages are often constrained. For example, we can almost surely not write a function that passes objects of a (nontrivial) C++ class to a C program. The C program won’t know about the constructors, destructors, or other class-specific operations.

Overloaded Functions and Linkage Directives

The interaction between linkage directives and function overloading depends on the target language. If the language supports overloaded functions, then it is likely that a compiler that implements linkage directives for that language would also support overloading of these functions from C++.

The C language does not support function overloading, so it should not be a surprise that a C linkage directive can be specified for only one function in a set of overloaded functions:

// error: two extern "C" functions with the same name
extern "C" void print(const char*);
extern "C" void print(int);

If one function among a set of overloaded functions is a C function, the other functions must all be C++ functions:

class SmallInt { /* . . .   */ };
class BigNum { /* . . .   */ };
// the C function can be called from C and C++ programs
// the C++ functions overload that function and are callable from C++
extern "C" double calc(double);
extern SmallInt calc(const SmallInt&);
extern BigNum calc(const BigNum&);

The C version of calc can be called from C programs and from C++ programs. The additional functions are C++ functions with class parameters that can be called only from C++ programs. The order of the declarations is not significant.

Exercises Section 19.8.3

Exercise 19.26: Explain these declarations and indicate whether they are legal:

extern "C" int compute(int *, int);
extern "C" double compute(double *, double);

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