16.3. Overloading and Templates


Function templates can be overloaded by other templates or by ordinary, nontemplate functions. As usual, functions with the same name must differ either as to the number or the type(s) of their parameters.

Exercises Section 16.2.7

Exercise 16.47: Write your own version of the flip function and test it by calling functions that have lvalue and rvalue reference parameters.

Function matching (§ 6.4, p. 233) is affected by the presence of function templates in the following ways:

• The candidate functions for a call include any function-template instantiation for which template argument deduction (§ 16.2, p. 678) succeeds.

• The candidate function templates are always viable, because template argument deduction will have eliminated any templates that are not viable.

• As usual, the viable functions (template and nontemplate) are ranked by the conversions, if any, needed to make the call. Of course, the conversions used to call a function template are quite limited (§ 16.2.1, p. 679).

• Also as usual, if exactly one function provides a better match than any of the others, that function is selected. However, if there are several functions that provide an equally good match, then:

– If there is only one nontemplate function in the set of equally good matches, the nontemplate function is called.

– If there are no nontemplate functions in the set, but there are multiple function templates, and one of these templates is more specialized than any of the others, the more specialized function template is called.

– Otherwise, the call is ambiguous.

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Correctly defining a set of overloaded function templates requires a good understanding of the relationship among types and of the restricted conversions applied to arguments in template functions.

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