The Bottom Line

Define settings for graphic quality and consistency. The fundamental building blocks for any template are the customized settings to object styles, line styles, fill patterns, materials, and more.

Master It How can a complex custom fill pattern be imported into Revit?

Organize views for maximum efficiency. The project template can be used to capture a framework supporting your visual and organizational standards.

Master It How can you customize the Project Browser to support your business needs?

Create custom annotation families. Developing a graphic style to match your standards will usually require you to edit some annotation families or create them from scratch.

Master It Can a single label display more than one parameter? How are custom view tags loaded into a project?

Start a project with a custom template. Making your custom template available for new projects ensures all future projects will maintain the same level of graphic quality and efficiency you expect.

Master It How do you set your own custom project template to be the default for new projects?

Develop a template management strategy. Organizing your standards, content, and settings while using Revit's tools to transfer content will make your effort more efficient.

Master It How do you insert your standard details from one Revit project to another? How do you transfer settings such as materials?

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