Sample Color Combinations
Type Style Finder
Young Adult Color
As kids grow into young adulthood, their color sense becomes more
complex, but vivid, saturated colors still rule. Hot pink, orange,
yellow, acid green, red, violet, cobalt blue, black, and gray form the
basic palette for young adults. More complex tertiary colors, however,
become part of the scheme: warmer burgundies, olive green, deep
ochre, and grays that are clearly warm or cool—almost showing
color, but not quite. The saturated hues, in combination, allude to
the emotional intensity of adolescence yet are also holdovers from
earlier childhood, still very much a part of the young adult psyche.
Gaming, sports, and popular culture—especially music—make their
influence known through these colors as well. Jarring combinations
of these vibrant hues, and combinations with the more neutral
tones of the palette—for example, orange with olive, intense aqua
with brown—convey the rebelliousness and experimental nature of
young adults. Gender identity becomes especially important for
young adults, and groupings of these colors can be appropriate in
resonating with audiences that are either predominantly male or
predominantly female: orange, red, blue, acid green, and black for
boys; burgundies, violet, colored grays, and olive for girls.
0 C
70 M
100 Y
0 K
31 C
0 M
100 Y
0 K
100 C
68 M
0 Y
0 K
78 C
100 M
0 Y
26 K
30 C
95 M
0 Y
53 K
0 C
0 M
72 Y
60 K
100 C
0 M
33 Y
0 K
12 C
0 M
0 Y
38 K
0 C
45 M
100 Y
34 K
10 C
100 M
0 Y
0 K
(Provision) Type Style Finder
CL905.042 / 4239
8 TSF_AGES 1_224–253.qxd 9/17/05 9:22 AM Page 243
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