Publishing E-Books For Dummies®



About the Author

As well as publishing e-books on behalf of clients, Ali Luke has published much of her own work in digital form — ranging from specialized non-fiction guides to a novel trilogy-in-progress. She has an MA (Cantab) in English Literature from Cambridge University, and an MA in Creative & Life Writing from Goldsmiths College, University of London. Her blog covers writing, blogging, and self-publishing, and she can also be found writing for many large writing- and blogging-related sites. She lives in Oxford in the UK with her wonderfully supportive husband Paul.

Author’s Acknowledgments

My parents, Gill and Geoff Hale, have been a huge support to me throughout my life. My mother fostered my love of writing; my father showed me that you can do what you love and make a living at it — and neither of them have ever suggested that I should stop this writing lark and get a “real” job! I’m incredibly grateful to them.

Paul, my husband, has been eternally patient and understanding of deadlines and writerly mood swings. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without him. His confidence in me helps me rise to new challenges — and he’s always there for me as a very practical support in so many ways (from cooking dinner to organizing my accounts).

Without my wonderful friends in the blogging world, this book wouldn’t have happened. Huge thanks to Rick Calvert, Dave Cynkin, and Deb Ng for accepting my speaking proposal for BlogWorld in November 2011 — and to Nathalie Lussier for invaluable proposal-writing tips. I had no idea that my one-hour session on e-books would lead to Wiley commissioning Publishing E-Books For Dummies . . . but I’m very glad that it did.

Of course, I didn’t simply get to speak at BlogWorld (now New Media Expo) without any prior experience. Four people, in particular, helped me get there: Srinivas Rao and Sid Savara, who founded BlogCast FM and interviewed me several times, and Pace and Kyeli Smith, who had me as a speaker on their online World-Changing Writing Workshop in 2011.

Many people have held a torch to light me on my journey through blogging into e-book-writing: some knowingly, many simply through their own blog posts, e-books, or books. Especially thanks to Rachel Abbott, Brian Clark, Naomi Dunford, David Gaughran, Kelly Kingman, Joe Konrath, Steven Lewis, Holly Lisle, Dave Navarro, Joanna Penn, Darren Rowse, Daniel Scocco, and Sonia Simone.

Through my blog, Aliventures, and my writing teaching site, Writers’ Huddle, I’ve been blessed with a wonderful community of up-and-coming writers. The warmth and support of so many people has encouraged me to write more blog posts, more e-books, and more e-courses. I’m particularly grateful to Bill Polm and Doogie Glassford for their support, both emotional and practical.

Last, but most certainly not least, I want to thank the fantastic people who’ve had a hand in taking this book from initial idea to finished product: Amy Fandrei, Kim Darosett, Becky Whitney, Christopher Speckman, and Sheree Montgomery. I’ve been hugely impressed by your ability to be professional and meticulous whilst also being friendly and fun to work with. Thank you!

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments at . For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions and Editorial

Senior Project Editor: Kim Darosett

Acquisitions Editor: Amy Fandrei

Copy Editor: Rebecca Whitney

Technical Editor: Christopher Speckman

Editorial Manager: Leah Michael

Editorial Assistant: Leslie Saxman

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Cover Photo: © Yunus Arakon/

Cartoons: Rich Tennant ( )

Composition Services

Project Coordinator: Sheree Montgomery

Layout and Graphics: Joyce Haughey, Corrie Niehaus

Proofreaders: Melissa Cossell, Kathy Simpson, Rob Springer

Indexer: Dakota Indexing

Publishing and Editorial for Technology Dummies

Richard Swadley, Vice President and Executive Group Publisher

Andy Cummings, Vice President and Publisher

Mary Bednarek, Executive Acquisitions Director

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Publishing for Consumer Dummies

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Composition Services

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