Creating Audio and Print Versions of Your E-Book

Not all readers enjoy reading text on a display screen, such as on an e-reader or a computer, so consider producing alternative versions of your e-book. One useful option, the audiobook, lets readers enjoy listening to your writing while they’re driving, working, or exercising, for example.

Producing an audiobook isn’t especially complicated: You simply record yourself reading the text of your book. Use a microphone of decent quality, and record in a quiet location. You can download free Audacity software ( ) to record yourself speaking and then edit the recording. If you stumble over your words, repeat a line and then edit out the mistake.

tip.eps If you aren’t confident about creating your own audio file, pay a professional to record your e-book for you. First survey your audience to gauge interest in the audio version of your e-book, to avoid paying for a professional recording that only one person will buy.

Like the text version of your e-book, an audiobook, in the form of a file in MP3 format, can easily be sold online for downloading from your own website. You can also sell your e-book as a CD or an MP3 download via CreateSpace (an Amazon company, at ), CDBaby ( — enter audiobook in the Search box at the top of the page), or Kunaki ( ). These sites offer varying options and pricing, so shop around before choosing one. You can also burn your audiobook onto DVDs to sell at live events.

The print version of an e-book appeals to readers who prefer “real” (physical) books over electronic books. Again, you may be able to sell yours at live events — book launches or conferences, for example. I prefer Lulu ( ) and CreateSpace for creating print books; LightningSource ( ) is popular, but it has a steeper learning curve and an initial setup fee.

remember.eps Using print-on-demand services eliminates the need to order hundreds or thousands of copies of your book — the site produces and ships a copy whenever a reader purchases one.

Major print-on-demand sites offer comprehensive guidance to help you produce your print book — be sure to follow it. Before you make your print book publicly available, order a physical proof copy (don’t rely on the PDF version) to ensure that it looks the way you want.

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