My Secret Folder (99¢)

Psst, we probably shouldn’t spill the beans on My Secret Folder, but here goes.

We figure most of you most of the time are more than willing to share the pictures you take with or store on your iPhone. But what about those naughty or embarrassing images, that, dare we suggest, might get you in trouble. Sure you could delete them, but you kind of like having them somewhere.

That somewhere is My Secret Folder. As the app’s name suggests, it gives you a secret place to stash photos you want to keep at bay from nosy family members, your boss, and anyone else who might get at your phone and peep. It’s not just images either. You can create albums for secret contacts, secret notes, and even bookmarks you can visit from a secret web browser. You can take pictures from within the app, or import them from elsewhere on your phone. (You just have to manually delete them from your otherwise public albums.)

To start, you choose a passcode that is the key to your folder. But you can also set up a decoy password to make others think they’ve penetrated your secret stash — put real files in the decoy folder to really throw them off. From within the app, you can purchase additional Lock screens.

Moreover, as Figure 18-14 shows, you can also have the phone snap a picture of anyone who gets hold of your phone and tries, unsuccessfully, to log in with an incorrect passcode. After you load the app on your phone, it goes by the name My Folder, so as not to call too much attention to itself.


Figure 18-14: Who is that sneaky guy trying to get at my secret folders?

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