Chapter 17

Ten Appetizing Apps

In This Chapter

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Killer app is familiar jargon to anyone who has spent any time around computers. The term refers to an app so sweet or so useful that just about everybody wants or must have it.

You could make the argument that the most compelling killer app on the iPhone is the very App Store we expound on in Chapter 15. This online emporium has an abundance of splendid programs — dare we say killer apps in their own right? — many of which are free. These apps cover everything from social networking tools to entertainment. Okay, so some rotten apples are in the bunch too. But we’re here to accentuate the positive.

With that in mind, in this chapter we offer ten of our favorite free iPhone apps. In Chapter 18, you see ten iPhone apps that aren’t free but that we believe are worth every penny.

We’re showing you ours and we encourage you to show us yours. If you discover your own killer iPhone apps, by all means, let us know so we can check them out.

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