Chapter 6

Six Indispensible Utilities

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding the calendar’s different views and functions

arrow Calculating with your iPhone

arrow Using the clock as an alarm, a stopwatch, and a timer too

arrow Leaving voice reminders

arrow Reminding yourself about reminders

arrow Managing Passbook

The iPhone is a smartphone. And, as a smart device, it can remind you of appointments, tell you the time (where you live or halfway around the world), and even help you perform arithmetic.

Over the next few pages, we look at a few of the iPhone’s core — and, frankly, unsexy — apps. Indeed, we’d venture to say that no one bought an iPhone because of its calendar, calculator, clock, voice recorder, or Reminders app. And no one may not have bought it for the Passbook feature added with iOS 6 either. Just the same, it’s awfully handy having these programs around.

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