
image Numerics image

3D Basics workspace, 24, 449

3D modeling

AutoCAD versus AutoCAD LT, 509510

coordinate input, 453454

creating 3D objects from 2D drawings, 479482

drawing 3D objects, 476477

models, 448449, 477479

modifying 3D objects, 483487

navigation, 460464

object snaps and object snap tracking, 454455

overview, 447448, 467468

point filters, 454

rendering, 489502

support for, 16

system requirements for, 18

templates, 469473

tools for, 449452

UCS, 455460

viewpoints, 473475

visual styles, 464466

whether to use, 468

3D Modeling workspace, 25, 449451

3D Object Snap button, status bar. See object snap feature

3D Preset Views drop-down menu, Views panel, View tab, 460461

3DALIGN command, 485

3DARRAY command, 485

3DCONFIG command, 39

3DMOVE command, 483484

3DOrbit feature, 462

3DOSNAP command. See object snap feature

3DPOLY command, 476

3DROTATE command, 483484

3ds Max rendering program, 489490

3DSCALE command, 483484

image A image

AccuRender rendering program, 490

actions, dynamic block, 388390

Add Scales to Object dialog box, 324325

Add-a-Plot Style Table Wizard, 344345

Add-a-Plotter Wizard, 332

add-ons, support for, 13, 1617

Adjust Sun & Sky Background dialog box, 499500

Adobe PDF format, 403404, 433

Advanced Render Settings palette, 452, 501502

aliases, 8, 4243

ALIGN command, 484

Aligned constraint button, Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408

aligned dimensions, defined, 296

aligning objects, 271, 290, 484485

ALL option, command-first editing, 196

Allow/Disallow Dynamic UCS button, status bar, 3536

Alternate Units tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 305

angle units, 8687, 98

Angular constraint button, Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408

angular dimensions, defined, 296

ANIPATH command, 501

Annotate tab, Ribbon interface, 32

Annotation Object Scale dialog box, 272, 324325

Annotation Scale button, status bar, 38

Annotation Scale Is Not Equal To Viewport Scale button, status bar, 38

annotation scales, 38, 80, 261, 271274

Annotation Scaling panel, Annotate tab, 118

Annotation Visibility button, status bar, 38

annotational constraints, 416418

annotative dimensions, drawing, 309

annotative hatching, 323326

annotative objects, 38, 89, 93, 261

annotative text, 271274

APERTURE system variable, 514

Apple iOS4 operating system, 20

Apple mobile devices, 20, 431

Application button, location of, 24

Application Menu, 2223, 2830

ARC command, 175176, 179181

Arc option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176, 180

Architectural paper sizes, 9192

ARRAY command, 20, 7173, 226227, 379380. See also associative arrays

ARRAYEDIT command, 213, 383

ARRAYPATH command, 213, 381

ARRAYPOLAR command, 213

ARRAYRECT command, 212

arrowheads, dimension, 294

Associated Standards File tray icon, status bar, 39

associative arrays, 20, 377383, 485

associative dimensions, 296297, 312313

ATCs (Authorized Training Centers), 507

Attach button, Reference panel, Insert tab, 391

Attach External Reference dialog box, 393, 396397

Attach PDF Underlay dialog box, 404

ATTDEF command, 369

ATTDIA system variable, 372

Attribute Definition dialog box, 369371

attribute definitions, 365, 368372, 374

attribute values, 368369, 372374

attributes, block, 359360, 373

AUGI (Autodesk User Groups International), 507

Authorized Training Centers (ATCs), 507

Auto Constrain button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 427

Auto Constrain feature, 426428

AutoCAD 2012

AutoCAD LT 2012 versus, 509512

file format support, 1415, 17

interface, 2152

new features in, 2, 1820

overview, 1112, 8384

reasons for using, 1314

setting up, 8493

starting, 55

system requirements, 1718

AutoCAD Classic workspace, 25, 27, 5152, 163

AutoCAD LT 2012, 2, 1520, 509512

AutoCAD Runtime eXtension interface, 17

AutoCAD Text Window, 45

AutoCAD WS service, 20, 431432

Autocomplete feature, 19, 43, 62

AutoConstrain tab, Constraint Settings dialog box, 427

Autodesk Design Review 2012, 48, 438439, 442443

Autodesk Exchange, 19, 26, 5152

Autodesk Feedback Community, 505

Autodesk Seek Design Content button, DesignCenter palette, 140

Autodesk University, 506

Autodesk User Groups International (AUGI), 507

AutoLISP, 510

Automatically Add Scales button, status bar, 38

image B image

background, 23, 498500

BACKGROUND command, 499

Background dialog box, 499

background masking, 277278, 311

BEDIT command, 368

bitmapped image files, 378, 399402, 433

black-and-white plots, creating, 333336

BLEND command, 20, 214, 233235

Blend Curves button, Modify panel, Home tab, 214

Block Attribute Manager dialog box, 371

Block Definition dialog box, 362364

block definitions

adding actions to, 388390

block insertions versus, 360

creating, 362365

defining blocks that contain attribute definitions, 371

overview, 359360

purging unused, 374375

Block Editor contextual tab, Ribbon interface, 385386, 388

Block Editor option, Block panel, Home tab, 368, 385

block insertions, 359360, 365368, 372

block redefinition, 363, 366

block references, defined, 359

block tables, defined, 360


advantages of, 361

attributes, 368373

defined, 359

dynamic, 383391

exploding, 373374

overview, 359362

xrefs versus, 399

blogs, AutoCAD, 506

books, AutoCAD, 507508

Boolean operations, 479, 486

borders, setting, 93

boundaries, 326327, 480

Break at Point button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 233

Break button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 232

BREAK command, 182, 213, 232233

bulleted lists, 279281

BURST command, 374

Buzzsaw service, 432

ByLayer approach, 128130

image C image

calculator, 48, 92

cancelling operations, 45

CELTSCALE system variable, 102

Chamfer button, Modify panel, Home tab, 214, 234

CHAMFER command, 20, 214, 233235

Chamfer Edge button, Solid Editing panel, Solid tab, 486487

CHAMFEREDGE command, 486487

Change Space option, Modify panel, Home tab, 237

Cheat Sheet, 6, 84, 92

Check Standards dialog box, 39

CHSPACE command, 237

Cinema 4D rendering program, 490

CIRCLE command, 6566, 175179

Circle option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176, 178

circular arcs, defined, 170

circular arrays, 71

Clean Screen button, status bar, 40

Clipboard panel, Home tab, 219220

Close Quick View Layouts button, Quick View toolbar, 110

closing drawings, 28

Coincident constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419, 422, 425

Collinear constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419

collinear lines, defined, 235


of background, changing, 23

ByLayer, 129

controlling plotted lineweights with screen colors, 347348

filling areas with solid, 322

of layers, selecting, 61, 131132

mapped to lineweights, 346347

as object property, 127

plotting, 349

Color Books tab, Select Color dialog box, 132, 346

Color control, Properties panel, Home tab, 129

color-dependent plot style table (CTB) files, 343, 345, 347348, 433

color-dependent plot styles, 96, 341343, 348

columns, text, 275, 281282

command window

appearance of, changing, 4647

defined, 12

learning by observing, 46, 5051, 55

location of, 24

overview, 4142

right-click menu, 47

typing coordinates, 152

command-first editing, 195200

commands. See also names of specific commands

activating options, 44, 46

aliases, 8, 4243

running from keyboard, 4345

searching for, 29

complex (compound) solids, 478479

compressing objects, 221

Concentric constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419, 424

Constrained Orbit mode, 462

Constraint Settings dialog box, 412413, 427

Construction Line option, Draw panel, Home tab, 162

construction lines, defined, 165

Content Explorer palette, 19, 48

Convert constraint button, Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408, 417



3D modeling, 453454

Cartesian, 148, 150151, 453454

cylindrical, 454

display modes, 151152

entering, 147148, 152

geographic data, 368

overview, 148

polar, 148, 150151, 453

spherical, 454

typing at command line, 152

user, 149150

Coordinates panel, View tab, 251

coordinates readout, status bar, 34, 151

Copy button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212, 218

Copy Clip option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220

COPY command, 19, 212, 215216, 219

Copy Nested Objects tool, Modify panel, Home tab, 374

Copy option, MOVE grip-editing mode, 206207

COPYBASE command, 220

COPYCLIP command, 219220


hatch properties, 320

layers between drawings, 141143

objects between drawings, 139141, 219220

objects within blocks, 374

paper space layouts, 114

parallel or concentric copies, 228229

COPYLINK command, 220

CPolygon option, command-first editing, 196

Create button, Block panel, Home tab, 362

Create Layout Wizard, 111113

Create New Dimension Style dialog box, 300

Create Transmittal dialog box, 434

crosshatching effect, 322

crossing object selection, 7475, 193195, 222223

Crossing option, command-first editing, 196

CTB (color-dependent plot style table) files, 343, 345, 347348, 433

CULLINGOBJ system variable, 483

CULLINGOBJSELECTION system variable, 483

curves, drawing commands for, 176177

Custom installation, 31

Cut option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220

CUTCLIP command, 220

image D image

dash-dot linetypes, 101102

data extraction, 373, 511

DDE (direct distance entry), 147, 159

DDEDIT command, 312

DDPTYPE command, 187188

DDVPOINT command, 461

default values or options, 4546

DEFAULTLIGHTING system variable, 492

Define Attributes option, Block panel, Home tab, 369

definition points (defpoints), 295

Delete Duplicate Objects dialog box, 199200

Delete Duplicate Objects tool, Modify panel, Home tab, 199, 214, 238

DELOBJ system variable, 480

design intent, 405406

Design Web Format files. See DWF files

DesignCenter palette, 48, 139143

DGN files, 378, 433

Diameter constraint button, Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408

diameter dimensions, 296

diazo blueline machines, 330

digital signatures, 431, 444

DIMANGULAR command, 310

DIMASSOC system variable, 312, 514

DIMBASELINE command, 309310

DIMBREAK command, 311

DIMCONTINUE command, 309310

DIMDIAMETER command, 310


dimension lines, 294

dimension scale, setting, 101102

Dimension split button, Dimensions panel, Annotate tab, 307308

Dimension Style Manager dialog box, 298301

dimension styles, 291, 298305

dimension substyles (style families), 300

dimension subunits, 305

dimension text, 266, 293294, 311312

Dimension toolbar, displaying, 297

dimensional constraints

annotational, 416418

defined, 406

dynamic, 416418

editing in Parameters Manager palette, 413416

example of, 409411

overview, 407408

settings, 412413

types of, 416418

using geometric constraints with, 411413

Dimensional tab, Constraint Settings dialog box, 412413


anatomy of, 293296

associativity, 296297

defined, 291

dimension styles, 298305

drawing, 305309

editing, 309313

overview, 291292

reasons for using, 293

tools for, 297298

types of, 296

DIMJOGGED command, 310

DIMJOGLINE command, 309310

DIMLINGAR command, 310

DIMRADIUS command, 310

DIMREASSOCIATE command, 312313

DIMREGEN command, 313

DIMSCALE system variable, 304

DIMSPACE command, 311

dimstyles, 291, 298305

direct distance entry (DDE), 147, 159

direct object manipulation. See grip editing

discussion groups, AutoCAD, 505

displacement vector versus displacement distance, 216

Display tab, Options dialog box, 23

distant lights, 493

dithering, 349

DLINE command, 172, 512

docking Ribbon interface, 32

DONUT command, 175176, 184185

Donut option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176

double floating-point precision, 255

Drafting & Annotation workspace, 2224

Drafting Settings dialog box, 40, 5758, 99101

drafting standards checker, 511

Draw panel, Home tab, 162163

drawing area, 4851, 92, 450

drawing limits, defined, 57

Drawing Properties dialog box, 102103

drawing properties, setting, 102103

drawing scale

common, 90

defined, 89, 266

entering, 102103

paper size and, 92

plotting, 337338

setting, 8990

drawing scale factor

common, 90

defined, 89, 266

determining, 267

entering, 102103

setting, 8889

drawing standards (DWS) files, 39

drawing status bar, displaying, 273

Drawing Units dialog box, 8687, 9798

drawing units, setting, 8589, 9698

Drawing Views panel, Annotate tab, 32

Drawing Window Colors dialog box, 23

DRAWORDER command, 311, 402

driven dimensions, defined, 408

driving dimensions, defined, 408409

DTEXT command, 268

DUCS command, 3536

duplicate objects, deleting, 20, 199200

DWF (Design Web Format) files

attaching, 403404

ePlotting, 439442

missing, 433, 436

overview, 430, 438439

password protection, 444

DWFFORMAT command, 438

DWFx files, 430, 433, 438442

DWG Convert tool, 28

DWG files, 1415, 17, 432, 444

DWG TrueView program, 6, 447

DWS (drawing standards) files, 39

DYN command, 36, 40, 4243, 62

dynamic blocks, 383391

dynamic columns, 281282

dynamic constraints, 416418

Dynamic Input button, status bar, 36, 40, 4243, 62

Dynamic Input tooltips, 36, 5051, 55, 163, 214215

Dynamic UCS button, status bar, 459

dynamic UCS feature, 3536, 456, 459460

image E image

EATTEDIT command, 372

edges, 449, 483

Edit Array button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213

Edit Attributes dialog box, 372

Edit Block Definition dialog box, 384386, 388

ELEVATION system variable, 455

Ellipse Arc option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176

ELLIPSE command, 175176, 181182

Ellipse option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176

elliptical arcs, 181182

e-mail, 432433, 436

Enhanced Attribute Editor dialog box, 372373

enhanced secondary windows (ESWs). See palettes

ePlotting, 438442

Equal constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 420, 424

Erase button, Modify panel, Home tab, 197, 212

ERASE command, 197198, 212, 486

ESWs. See palettes

ETRANSMIT command, 430, 432435

Excel, importing/exporting tables from, 287

Explode button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 233, 374

EXPLODE command

blocks, 373374

dimensions, 311

overview, 213, 233

polylines, 169

Express Tools, 31, 33, 510511

Extend button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 230

EXTEND command, 213, 230232

extension lines, 295

external reference drawings (xrefs)

attaching, 48, 393395

blocks versus, 399

creating, 395396

editing, 395396

full path of, 396397

layers, 395

managing, 39, 397398

missing, 433

overview, 378, 391392

External References palette. See external reference drawings (xrefs)

Extract Data option, Linking & Extraction panel, Insert tab, 373

Extrude button, Modeling panel, Home tab, 480

Extrude button, Solid panel, Solid tab, 480

EXTRUDE command, 479480

image F image

faces, 449, 483, 498

favorites, DesignCenter palette, 143

Fence option, command-first editing, 196

file formats

saving drawings in different, 28

support for, 1415

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 432433, 435436

FileZilla utility, 435

Fillet button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 234

FILLET command, 20, 6364, 213, 233235

Fillet Edge button, Solid Editing panel, Solid tab, 486487

FILLETEDGE command, 486487

find-and-replace tool, 283

Fit tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 303304

Fix constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 412, 419, 421

fixed text style height, 265

floating viewports, 117119, 470

Folders tab, DesignCenter palette, 140

Follow Dynamic UCS option, Snap and Grid tab, Drafting Settings dialog box, 101

fonts, 263, 433436

fractions, 275

Free Orbit mode, 462

freezing/thawing layer visibility, 136

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 432433, 435436

Full Navigation wheel, 464

full path, xref, 396397

image G image

generic lights, 492

geographic data, 368

geometric constraints

applying, 420426

Auto Constrain feature, 426428

defined, 406

example of, 412, 420426

overview, 418420

using with dimensional constraints, 411413

geometric tolerances, 305

gizmos, 483484

glyphs, 493

Google Earth, 495

grid, 35, 98101

Grid Behavior area, Snap and Grid tab, Drafting Settings dialog box, 100

GRID command, 35, 40, 99, 147

Grid Display button, status bar, 35, 40, 99, 147

Grid Snap technique, 158, 160

grip editing

dimensions, 310311

grips, 202

hatching, 326

modes, 203207

overview, 189190

polylines, 169

solid models, 485

text, 283


defined, 190

dynamic block, 390

uses for, 202

Group button, Groups panel, Home tab, 362

GROUP command, 362

group filters, 137

Groups panel, Home tab, 19, 199200

image H image

half-size plots, creating, 338, 341

hardware acceleration, 449450

Hardware Acceleration button, status bar, 39

Hatch Creation contextual tab, Ribbon interface. See hatches

hatch patterns, 321322

hatch scale, 322323

Hatch tab, Hatch and Gradient dialog box, 320


angle, 322323

annotative hatching, 323326

boundaries, 326327

creating, 7678, 317319, 320322

editing, 327328

overview, 315317

tool palettes, 327

HELIX command, 476

help resources, 5152, 505508

HIDEOBJECTS command, 138, 201

History tab, DesignCenter palette, 140

Home tab, Ribbon interface, 32, 452

Horizontal constraint button

Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408

Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 412, 419, 423

hot spots

snap feature, 9899

spotlights, 493

hyperlink insertion feature, 431, 442443

image I image

implied windowing, 3637, 193195

INFER command, 35, 146

Infer Constraints button, status bar, 35, 146

Infer Constraints mode button, status bar, 426

InfoCenter, 2426

Inherit Properties button, Hatch and Gradient dialog box, 320

In-Place Text Editor, 271, 275283

Insert button, Block panel, Home tab, 366

Insert dialog box, 365367

Insert tab, Ribbon interface, 32

Insert Table dialog box, 285287

installing AutoCAD, 31

Internet features

Autodesk Design Review 2012, 443

drawing protection, 443444

ePlotting, 438442

hyperlink insertion feature, 442443

overview, 429432

sending files, 432438

Intersect button, Boolean panel, Solid tab, 486

INTERSECT command, 486

Inventor Fusion plug-in, 19

ISOLATEOBJECTS command, 138, 201

isometric views, 460461, 473474

image J image

Join button, Modify panel, Home tab, 214, 236

JOIN command, 20, 214, 235238

justifying text, 275

image K image

keyboard usage, 4247

KeyTips, 47

image L image

Last option, command-first editing, 196

LAYER command. See layers

layer filters, 137

Layer Isolate tool, Layers panel, Home tab, 137

Layer Off tool, Layers panel, Home tab, 137

Layer Properties button, Layers panel, Home tab, 130


applying materials by, 498

assigning properties to, 128129

base plate example, 59

changing for objects, 126

copying between drawings, 141143

creating, 60, 130135

current, 126

Defpoints, 295

managing, 48

manipulating, 136138

naming, 131, 134

overview, 125127

standards for, 127

state of, 136138

switching between, 63

xrefs and, 395

Layers panel, Home tab. See layers

LAYERSTATES command, 137

LAYISO command, 138

LAYLOCKFADECTL system variable, 137

Layout button, status bar, 37, 49, 110

layout tabs, 108114

LAYOUTWIZARD command, 111112

LEADER command, 288

leader landing, 288

leaders, defined, 259

length (linear) units, 86, 97

Lengthen button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 232

LENGTHEN command, 213, 232

light-bulb icon, Layer Properties Manager palette, 136

lighting, 491495

Lighting – Viewport Lighting Mode alert box, 492

LIGHTINGUNITS system variable, 492

Lights in Model palette, 452, 494

Lights panel, Render tab, 491

LIMITS command, 57

LINE command

drawing linear dimensions, 306

drawing lines, 164167

function of, 164

grabbing points with object snap overrides, 153156

overview, 162

PLINE command versus, 167168

running from keyboard, 4345

Line option, Draw panel, Home tab, 162, 166

line width, 168169

Linear constraint button, Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408410

linear dimensions, 296, 306309

linear objects, drawing commands for, 162164

Lines tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 302

Linetype Manager dialog box, 102

linetypes, 101102, 127, 129, 132133, 135

Lineweight control, Properties panel, Home tab, 129

Lineweight dialog box, 133134

lineweights, 36, 127, 129, 133134, 346348

lists, 279281

local user groups, 507

Lock/Unlock Toolbar/Window Positions button, status bar, 38

Lock/Unlock Viewport button, status bar, 38, 119

LOFT command, 481

LTSCALE system variable, 101102

LWT command, 36

image M image

Manage Cell Styles dialog box, 285

Manage tab, Ribbon interface, 33

Manage Xrefs tray icon, status bar, 39

maps, 399402

margin allowance, 93

Markup Set Manager palette, 48

MATBROWSER command, 496

Match Properties button

Clipboard panel, Home tab, 237, 328

Options panel, Hatch Creation contextual tab, 320

materials, 496498

Materials Browser palette, 452, 496498

Materials Editor palette, 452, 496497

MBUTTONPAN system variable, 244

MEASUREGEOM command, 152

MEASUREMENT system variable, 88

memory requirements, 18

menu bar, displaying, 2627, 54, 163164

MENUBAR system variable, 514

mesh surfaces, defined, 448

Mesh tab, Ribbon interface, 452

metric system, 86

Microsoft Excel, importing/exporting tables from, 287

Microsoft Windows TrueType fonts, 263

Microsoft Windows, versions which support AutoCAD, 12, 1718

Microsoft XML Paper Specification (XPS), 438

MIRRHATCH system variable, 317

Mirror button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212, 224

MIRROR command, 212, 224225

MIRROR3D command, 485

MIRRTEXT system variable, 224225, 514515

MLEADER command, 288289

MLEADERALIGN command, 290


MLEADEREDIT command, 290

mleaders, 287290

MLEADERSTYLE command, 290

MLINE command, 172, 512

MODEL command, 3637, 49, 110, 115, 333

model space

adding annotations in, 261, 303304

defined, 36, 49

determining current space, 116

dimension scale, 101102

drawing properties, 102103

drawing units, 9698

linetype, 101102

overview, 4950, 107108

paper space layouts versus, 115116

plotting drawings in, 78, 333337

snap feature, 98101

switching between paper space and, 3637, 50, 109111, 115

when to use, 115

model space viewports, 117, 469473

Model space/Paper space button, status bar, 3637, 49, 110, 115, 333

Model tab, 107108

Modify Dimension Style dialog box. See New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box

monochrome plots, creating, 333336

mouse scroll wheel, zooming and panning with, 244

Move button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212, 217

MOVE command, 212, 215218

MOVE grip editing mode, 206207

MS-DOS, 12

MSLTSCALE system variable, 102

MSPACE command, 115, 250, 253

MTEXT command. See multiline text

MTEXTCOLUMN system variable, 275

MTEXTTOOLBAR system variable, 275

multileaders, 287290

multiline text

background masking, 277278

columns, 281282

creating, 274277

lists, 279281

modifying, 282283

overview, 260, 267268

text fields, 278

image N image

named objects, 138143

named plot style table (STB) files, 343, 345, 433

named plot styles, 96, 341, 343, 345346, 348

named UCS, 456459

named views, 247250

National Institute of Standards and Technology, 86

Navigation bar, 24, 4041, 240244

NCOPY command, 19, 374

.NET interface, 17

network licensing, 510

NEW command, 95

New Layer button, Layer Properties Manager palette, 130

New Layout button, Quick View toolbar, 110

New Table Style dialog box, 284

New Text Style dialog box, 265

New View/Shot Properties dialog box, 248

New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 300305

non-associative arrays, defined, 379

nongraphical objects, defined, 124

non-system drivers, 330331

Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS)

curves, 183

surfaces, 448

noun-verb editing (selection-first editing), 189190

nudging objects, 215

numbered lists, 279281

NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline)

curves, 183

surfaces, 448

image O image

Object Isolation tray icon, status bar, 39

object properties

color, 127

controlling, 128130

defined, 124

DesignCenter palette, 139141

drawing properties versus, 103

editing objects via, 237

layers, 125127, 130138, 141143

linetype, 127

lineweight, 127

overview, 123125

plot style, 127

setting before using LINE command, 166

transparency, 127

object selection

choosing editing style, 190192

command-first editing, 190, 195200

grip editing, 190, 202209

overview, 189

selection sets, 192

selection windows, 193195

selection-first editing, 190

SELECTSIMILAR command, 192193

visibility, 200201

object snap feature. See also snap feature

3D, 454

defined, 35

drawing linear dimensions, 307

geometric constraints and, 418

grips as visible object snaps, 202

overrides, 147, 153156, 158

overview, 152153

running object snaps, 153, 156158

snap feature versus, 160

Object Snap Tracking button, status bar, 35, 40, 147, 159

ObjectARX interface, 17

Offset button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 228

OFFSET command, 6465, 172, 213, 228229

offset distance, defined, 228

Online tab, Ribbon interface, 20, 33, 431

OOPS command, 199

Open Drawings tab, DesignCenter palette, 140142

opening drawings, 2829

option keywords, defined, 44

OPTIONS command, 29

Options dialog box, 29, 105106

Orbit tool, Navigation bar, 40

ORTHO command, 35, 6869, 147, 159

Ortho Mode button, status bar, 35, 6869, 147, 159

orthogonal lines, defined, 35

Orthographic UCSs tab, UCS dialog box, 457

orthographic views, 460461, 474

OSNAP command. See object snap feature

osnap feature. See object snap feature

OSNAPZ system variable, 455, 515

Other Predefined tab, Hatch Pattern palette, 321

OTRACK command, 35, 40, 147, 159

Output tab, Ribbon interface, 33, 452

OVERKILL command, 20, 199, 214, 238

image P image

padlock icon, Layer Properties Manager palette, 136

page setup, 349351

Page Setup Manager dialog box, 350351


for 3D modeling, 451452

advantages over dialog boxes, 130, 367

for hatches, 327

overview, 4748

Palettes panel, View tab, 47

panels, Ribbon interface, 3031


defined, 70, 239240

with mouse scroll wheel, 244

named views, 247250

Navigation bar, 240244

overview, 40, 6971, 239240, 243

paper space layouts, 250255

Realtime option, 242243

regeneration, 255256

switching between zooming and, 243244

ViewCube, 240242

PAPER command, 3637, 49, 110, 115, 333

paper sizes, 84, 9093, 112, 337338

paper space layouts

adding annotations in, 261, 304

copying, 114

creating, 111113

defined, 36, 4950

determining current space, 116

displaying row of images of all in current drawing, 37

model space versus, 115116

navigating, 250255

overview, 4950, 107108

plotting, 120, 338341

setting up, 108113

switching between model space and, 3637, 50, 109111, 115

when to use, 115

paper space viewports, 117119, 470

Parallel constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419, 423

parallel projection mode, 462

parameter filters, 415416

parameters, dynamic block, 388390

Parameters Manager button, Manage panel, Parametric tab, 413

Parameters Manager palette, 413416

parametric drawing

AutoCAD versus AutoCAD LT, 511

defined, 406

design intent, maintaining, 405406

dimensional constraints, 407418

geometric constraints, 418428

inferred constraints, 35

terminology, 406407

Parametric tab, Ribbon interface, 32

password protection, 431, 443444

Paste as Block option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220

Paste as Hyperlink option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220

Paste option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220

Paste Special option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220

Paste to Original Coordinates option, Clipboard panel, Home tab, 220


PASTEBLOCK command, 220

PASTECLIP command, 219220

PASTEORIG command, 220

PASTESPEC command, 220

Path Array button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 381

path arrays, 71, 380383

Pattern panel, Hatch Creation tab, 7677

PC3 (Plotter Configuration version 3) files, 112, 331332, 433

PDF files, 403404, 433

PDMODE system variable, 188

PDSIZE system variable, 188

PEDIT command, 169

Perpendicular constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419, 423

perspective projection mode, 462

PERSPECTIVE system variable, 461

PGP (Program Parameters) files, 43

photographs, 399402

photometric lights, 492

PICKBOX system variable, 515

Pin Quick View Layouts button, Quick View toolbar, 110

plan view, defined, 461

PLINE command. See polylines

Plot and Publish Job Complete balloon notification, 80

Plot and Publish tab, Options dialog box, 331

Plot button, Quick Access Toolbar, 78, 333

Plot dialog box, 333341, 347354, 440

plot scale, 334335, 337338, 340341

Plot Scale Confirm dialog box, 8081

Plot Style Table Editor, 342, 349

plot styles, 127, 129, 341346, 433

Plot-Model dialog box, 7880

Plotter Configuration version 3 (PC3) files, 112, 331332, 433


colors, 349

configuring devices for, 331332

drawing scale, 337338

drawings, 28

layouts, 111

lineweights, 346348

older definition of, 329330

overview, 7881, 329330

page setup, 349351

paper space layouts, 120, 338341

Plot dialog box, 351354

plot styles, 341346

previewing, 337

process of, 333337

service bureaus for, 350

setting default plotter, 112

system printers, 330

troubleshooting, 354355

viewport boundaries, 120

Plug-ins tab, Ribbon interface, 33, 452

point filters, 454

point lights, 493

point objects, 186188

Point Style dialog box, 187188

points, defined, 186

Polar Array button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213

polar arrays, 71

POLAR command, 35, 40, 147, 159

Polar Tracking button, status bar, 35, 40, 147, 159

PolarSnap technique, 147, 158160


defined, 165, 173

drawing, 6669, 173174

overview, 162

Polyline option, Draw panel, Home tab. See polylines


3D, 476

defined, 59, 164

drawing, 164, 167172

overview, 162

precision techniques

accuracy versus precision, 146

coordinate systems, 148152

direct distance entry, 159

object snap feature, 152158

object snap tracking, 159

Ortho mode, 159

overview, 145148

Polar Tracking, 159

PolarSnap, 159160

snap feature, 158

status bar, 146148

temporary overrides, 160

pressing and pulling boundaries, 480

PRESSPULL command, 480


drawings in model space, 80

hatching, 316

plots, 336337

Previous option, command-first editing, 196

price of AutoCAD, 509

Primary Units tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 305

primitive solids, 478479

printer drivers, 330

printing. See plotting

processor requirements, 18

Profiles tab, Options dialog box, 512

Program Parameters (PGP) files, 43

Properties button, View tab, 125

Properties palette, 48, 124125

Properties panel, Hatch Creation tab, 77

property filters, 137

PSLTSCALE system variable, 102

PSPACE command, 250

Publish button, Quick View toolbar, 110

PUBLISH command, 431, 441442

Publish dialog box, 441442

Publish to Web wizard, 431

PUBLISHTOWEB command, 442

PURGE command, 139, 374

Purge dialog box, 139, 374375

pushpin icon, 3031, 177

image Q image

QLEADER command, 288

QNEW command, 95, 105

Quick Access Toolbar, 24, 26

Quick Properties button, status bar, 36, 124

Quick Properties palette, 124125

Quick View Drawings button, status bar, 37

Quick View image strip, 109111

Quick View Layouts button, status bar, 37, 109110, 114, 347

Quick View toolbar, 110

QuickCalc palette, 48

QUICKPROPERTIES command, 36, 125

image R image

Radial constraint button, Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408

radial dimensions, defined, 296

radius dimensions, defined, 296

raster image files, 378, 399402, 433

RAY command, 162, 165

Ray option, Draw panel, Home tab, 162

receiving transmitted files, 436

RECTANG command

drawing rectangles, 6065, 172173

function of, 165

overview, 162

Rectangle option, Draw panel, Home tab, 162, 172

Rectangular Array button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212

rectangular arrays, 7172

REFEDIT command, 395396

Reference Manager utility, 430, 436438, 512

REGENALL command, 256

REGENMODE system variable, 256

REMEMBERFOLDERS system variable, 515516

Render button, Render panel, Render tab, 500

RENDER command, 501

render presets, 500501

Render Presets Manager dialog box, 501

Render tab, Ribbon interface, 452

Render Window, 500501

RENDERCROP command, 501


background, 498500

lighting, 491494, 495

materials, 496498

overview, 489490

process of, 500502

Restore Classic Colors button, Drawing Window Colors dialog box, 23

REVCLOUD command

drawing revision clouds, 185186

function of, 175

overview, 176

tips for using, 186

Reverse button, Modify panel, Home tab, 214, 237

REVERSE command, 214, 237

review comments, 48

Revision Cloud option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176

revision clouds, drawing. See REVCLOUD command

Revolve button, Solid panel, Solid tab, 482

revolving objects around axis, 482

Rewind tool, SteeringWheels, 464

Ribbon interface

AutoCAD Classic workspace versus, 163

location of, 24

overview, 8, 2223, 3033

skin-like color schemes, 23

ROLLOVERTIPS system variable, 516

Rotate button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212, 225

ROTATE command, 212, 225

rotating objects, 225

rule-based drawing. See parametric drawing

running object snaps, 153, 156158. See also object snap feature

image S image

Save Drawing As dialog box, 59, 103105, 444

saving drawings, 28, 59, 64

Scale button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212, 226

SCALE command, 212, 225226

SCALELISTEDIT command, 118

screen resolution, 18

screening, defined, 341

scroll bars, displaying, 244


3D polylines, 476477

drawing polylines composed of curved, 171

drawing polylines composed of straight, 169170

drawing series of, 165167

LINE versus PLINE command, 167168

Select Annotation Scale dialog box, 269

Select Color dialog box, 61, 131132

Select Linetype dialog box, 132133

Select Reference File dialog box, 391, 401, 403

Select Similar Settings dialog box, 193

Select Template dialog box, 56, 9495, 451

Selection Cycling button, status bar, 36, 199

selection sets, 192

Selection tab, Options dialog box, 190191

selection windows, 3637, 193195

selection-first editing, 189190

SELECTSIMILAR command, 192193

sending files

ETRANSMIT command, 432435

FTP, 435

receiving sent files, 436

Reference Manager utility, 436438

SETBYLAYER command, 130

Settings tab, UCS dialog box, 457

shadows, 494

SHARE command, 430431

Sheet Set Manager palette, 48

sheet sets, defined, 28

Show/Hide Lineweight button, status bar, 36

Show/Hide Transparency button, status bar, 36

ShowMotion tool, Navigation bar, 40

SHX files, 263, 433435

sketching on paper, 93

Slice button, Solid Editing panel, Solid tab, 487

SLICE command, 487

slicing objects, 487

slideout panels (slideouts), 3031, 176177

smart-paper function, 84

Smooth constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 420

Snap and Grid tab, Drafting Settings dialog box, 5758, 99101

SNAP command. See snap feature

snap feature. See also object snap feature

defined, 9899

drawing linear dimensions, 307

object snap versus, 160

overview, 35, 40, 158

setting intervals, 98101

turning on/off, 100

Snap Mode button, status bar. See snap feature

snowflake icon, Layer Properties Manager palette, 136

solid models, 448, 477479, 485487

Solid tab, Ribbon interface, 452

spell checking, 283

SPLINE command, 175176, 182184

Spline CV option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176

Spline Fit option, Draw panel, Home tab, 176

SPLINEDIT command, 183184

spotlights, 493

standards checking, 511

starting AutoCAD, 55

static columns, 281282

status bar

location of, 24

overview, 3441

precision tools and techniques, 146148

switching between button styles, 34, 57

Status Bar Menu tray icon, status bar, 39

STB (named plot style table) files, 343, 345, 433

SteeringWheels, 40, 464

still renderings, defined, 489

straight-on views, 460461, 474

Stretch button, Modify panel, Home tab, 212, 222

STRETCH command

base plate example, 71, 7476

base points and displacements, 215216

overview, 212, 220223

stretching objects, 7476

STRETCH grip-editing mode, 203205, 207209

style families (dimension substyles), 300

subobjects, 3D, 448449, 483

Subtract button, Boolean panel, Solid tab, 486

SUBTRACT command, 486

Summary tab, Drawing Properties dialog box, 102103

sun icon, Layer Properties Manager palette, 136

Sun Properties palette, 452, 495

sunlight, 495

surface models, 448

Surface tab, Ribbon interface, 452

SWEEP command, 481

sweeping objects along path, 481482

Sweep/Loft drop-down, Solid panel, Solid tab, 481

symbol tables, 138

Symbols and Arrows tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 302

Symmetric constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 420

system printers, 330331

system requirements, 1718

systems of measurement, selecting, 8586, 88

image T image

TABLE command, 285287

Table Style dialog box, 284

table styles, 283285

TABLEEXPORT command, 287

tables, 285287

TABLESTYLE command, 283284

tablet computers, 12, 18

tags, block attribute, 370

Tangent constraint button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419

Template Options dialog box, 104


3D, 469473

adding linetypes to, 135

creating, 103106

creating new drawings from, 56, 95

default, 56, 105

defined, 94

limitations of, 84

overview, 9496

Test Block tool, Block Editor contextual tab, 388


aligning, 271

applying constraints to, 420

assigning annotation scales to, 271274

dimension, 266, 293294, 311312

justifying, 268, 275

mirroring, 224225

MTEXT command, 267268, 274283

multileaders, 287290

overview, 259260

preparing to add, 260, 262

tables, 283287

TEXT command, 267271

TEXT command, 260, 267271

text fields, 278

Text Formatting toolbar, 275

text height, 261, 265267

Text Style dialog box, 262264

text styles, 260, 262266, 302

Text tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 302303

TEXTTOFRONT command, 278, 311

three-dimensional modeling. See entries beginning with 3D

tiled viewports, 117, 469470, 471473

title bars, 2427

title blocks, 49, 93, 112113

TOLERANCE command, 305

Tolerances tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 305

tooltips, 3334

TOOLTIPS system variable, 516

Tour Building wheel, 464

TPY command, 36

transmittal setups, 434


ByLayer, 129

of layers, selecting, 134

as object property, 127

showing/hiding, 36

solid hatching, 322

transparent commands, defined, 46

tray, status bar, 39

Trim button, Modify panel, Home tab, 213, 230

TRIM command, 182, 213, 230232

True Color tab, Select Color dialog box, 132, 346

TrueType fonts, 263

Trusted Autodesk DWG tray icon, status bar, 39

trusted drawings, defined, 39

Typical installation, 31

image U image

UCS command, 3536, 456

UCS dialog box, 149, 456457

UCS icon

2D, 116

3D, 116, 450

determining current coordinate system, 149150

determining current space, 116

displaying, 251, 455456

dragging, 149

enhancements to, 20

UCS Icon dialog box, 116, 455

UCSICON command, 116

UCSMAN command, 149, 456

undoing operations, 73, 199

Union button, Boolean panel, Solid tab, 486

UNION command, 486

Use Background Mask dialog box, 278

Use Overall Scale Of setting, Fit tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 304

User Coordinate System. See entries beginning with UCS

image V image

Vancouver AutoCAD Users Society, 507

variable text style height, 265

VBA applications, support for, 17

VBA installer, 1718

vector files, 378, 400

verb-noun editing, 195200

Vertical button, Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 412

Vertical constraint button

Dimensional panel, Parametric tab, 408

Geometric panel, Parametric tab, 419, 423

vertices, 448449, 483

VIEW command, 247

View Direction option, Text tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 302303

View Manager dialog box, 247249, 498

View Object wheel, 464

View tab, Ribbon interface, 32, 452

View Transitions dialog box, 247

ViewCube, 24, 40, 240242, 462463, 472473

Viewpoint Presets dialog box, 461, 475

viewpoints, 460461, 469, 473475

viewport controls, 20, 24, 249250, 255

Viewport Scale button, status bar, 38, 118119

viewport scales, 38, 113, 118119


3D, 469470

defined, 36, 49

defining arrangement of, 113

in-canvas controls, 470

locking/unlocking, 38

maximizing/minimizing, 37

model space, 117, 469470, 471473

paper space, 117119, 470

Viewports dialog box, 471472

views, defined, 240


annotation, 38

dynamic blocks, 384388

geometric constraint markers, 427

of objects, 200201

VISRETAIN system variable, 516

visual styles, 3D objects, 464466, 475

Visual Styles Manager palette, 452, 466

VPMAX command, 255

VPMIN command, 255

VPOINT command, 461

VSM command, 466

VTOPTIONS command, 247

image W image

WCS (World Coordinate System), 148149

weblights, 493

window object selection, defined, 193195

Window option, command-first editing, 196

Windows, versions which support AutoCAD, 12, 1718

Windows TrueType fonts, 263

wireframe models, 448

wizards, limitations of, 84

Workspace drop-down menu, Quick Access Toolbar, 23, 27

Workspace Switching button, status bar, 23, 27, 38


3D modeling, 449451

appearance of, changing, 23

checking current, 56

defined, 24

World Coordinate System (WCS), 148149

WPolygon option, command-first editing, 196, 198

wrapping text, 283

image X image

XLINE command, 162, 165

XML Paper Specification (XPS), 438

XOPEN command, 395

XPS (XML Paper Specification), 438

xref clipping feature, 398

Xref Fading button, Reference panel, Insert tab, 396

xrefs. See external reference drawings

image Y image

YouTube channel, 506

image Z image

ZIP files, 5, 7, 435

zooming in/out

defined, 70, 239240

with mouse scroll wheel, 244

named views, 247250

Navigation bar, 240244

options for, 245247

overview, 40, 6971, 239240, 242243

paper space layouts, 250255

Realtime option, 242243

regeneration, 255256

to see entire drawing area, 59

switching between panning and, 243244

ViewCube, 240242

viewport scales, 119

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