Slicing, Dicing, and Splicing

The commands in this section — TRIM, EXTEND, BREAK, FILLET, CHAMFER, and JOIN — are useful for shortening and lengthening objects, for breaking them in two, and for putting them back together again.

Trim and Extend

TRIM and EXTEND are the twin commands for making lines, polylines, and arcs shorter and longer. They're the yin and yang, the Laurel and Hardy, the Jack Sprat and his wife of the AutoCAD editing world. The two commands and their prompts are almost identical, so the following steps cover both. I show the prompts for the TRIM command; the EXTEND prompts are similar:

  1. image Click the Trim or Extend button on the Home tab's Modify panel.

    image AutoCAD prompts you to select cutting edges that will do the trimming (or, if you choose the EXTEND command, boundary edges for extending to):

    Current settings: Projection=UCS, Edge=None
    Select cutting edges …
    Select objects or <select all>:
  2. Press Enter to accept the default option to select all drawing objects, or select individual objects by picking them. Press Enter to end object selection.

    The objects you select in this step become the cutting edge of the TRIM command or the boundary to which objects will be extended by the EXTEND command.

    Figure 11-7 shows a cutting edge (for TRIM) and a boundary edge (for EXTEND).

    AutoCAD prompts you to select objects that you want to trim or extend (EXTEND doesn't have the eRase option):

    Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
  3. Select a single object to trim or extend. Choose the portion of the object that you want AutoCAD to trim away or the end of the object that's closer to the extend-to boundary.

    AutoCAD trims or extends the object to one of the objects that you selected in Step 2. If AutoCAD can't trim or extend the object — for example, if the trimming object and the object to be trimmed are parallel — the command line displays an error message such as Object does not intersect an edge.

    image You can select multiple objects to trim and extend by typing F and pressing Enter to use the Fence object selection mode or by entering C to use Crossing selection. Even better, you can use implied windowing and drag a selection box to select multiple objects. Refer to Chapter 10 for more on multiple object selection.


    Figure 11-7: Anatomy of the TRIM and EXTEND operations.

    The command line continues to prompt you to select other objects to trim or extend:

    Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
  4. Choose additional objects or press Enter when you're finished trimming or extending.

    image Here's a triple-threat tip: If you accidentally trim or extend the wrong object and you're still in the TRIM or EXTEND command, type U and press Enter to undo the most recent trim or extend. You can switch between TRIM and EXTEND without exiting the command by holding down the Shift key for the other tool. And finally, if you find yourself with a remnant that won't trim because it doesn't cross the cutting edge, type R (for eRase) and press Enter to erase it without leaving the TRIM command.

The example in Figure 11-7 shows trimming to a single cutting edge, in which the end of each trimmed line gets lopped off. Another common use of the TRIM command is for trimming out a piece of a line between two cutting edges. In the two-cutting-edges scenario, TRIM cuts a piece out of the middle of the trimmed line. The default option for selecting cutting edges or boundaries is ALL, which works well in this scenario. Pressing Enter to accept the default option selects all objects in the drawing as a cutting edge if you're in the TRIM command, or a boundary if you're in the EXTEND command.

image The LENGTHEN (LEN) command provides other useful ways to make lines, arcs, and polylines longer (or shorter). You can specify an absolute distance (or delta) to lengthen or shorten by, a percentage to lengthen or shorten by, or a new total length. Look up the LENGTHEN command in AutoCAD's help system for more information.

image As I describe in Chapter 10, LENGTHEN is now an option on the new Grip pop-up menus on lines and arcs. To display the menu, just hover your mouse pointer over an endpoint grip on either of those object types or over one of the new triangular grips on an elliptical arc and click Lengthen.


The BREAK command isn't what you use before heading out for coffee. (AutoCAD doesn't have a command for that yet, but I keep hoping.) It's for creating gaps in lines, polylines, circles, arcs, or splines. BREAK also comes in handy if you need to split one object into two without actually removing any visible material.

The following example shows how you BREAK an object (don't worry — in AutoCAD, you won't have to pay for it):

  1. image On the Ribbon's Home tab, click the label of the Modify panel to open its slideout and then click the Break button.

    AutoCAD prompts you to select a single object that you want to break.

  2. Select a single object, such as a line, a polyline, or an arc.

    image The point you pick when selecting the object serves double duty: It selects the object, of course, but it also becomes the default first break point (that is, it defines one side of the gap that you'll create). Thus, you should either use one of the AutoCAD precision techniques, such as an object snap, to pick the object at a precise point or use the First point option (described in the next step) to repick the first break point.

    AutoCAD prompts you to specify the second break point or to type F and press Enter if you want to respecify the first break point:

    Specify second break point or [First point]:
  3. If the point that you picked in the preceding step doesn't also correspond to a break point (see the previous Tip), type F and press Enter to respecify the first break point. Then pick the point with an object snap or other precision technique.

    If you do type F and press Enter and then respecify the first break point, AutoCAD prompts you to select the second break point:

    Specify second break point:
  4. Specify the second break point by picking a point or typing coordinates.

    AutoCAD cuts a section out of the object, using the first and second break points to define the length of the gap.

image If you want to cut an object into two pieces without removing anything, click the Break at Point button on the Modify panel's slideout. You first select the object and then choose a point that defines where AutoCAD breaks the object in two. You can then move, copy, or otherwise manipulate each section of the original object as a separate object.

image As indicated near the bottom of Table 11-1, AutoCAD has an EXPLODE command. As with all things explosive, approach this command with caution. EXPLODE breaks up complex objects into AutoCAD primitives. Most of the time, those complex objects are created that way for a reason. The things you can explode (but shouldn't unless you have a really, really good reason) include polylines, blocks, 3D solids, associative arrays, tables, and multiline text. And even though AutoCAD will let you, you should never, ever explode dimensions or leaders.

Fillet and Chamfer and Blend

Whereas TRIM, EXTEND, and BREAK alter one object at a time, the FILLET and CHAMFER commands modify a pair of objects. As Figure 11-8 shows, FILLET creates a curved corner between two lines, whereas CHAMFER creates a beveled corner. (In case you wondered, it's pronounced FILL-et, not fill-AY. Saying that you know how to fill-AY may get you a job in a butcher shop, but it will get you strange looks in a design office.)


Figure 11-8: Cleaning up those corners with FILLET and CHAMFER.

image FILLET and CHAMFER now show a preview of the results of the operation as soon as you select the objects to modify. In earlier releases, you had to actually finish the fillet or chamfer, and if it didn't look right, you had to undo and start again. In AutoCAD 2012, if the fillet radius or the chamfer distances don't look right in the preview, you can change their values before completing the command.

The following steps describe how to use the FILLET command. The CHAMFER command works similarly except that, instead of specifying a fillet radius, you specify either two chamfer distances or a chamfer length and angle.

  1. image Click the Fillet button on the Home tab's Modify panel.

    FILLET and CHAMFER share a flyout button; if you see a straight-line corner instead of a rounded one, click the flyout arrow to select FILLET.

    AutoCAD displays the current fillet settings and prompts you to select the first object for filleting or specify one of three options:

    Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius = 0.0000
    Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/
  2. Type R and press Enter to set the fillet radius.

    AutoCAD prompts you to specify the fillet radius that it uses for future fillet operations:

    Specify fillet radius <0.0000>:
  3. Type a fillet radius and press Enter.

    The number you type will be the radius of the arc that joins the two lines.

    AutoCAD then asks you to select the first object:

    Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/
  4. Select the first line of the pair that you want to fillet.

    AutoCAD prompts you to select the second object for filleting:

    Select second object or shift-select to apply corner or
  5. Select the second line of the pair that you want to fillet.

    AutoCAD fillets the two objects, drawing an arc of the radius that you specified in Step 3.

image FILLET has more tricks up its sleeve. You can fillet two lines and specify a radius of zero to make them meet at a point. If you have lots of lines to fillet, whether with a zero or the same nonzero radius, use the FILLET command's Multiple option to speed the process. If you start FILLET and select two parallel lines, you get a nice 180 degree arc joining them. You can add fillets to arcs and (new in AutoCAD 2012) splines. And you can fillet all the vertices on a polyline at one time by choosing the Polyline option before you select the object.

image Holding down the Shift key before picking the second line automatically gives you a clean intersection, the same as if you'd set the fillet radius to 0. The CHAMFER command has the same Shift-select option.

image The new BLEND command joins CHAMFER and FILLET, offering yet another method for creating transitions between 2D drawing objects. Where CHAMFER creates beveled corners (that is, straight lines), and FILLET creates round corners (circular arcs), BLEND's corners are spline objects. Figure 11-9 shows the two types of available blend; the feature is connecting the green lines. Choosing the Tangent option produced the red spline, and choosing the Smooth option produced the blue spline. Unlike CHAMFER and FILLET — both of which would modify the source objects in order to make a radiused or beveled transition, BLEND leaves the source objects intact. Blends are going to appeal to industrial designers and other purveyors of swoopy shapes. If you're a mechanical drafter, it's usually best to stick with fillets and chamfers.


Figure 11-9: Blending smoothly (or tangentially).


Use the JOIN command to fill gaps in lines, arcs, elliptical arcs, splines, and polylines. If the lines are collinear (that is, they lie in the same straight line), or the arcs, splines, polylines, or elliptical arcs are on a similarly curved path, JOIN will create a single new entity to replace the existing separate pieces, as shown in Figure 11-10.

image In earlier releases, JOIN was more limited; for example, you were limited to joining collinear lines into a new line object, or arcs that were part of the same imaginary circle into a new arc. In AutoCAD 2012 you can use JOIN to create polylines from arcs or non-collinear lines.


Figure 11-10: Joining sundered pieces.

The following steps describe how to use the JOIN command:

  1. image Click the Modify panel title at the bottom edge of the Ribbon's Home tab to open the Modify panel's slideout, then click the Join button.

    If you foresee doing a lot of joinery, you can pin the slideout open, as shown in Figure 11-10. AutoCAD prompts you to select the source object.

  2. Select the source object — that is, the object you want to join other objects to.

    AutoCAD prompts according to the object type selected. If you select a line, the command prompt or Dynamic Input tooltip shows

    Select source object or multiple objects to join at once:
  3. Select valid objects to join to the original source object.

    For example, if you selected a line as your source object, AutoCAD continues prompting for additional adjoining lines until you press Enter to end object selection.

  4. Press Enter to end the command.

    AutoCAD joins the selected objects into a single object. The new object will inherit relevant properties such as the layer or linetype of the source object.

image You can turn an arc into a circle or an elliptical arc into a full ellipse with JOIN's cLose option.

Polishing those properties

When you think of editing objects, you probably think first about editing their geometry: moving, stretching, making new copies, and so on. That's the kind of editing I cover in this chapter.

Another kind of editing is changing objects' properties. As I describe in Chapter 6, every object in an AutoCAD drawing has a set of non-geometrical properties, including layer, color, linetype, lineweight, transparency, and maybe plot style. Sometimes you need to edit those properties — when you accidentally draw something on the wrong layer, for example. Here's a handful of ways of editing an object's properties in AutoCAD:

  • The Properties palette: This is the most flexible way to edit properties. Select any object (or objects), right-click in the drawing area, and choose Properties from the menu. The Properties palette displays the names and values of all properties. Click in the appropriate value cell to change a particular property.
  • The Quick Properties palette: If Quick Properties is enabled by clicking its status bar button, a palette pops up near the crosshairs when you select an object. Like the Properties palette, the Quick Properties palette contains value cells that you can click to change the specific property. You can choose how many lines of information you want Quick Properties to display by right-clicking the Quick Properties status bar button and choosing Settings.
  • Layers and Properties control lists: Another way to change properties is to select objects and then choose from the drop-down lists (Layer, Color, and so on) on the Properties palette. It's fine to change layers this way, but don't be slapdash about changing the other properties — see Chapter 6 for more information.
  • Match Properties: You can use Match Properties to copy the properties from a source object to one or more other objects. You can find the Match Properties button on the Clipboard panel of the AutoCAD 2012 Ribbon's Home tab. Match Properties works similarly to the Format Painter button in Microsoft applications. Match Properties works even when the objects reside in different drawings.
  • Change Space: I introduce the concepts of model space and paper space in Chapters 4 and 5. Sometimes you add some geometry to paper space and then realize it should have been in model space, or vice versa. The CHSPACE command can come to the rescue — you'll find it on the Modify panel slideout on the Ribbon's Home tab. For more information, look up CHSPACE in the Command Reference of the online help.

image The REVERSE command provides an easy way of reversing the direction of lines and polylines. Why does that matter? Well, most of the time it doesn't, but if you happen to be using a complex linetype that uses text or a directional arrow block, you probably want the text to read right-way-up and the arrow to point in the right direction. Lines, polylines, and other entity types have start points and endpoints, and therefore, a direction that runs from the former to the latter. Instead of redrawing your linework so your text or symbols appear the right way up, use the REVERSE command to flip the start and endpoints.

image The Delete Duplicate Objects tool (aka the OVERKILL command) has been present in the full version of AutoCAD for years as an Express Tool. In AutoCAD 2012, OVERKILL has been rolled into the core program, which means it's available to AutoCAD LT users for the first time. Delete Duplicate Objects is certainly more descriptive of what this command does: It looks for fully or partially overlapping objects, and either combines them or deletes them — it's a great way to clean up your drawings. AutoCAD LT users may need to type the command name; at time of writing, the tool button was missing from LT's Modify panel.

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