• Safety stock, 14, 187, 203209

  • Sales force composite, 148

  • Sampling, 5

  • Satisfices, 369

  • Scale models, 4

  • Scatter diagrams, 112, 150

  • Scatter plot. See Scatter diagrams

  • Schank Marketing Research, 384

  • Schematic models, 4

  • SCO. See Supply-chain optimization (SCO)

  • Seasonal adjustments, 164167

  • Seasonal component of time-series, 149150

  • Seasonal indexes, 164167

  • Seasonal variations, 164167

  • Sensitivity analysis, 6, 9, 14, 15, 7273, 194

    • decision trees, 82

    • input parameters values, 264

    • linear programming (LP) problems, 264271

    • objective function coefficient changes, 266268

    • project management, 399400

    • resources or right-hand-side values changes, 269270

    • technological coefficients changes, 268269

    • trial-and-error approach, 264

    • what-if questions, 264

  • Sequential decisions, 7882

  • Service costs, 428, 436438

  • Service facility, 429

    • characteristics of, 430431

  • Service level, 205

  • Service processes, 440

  • Service quality, 529

  • Service time distribution, 431

  • Service times, 464

  • Setup cost, 196

  • Shadow price, 270, 271

  • Shewhart, Walter, 530, 531

  • Shipping costs, 323

  • Shortages, 186, 187, 189

  • Shortest-route problem, 319, 320, 332334

  • Significant regression model, 119120

  • Simkin’s Hardware store, 472475

  • Simon, Herbert A., 369

  • Simple linear regression, 111, 113114

  • Simple probability, 22

  • Simplex algorithm, 239, 250, 369, 373

  • SIMUL8, 485

  • Simulated demand, 467

  • Simulating chips, 470

  • Simulation, 446, 461463

    • advantages and disadvantages, 462463

    • collecting data, 478

    • and complex queuing models, 446

    • computer languages, 462, 463

    • computers role in, 446, 485

    • controllable inputs, 472

    • corporate operating system, 484

    • cost analysis, 481484

    • cumulative probability distribution, 465, 472

    • defining problem, 470

    • econometric models, 485

    • economic systems, 462, 485

    • with Excel spreadsheets, 469471

    • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 476

    • flowchart, 472

    • Harry’s Auto Tire Monte Carlo sample, 464468

    • history of, 463

    • inventory analysis, 471475

    • issues, 484486

    • lead time variable, 471

    • maintenance problems, 479484

    • management system, 461

    • mathematical model, 461462

    • Monte Carlo simulation, 463471, 474

    • operational gaming, 484

    • physical models, 461

    • preventive maintenance, 483

    • probability distribution, 465, 472473

    • queuing problem, 476478

    • random numbers, 464, 465466

    • results differing, 462

    • systems simulation, 484485

    • and Tiger Woods, 486

    • uncontrollable inputs, 472

    • urban government, 484485

    • validation, 485

    • variables, 463464

    • verification, 485

  • Simulation model maintenance policy, 479484

  • Simulation software tools, 485

  • Single-channel queuing model, 434439

  • Single-channel system, 431

  • Single-period inventory models, 209214

  • Single-phase system, 431, 432

  • Sink, 330, 331

  • Six Sigma, 530, 534

  • Six stpng in decision making, 64

  • Ski lift slowing down to get shorter lines, 433

  • Slack, 250251

  • Slack time, 395

  • Slope, 113

  • Smoothing constant, 156157, 160162

  • Software packages and project management, 410

  • Solutions

    • developing, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 24, 188

    • hard-to-understand mathematics, 14

    • implications of, 6

    • integer programming, 358, 360

    • only one answer limiting, 14

    • outdates, 13

    • sensitivity of, 6

    • stating problems as, 1314

    • testing, 56, 7, 1415, 24, 188

  • Solver add-in, 11, 252255

    • changes in right-hand-side values, 270271

    • changing cells, 260, 373

    • integer programming problems, 360

    • minimization problems, 260261

    • objective function coefficients, 267268, 373

    • preparing spreadsheet for, 252253

    • project crashing, 409

    • solving method, 373

    • transportation problems, 321322

    • transshipment problem, 330

    • usage, 253255

  • Sources, 319, 320, 322, 323, 330

  • Southeast Airlines, 144

  • Southwestern University (SWU), 182

    • food and beverages at, 1920

    • forecasting attendance at football games, 182

    • stadium construction, 422

    • traffic problems, 354

  • SPC. See Statistical process control (SPC)

  • Special Projects Office of the U.S. Navy, 388

  • Special purpose algorithms, 309

  • Specific model, 4

  • Specific purchase cost, 200

  • Speith, Jordan, 486

  • Sports and probability, 39

  • Spreadsheets

    • for binomial probabilities, 38

    • entering problem data, 252253

    • for exponential probabilities, 48

    • for the F distribution, 46

    • left-hand-side (LHS) of constraints formula, 252253

    • for the Poisson distribution, 50

    • preparing for Solver, 252253

    • quantitative analysis role, 912

    • for simulation, 469471

    • value of objective function formula, 249, 252

  • SSE. See Sum of squares error (SSE)

  • SSR. See Sum of squares regression (SSR)

  • SST. See Sum of squares total (SST)

  • Standard deviation, 3, 30, 34, 38, 4041, 44, 119, 205206, 397

  • Standard error of the estimate, 119

  • Standard gamble, 87

  • Standardized normal distribution function, 42

  • Standard normal curve, 533

  • Standard normal distribution, 4041

  • Standard normal probability table, and Haynes Construction Company example, 4144

  • Standard normal table, 4041, 43

  • Starting Right Corporation, 107

  • State-of-nature nodes, 7778

  • State-of-nature points, 77

  • State probabilities, 501502

  • States, 501502

    • accounts receivable application, 510513

    • matrix of transition probabilities, 504505, 510511

    • steady state probability, 507

  • States of nature, 28, 64, 65

  • Statewide Development Corporation, 497498

  • Statistical dependence and joint probability, 2728

  • Statistical independence, 26

  • Statistically dependent events, 26, 27

  • Statistical process control (SPC), 529, 531532

    • charts, 531

    • QM for Windows, 547548

    • and safer drinking water, 538

  • Statistical quality control, 3

  • Steady state, 445

  • Steady state probabilities, 507, 509

  • Stepping-stone method, 324

  • Stpng for the minimal-spanning tree techniques, 334

  • Stepwise regression, 131

  • Stigler, George, 239

  • Stillwater Associates, 395

  • Stockout cost, 187

  • Stockouts, 185, 186, 187, 189

  • Storing resources, 186, 187

  • Subjective approach of probability, 22, 23

  • Subjective probability, 22, 23

  • Subprojects, 410

  • Successor activity, 399, 400

  • Sugar cane moving in Cuba, 329

  • Sumco economic order quantity example (EOQ), 192193

  • Sum of squares error (SSE), 115

  • Sum of squares regression (SSR), 115116

  • Sum of squares residual, 122

  • Sum of squares total (SST), 115

  • Sumproduct function, 253

  • Super cola example and x¯-chart (x-bar chart), 536

  • Supply-chain disruption problem, 337

  • Supply-chain optimization (SCO), 363

  • Supply-chain reliability, 337, 363

  • Supply chains, 337

  • Supply constraints, 320

  • Surplus, 250251

  • Survey results

  • Swift & Company, 269

  • Systems simulation, 484485

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