5.7 Forecasting Models—Trend, Seasonal, and Random Variations

When both trend and seasonal components are present in a time series, the forecasting model selected must address these. The decomposition method, which uses seasonal indices, is a very common approach. Multiple regression models are also common, with dummy variables used to adjust for seasonal variations in an additive time-series model.

The Decomposition Method

The process of isolating linear trend and seasonal factors to develop more accurate forecasts is called decomposition. The first step is to compute seasonal indices for each season as we have done with the Turner Industries data. Then, the data are deseasonalized by dividing each number by its seasonal index, as shown in Table 5.11. Figure 5.5 provides a graph of the original data, as well as a graph of the deseasonalized data. Notice how smooth the deseasonalized data are.

Table 5.11 Deseasonalized Data for Turner Industries

108 0.85 127.059
125 0.96 130.208
150 1.13 132.743
141 1.06 133.019
116 0.85 136.471
134 0.96 139.583
159 1.13 140.708
152 1.06 143.396
123 0.85 144.706
142 0.96 147.917
168 1.13 148.673
165 1.06 155.660

A trend line is then found using the deseasonalized data. Using computer software with these data, we have3


The trend equation is




This equation is used to develop the forecast based on trend, and the result is multiplied by the appropriate seasonal index to make a seasonal adjustment. For the Turner Industries data, the forecast for the first quarter of year 4 (time period X=13 and seasonal index I1=0.85) would be found as follows:

A scatterplot showing sales data compared to deseasonalized sales data.

Figure 5.5 Scatterplot of Turner Industries Original Sales Data and Deseasonalized Data


We multiply this by the seasonal index for quarter 1, and we get


Using the same procedure, we find the forecasts for quarters 2, 3, and 4 of the next year. Table 5.12 shows the unadjusted forecast based on the trend line for each of the four quarters of year 4. The last column of this table gives the final forecasts that were found by multiplying each trend forecast by the appropriate seasonal index. A scatter diagram showing the original data and the deseasonalized data, as well as the unadjusted forecast and the final forecast, for these next four quarters is provided in Figure 5.6.

Table 5.12 Turner Industry Forecasts for Four Quarters of Year 4

4 1 13 155.20 0.85 131.92
2 14 157.54 0.96 151.24
3 15 159.88 1.13 180.66
4 16 162.22 1.06 171.95
The scatterplot from the previous figure is replicated here, with the sales data plotted as circles and the deseasonalized sales data now shown as triangles.

Figure 5.6 Scatterplot of Turner Industries’ Original Sales Data and Deseasonalized Data with Unadjusted and Adjusted Forecasts

Steps to Develop a Forecast Using the Decomposition Method

  1. Compute seasonal indices using CMAs.

  2. Deseasonalize the data by dividing each number by its seasonal index.

  3. Find the equation of a trend line using the deseasonalized data.

  4. Forecast for future periods using the trend line.

  5. Multiply the trend line forecast by the appropriate seasonal index.

Most forecasting software, including Excel QM and QM for Windows, includes the decomposition method as one of the available techniques. This will automatically compute the CMAs, deseasonalize the data, develop the trend line, make the forecast using the trend equation, and adjust the final forecast for seasonality.

Software for Decomposition

Program 5.6A shows the QM for Windows input screen that appears after selecting the Forecasting module, selecting New-Time Series, and specifying 12 past observations. The multiplicative decomposition method is selected, and you can see the inputs that are used for this problem. When this is solved, the output screen in Program 5.6B appears. Additional output is available by selecting details or graph from the Windows drop-down menu (not shown in Program 5.6B) that appears after the problem is solved. The forecasts are slightly different from the ones shown in Table 5.12 due to round-off error.

Excel QM can be used in Excel 2016 for this problem also. From the QM Ribbon, select the menus By Chapter and select Chapter 5-Forecasting-Decomposition. Specify there are 12 past observations and 4 seasons, and use a centered moving average.

Using Regression with Trend and Seasonal Components

Multiple regression may be used to forecast with both trend and seasonal components present in a time series. One independent variable is time, and other independent variables are dummy variables to indicate the season. If we forecast quarterly data, there are four categories (quarters), so we would use three dummy variables. The basic model is an additive decomposition model and is expressed as follows:

A screenshot of QM for Windows instructing you on providing input for Turner Industries. A series of tip boxes guides you through the process of inputting data.

Program 5.6A QM for Windows Input Screen for Turner Industries Example

A screenshot showing QM for Windows output for Turner Industries. Tip boxes point out the final forecast, seasonal factors, and the location of the trend line formula in the output table.

Figure 5.6B QM for Windows Output Screen for Turner Industries Example



X1=timeperiodX2=1ifquarter2=0 otherwiseX3=1 if quarter 3=0 otherwiseX4=1 if quarter 4=0 otherwise

If X2=X3=X4=0, then the quarter would be quarter 1. It is an arbitrary choice as to which of the quarters would not have a specific dummy variable associated with it. The forecasts will be the same, regardless of which quarter does not have a specific dummy variable.

Using Excel QM in Excel 2016 to develop the regression model, from the Excel QM ribbon, we select the menu for Chapter 5Forecasting, and then choose the Multiple Regression method. The input screen in Program 5.7A appears, and the number of observations (12) and the number of independent variables (4) are entered. An initialized spreadsheet appears, and the values for all the variables are entered in columns B through F, as shown in Program 5.7B. Once this has been done, the regression coefficients appear. The regression equation (with rounded coefficients) is

A screenshot of the Spreadsheet Initialization window for running Multiple Regression analysis on Turner Industries.

Program 5.7A Excel QM Multiple Regression Initialization Screen for Turner Industries

A screenshot shows the output screen for Turner Industries.

Program 5.7B Excel QM Multiple Regression Output Screen for Turner Industries


If this is used to forecast sales in the first quarter of the next year, we get


For quarter 2 of the next year, we get


Notice these are not the same values we obtained using the multiplicative decomposition method. We could compare the MAD or MSE for each method and choose the one that is better.

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