Discussion Questions and Problems

Discussion Questions

  1. 11-1 What are some of the questions that can be answered with PERT and CPM?

  2. 11-2 What are the major differences between PERT and CPM?

  3. 11-3 What is an activity? What is an event? What is an immediate predecessor?

  4. 11-4 Describe how expected activity times and variances can be computed in a PERT network.

  5. 11-5 Briefly discuss what is meant by critical path analysis. What are critical path activities, and why are they important?

  6. 11-6 What are the earliest activity start time and latest activity start time? How are they computed?

  7. 11-7 Describe the meaning of slack and discuss how it can be determined.

  8. 11-8 How can we determine the probability that a project will be completed by a certain date? What assumptions are made in this computation?

  9. 11-9 Briefly describe PERT/Cost and how it is used.

  10. 11-10 What is crashing, and how is it done by hand?

  11. 11-11 Why is linear programming useful in CPM crashing?


  1. 11-12 Sid Davidson is the personnel director of Babson and Willcount, a company that specializes in consulting and research. One of the training programs that Sid is considering for the middle-level managers of Babson and Willcount is leadership training. Sid has listed a number of activities that must be completed before a training program of this nature could be conducted. The activities and immediate predecessors appear in the following table:

    D B
    E A, D
    F C
    G E, F

    Develop a network for this problem.

  2. 11-13 Sid Davidson was able to determine the activity times for the leadership training program. He would like to determine the total project completion time and the critical path(s). The activity times appear in the following table (see Problem 11-12):

    A 2
    B 5
    C 1
    D 10
    E 3
    F 6
    G 8
  3. 11-14 A political campaign manager must coordinate several activities in order to be prepared for an upcoming election. The following table describes the relationships among the activities that need to be completed, as well as the estimated times.

    A 4
    B 6
    C A 3
    D A 4
    E B, C 8
    F B 7
    G D, E 2
    H F 1
    1. Develop a project network for this problem.

    2. Determine the ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity. Also determine the total project completion time and the critical path(s).

  4. 11-15 A marketing firm is developing a new Web-based media campaign for a client. The following table describes the relationships among the activities that need to be completed.

    A 4
    B A 6
    C B 12
    D B 11
    E D 9
    F D 8
    G D 10
    H C 5
    I C 7
    J E, F, G 4
    K H, I 9

    1. Develop a project network for this problem.

    2. Determine the ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity. Also determine the total project completion time and the critical path(s).

  5. 11-16 Jean Walker is making plans for spring break at the beaches in Florida. In applying techniques she learned in her quantitative methods class, she has identified the activities that are necessary to prepare for her trip. The following table lists the activities and the immediate predecessors. Draw the network for this project.

    C A
    D B
    E C, D
    F A
    G E, F
  6. 11-17 The following are the activity times for the project in Problem 11-16. Find the earliest, latest, and slack times for each activity. Then find the critical path.

    A 3
    B 7
    C 4
    D 2
    E 5
    F 6
    G 3
  7. 11-18 The Laurenster Corporation is getting into the construction business. A list of activities and their optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic completion times are given in the following table for the next construction project.

    a m b
    A 3 6 9
    B 2 4 6
    C 1 2 3
    D 6 7 8 C
    E 2 4 6 B, D
    F 6 10 14 A, E
    G 1 2 6 A, E
    H 3 6 9 F
    I 10 11 12 G
    J 14 16 21 G
    K 2 8 11 H, I
    1. Develop a project network for this problem.

    2. Determine the expected duration and variance for each activity.

    3. Determine the ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity. Also determine the total project completion time and critical path(s).

    4. What is the probability that this job will finish in 38 days or less?

  8. 11-19 The Laurenster Corporation needs to set up an assembly line to produce a new product. The following table describes the relationships among the activities that need to be completed for this product to be manufactured.

    a m b
    A 3 6 6
    B 5 8 11 A
    C 5 6 10 A
    D 1 2 6 B, C
    E 7 11 15 D
    F 7 9 14 D
    G 6 8 10 D
    H 3 4 8 F, G
    I 3 5 7 E, F, H
    1. Develop a project network for this problem.

    2. Determine the expected duration and variance for each activity.

    3. Determine the ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity. Also determine the total project completion time and the critical path(s).

    4. Determine the probability that the project will be completed in 34 days or less.

    5. Determine the probability that the project will take longer than 29 days.

  9. 11-20 Monohan Machinery specializes in developing weed-harvesting equipment that is used to clear small lakes of weeds. George Monohan, president of Monohan Machinery, is convinced that harvesting weeds is far better than using chemicals to kill weeds. Chemicals cause pollution, and the weeds seem to grow faster after chemicals have been used. George is contemplating the construction of a machine that would harvest weeds on narrow rivers and waterways. The activities that are necessary to build one of these experimental weed-harvesting machines are listed in the following table. Construct a network for these activities.

    C A
    D A
    E B
    F B
    G C, E
    H D, F
  10. 11-21 After consulting with Butch Radner, George Monohan was able to determine the activity times for constructing the weed-harvesting machine to be used on narrow rivers. George would like to determine ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity. The total project completion time and the critical path(s) should also be determined. (See Problem 11-20 for details.) The activity times are shown in the following table:

    A 6
    B 5
    C 3
    D 2
    E 4
    F 6
    G 10
    H 7
  11. 11-22 A project was planned using PERT with three time estimates. The expected completion time of the project was determined to be 40 weeks. The variance of the critical path is 9.

    1. What is the probability that the project will be finished in 40 weeks or less?

    2. What is the probability that the project will take longer than 40 weeks?

    3. What is the probability that the project will be finished in 46 weeks or less?

    4. What is the probability that the project will take longer than 46 weeks?

    5. The project manager wishes to set the due date for the completion of the project so that there is a 90% chance of finishing on schedule. Thus, there would only be a 10% chance the project would take longer than this due date. What should this due date be?

  12. 11-23 Tom Schriber, the director of personnel of Management Resources, Inc., is in the process of designing a program that its customers can use in the job-finding process. Some of the activities include preparing resumés, writing letters, making appointments to see prospective employers, and researching companies and industries. The information on these activities is shown in the following table:

    a m b
    A 8 10 12
    B 6 7 9
    C 3 3 4
    D 10 20 30 A
    E 6 7 8 C
    F 9 10 11 B, D, E
    G 6 7 10 B, D, E
    H 14 15 16 F
    I 10 11 13 F
    J 6 7 8 G, H
    K 4 7 8 I, J
    L 1 2 4 G, H
    1. Construct a network for this problem.

    2. Determine the expected time and variance for each activity.

    3. Determine ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack time for each activity.

    4. Determine the critical path(s) and project completion time.

    5. Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 70 days or less.

    6. Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 80 days or less.

    7. Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 90 days or less.

  13. 11-24 Using PERT, Ed Rose was able to determine that the expected project completion time for the construction of a pleasure yacht is 21 months and the project variance is 4.

    1. What is the probability that the project will be completed in 17 months or less?

    2. What is the probability that the project will be completed in 20 months or less?

    3. What is the probability that the project will be completed in 23 months or less?

    4. What is the probability that the project will be completed in 25 months or less?

  14. 11-25 The air pollution project discussed in the chapter has progressed over the past several weeks, and it is now the end of week 8. Lester Harky would like to know the value of the work completed, the amount of any cost overruns or underruns for the project, and the extent to which the project is ahead of or behind schedule by developing a table like Table 11.8. The revised cost figures are shown in the following table:

    A 100 20,000
    B 100 36,000
    C 100 26,000
    D 100 44,000
    E 50 25,000
    F 60 15,000
    G 10 5,000
    H 10 1,000
  15. 11-26 Fred Ridgeway has been given the responsibility of managing a training and development program. He knows the earliest start time, the latest start time, and the total cost for each activity. This information is given in the following table:

    A 0 0 6 10
    B 1 4 2 14
    C 3 3 7 5
    D 4 9 3 6
    E 6 6 10 14
    F 14 15 11 13
    G 12 18 2 4
    H 14 14 11 6
    I 18 21 6 18
    J 18 19 4 12
    K 22 22 14 10
    L 22 23 8 16
    M 18 24 6 18
    1. Using earliest start times, determine Fred’s total monthly budget.

    2. Using latest start times, determine Fred’s total monthly budget.

  16. 11-27 General Foundry’s project crashing data are shown in Table 11.9. Crash this project to 13 weeks using CPM. What is the final time for each activity after crashing?

  17. 11-28 Bowman Builders manufactures steel storage sheds for commercial use. Joe Bowman, president of Bowman Builders, is contemplating producing sheds for home use. The activities necessary to build an experimental model and related data are given in the following table:

    A 3 2 1,000 1,600
    B 2 1 2,000 2,700
    C 1 1 300 300
    D 7 3 1,300 1,600 A
    E 6 3 850 1,000 B
    F 2 1 4,000 5,000 C
    G 4 2 1,500 2,000 D, E
    1. What is the project completion date?

    2. Formulate an LP problem to crash this project to 10 weeks.

  18. 11-29 The Bender Construction Co. is involved in constructing municipal buildings and other structures that are used primarily by city and state municipalities. This requires developing legal documents, drafting feasibility studies, obtaining bond ratings, and so forth. Recently, Bender was given a request to submit a proposal for the construction of a municipal building. The first step is to develop legal documents and to perform all steps necessary before the construction contract is signed. This requires that more than 20 separate activities be completed. These activities, their immediate predecessors, and their time requirements are given in Table 11.10.

    As you can see, optimistic (a), most likely (m), and pessimistic (b) time estimates have been given for all of the activities described in the table. Using the data, determine the total project completion time for this preliminary step, the critical path(s), and the slack time for all activities involved.

  19. 11-30 Getting a degree from a college or university can be a long and difficult task. Certain courses must be completed before other courses may be taken. Develop a network diagram in which every activity is a particular course that must be taken for a given degree program. The immediate predecessors will be course prerequisites. Don’t forget to include all university, college, and departmental course requirements. Then try to group these courses into semesters or quarters for your particular school. How long do you think it will take you to graduate? Which courses, if not taken in the proper sequence, could delay your graduation?

    Table 11.10 Data for Problem 11-29, Bender Construction Company

    1 1 4 5 Draft of legal documents
    2 2 3 4 Preparation of financial statements
    3 3 4 5 Draft of history
    4 7 8 9 Draft demand portion of feasibility study
    5 4 4 5 Review and approval of legal documents 1
    6 1 2 4 Review and approval of history 3
    7 4 5 6 Review of feasibility study 4
    8 1 2 4 Draft final financial portion of feasibility study 7
    9 3 4 4 Draft facts relevant to the bond transaction 5
    10 1 1 2 Review and approval of financial statements 2
    11 18 20 26 Receive firm price of project
    12 1 2 3 Review and completion of financial portion of feasibility study 8
    13 1 1 2 Completion of draft statement 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
    14 .10 .14 .16 All material sent to bond rating services 13
    15 .2 .3 .4 Statement printed and distributed to all interested parties 14
    16 1 1 2 Presentation to bond rating services 14
    17 1 2 3 Bond rating received 16
    18 3 5 7 Marketing of bonds 15, 17
    19 .1 .1 .2 Purchase contract executed 18
    20 .1 .14 .16 Final statement authorized and completed 19
    21 2 3 6 Purchase contract 19
    22 .1 .1 .2 Bond proceeds available 20
    23 0 .2 .2 Sign construction contract 21, 22
  20. 11-31 Dream Team Productions was in the final design phases of its new film, Killer Worms, to be released next summer. Market Wise, the firm hired to coordinate the release of Killer Worms toys, identified 16 critical tasks to be completed before the release of the film. These tasks are shown in the following table:

    Task 1 1 2 4
    Task 2 3 3.5 4
    Task 3 10 12 13
    Task 4 4 5 7
    Task 5 2 4 5
    Task 6 Task 1 6 7 8
    Task 7 Task 2 2 4 5.5
    Task 8 Task 3 5 7.7 9
    Task 9 Task 3 9.9 10 12
    Task 10 Task 3 2 4 5
    Task 11 Task 4 2 4 6
    Task 12 Task 5 2 4 6
    Task 13 Tasks 6, 7, 8 5 6 6.5
    Task 14 Tasks 10, 11, 12 1 1.1 2
    Task 15 Tasks 9, 13 5 7 8
    Task 16 Task 14 5 7 9

    1. (a) How many weeks in advance of the film release should Market Wise start its marketing campaign? What are the critical path activities?

    2. (b) If tasks 9 and 10 were not necessary, what impact would this have on the critical path and the number of weeks needed to complete the marketing campaign?

  21. 11-32 The estimated times (in weeks) and immediate predecessors for the activities in a project are given in the following table. Assume that the activity times are independent.

    a m b
    A 9 10 11
    B 4 10 16
    C A 9 10 11
    D B 5 8 11
    1. Calculate the expected time and variance for each activity.

    2. What is the expected completion time of the critical path? What is the expected completion time of the other path in the network?

    3. What is the variance of the critical path? What is the variance of the other path in the network?

    4. If the time to complete path A–C is normally distributed, what is the probability that this path will be finished in 22 weeks or less?

    5. If the time to complete path B–D is normally distributed, what is the probability that this path will be finished in 22 weeks or less?

    6. Explain why the probability that the critical path will be finished in 22 weeks or less is not necessarily the probability that the project will be finished in 22 weeks or less.

  22. 11-33 The following costs have been estimated for the activities in a project:

    A 8 8,000
    B 4 12,000
    C A 3 6,000
    D B 5 15,000
    E C, D 6 9,000
    F C, D 5 10,000
    G F 3 6,000
    1. Develop a cost schedule based on earliest start times.

    2. Develop a cost schedule based on latest start times.

    3. Suppose that it has been determined that the $6,000 for activity G is not evenly spread over the 3 weeks. Instead, the cost for the first week is $4,000, and the cost is $1,000 per week for each of the last 2 weeks. Modify the cost schedule based on earliest start times to reflect this situation.

  23. 11-34 The Scott Corey accounting firm is installing a new computer system. Several things must be done to make sure the system works properly before all the accounts are put into the new system. The following table provides information about this project. How long will it take to install the system? What is the critical path?

    A 3
    B 4
    C A 6
    D B 2
    E A 5
    F C 2
    G D, E 4
    H F, G 5
  24. 11-35 The managing partner of the Scott Corey accounting firm (see Problem 11-34) has decided that the system must be up and running in 16 weeks. Consequently, information about crashing the project was put together and is shown in the following table:

    A 3 2 8,000 9,800
    B 4 3 9,000 10,000
    C A 6 4 12,000 15,000
    D B 2 1 15,000 15,500
    E A 5 3 5,000 8,700
    F C 2 1 7,500 9,000
    G D, E 4 2 8,000 9,400
    H F, G 5 3 5,000 6,600
    1. If the project is to be finished in 16 weeks, which activity or activities should be crashed to do this at the least additional cost? What is the total cost of this?

    2. List all the paths in this network. After the crashing in part (a) has been done, what is the time required for each path? If the project completion time must be reduced another week so that the total time is 15 weeks, which activity or activities should be crashed? Solve this by inspection. Note that it is sometimes better to crash an activity that is not the least cost for crashing if it is on several paths rather than to crash several activities on separate paths when there is more than one critical path.

  25. 11-36 The L. O. Gystics Corporation is in need of a new regional distribution center. The planning for this project is in the early stages, but the activities have been identified, along with their predecessors and their activity times in weeks. The table below provides this information. Develop a linear program that could be used to determine the length of the critical path (i.e., the minimum time required to complete the project). Solve this linear program to find the critical path and the time required to complete the project.

    A 4
    B 8
    C A 5
    D B 11
    E A, B 7
    F C, E 10
    G D 16
    H F 6
  26. 11-37 The Laurenster Corporation needs to perform the tasks in the following list. Develop the associated PERT network diagram, and determine the probability that the project will be complete in 16 weeks or less.

    A 2 3 4
    B 4 6 8
    C 2 5 8
    D A 3 4 5
    E B 6 7 8
    F C 4 7 10
    G A 1 5 9
    H B 2 5 8
    I C 3 5 7
    J D, G 2 2 2
    K E, H 4 4 4
    L F, I 3 3 3
  27. 11-38 The Laurenster Corporation has determined the client will pay it a $10,000 bonus if it completes the project in Problem 11-37 in 14 weeks or less. The associated normal times and costs as well as the crash times and costs are shown below.

    A 3 2 600 1,200
    B 6 4 1,200 2,400
    C 5 2 1,200 2,400
    D 4 3 1,200 1,800
    E 7 6 1,200 1,800
    F 7 4 1,200 3,000
    G 5 1 2,400 4,800
    H 5 2 1,200 3,000
    I 5 3 1,800 2,400
    J 2 2 300 300
    K 4 4 300 300
    L 3 3 300 300

    Considering the costs involved to crash the project, determine if the Laurenster Corporation should crash the project to 14 weeks to receive the bonus.

Case Study Southwestern University Stadium Construction

After six months of study, much political arm wrestling, and some serious financial analysis, Dr. Martin Starr, president of Southwestern University, had reached a decision. To the delight of its students and to the disappointment of its athletic boosters, SWU would not be relocating to a new football site but would expand the capacity at its on-campus stadium.

Adding 21,000 seats, including dozens of luxury skyboxes, would not please everyone. The influential football coach, Billy Bob Taylor, had long argued the need for a first-class stadium, one with built-in dormitory rooms for his players and a palatial office appropriate for the coach of a future NCAA champion team. But the decision was made, and everyone, including the coach, would learn to live with it.

The job now was to get construction going immediately after the current season ended. This would allow exactly 270 days until the upcoming season opening game. The contractor, Hill Construction (Bob Hill being an alumnus, of course), signed the contract. Bob Hill looked at the tasks his engineers had outlined and looked President Starr in the eye. “I guarantee the team will be able to take the field on schedule next year,” he said with a sense of confidence. “I sure hope so,” replied Starr. “The contract penalty of $10,000 per day for running late is nothing compared to what Coach Billy Bob Taylor will do to you if our opening game with Penn State is delayed or cancelled.” Hill, sweating slightly, did not respond. In football-crazy Texas, Hill Construction’s name would be mud if the 270-day target were missed.

Back in his office, Hill again reviewed the data. (See Table 11.11, and note that optimistic time estimates can be used as crash times.) He then gathered his foremen. “People, if we’re not 75% sure we’ll finish this stadium in less than 270 days, I want this project crashed! Give me the cost figures for a target date of 250 days—also for 240 days. I want to be early, not just on time!”

Discussion Question

  1. Develop a network drawing for Hill Construction, and determine the critical path(s). How long is the project expected to take?

  2. What is the probability of finishing in 270 days?

  3. If it were necessary to crash to 250 or 240 days, how would Hill do so, and at what costs? As noted in the case, assume that optimistic time estimates can be used as crash times.

Table 11.11 Southwestern University Stadium Project

A Bonding, insurance, tax structuring 20 30 40 1,500
B Foundation, concrete footings for boxes A 20 65 80 3,500
C Upgrading skyboxes, stadium seating A 50 60 100 4,000
D Upgrading walkways, stairwells, elevators C 30 50 100 1,900
E Interior wiring, lathes B 25 30 35 9,500
F Inspection approvals E 1 1 1 0
G Plumbing D, E 25 30 35 2,500
H Painting G 10 20 30 2,000
I Hardware/air conditioning/metal workings H 20 25 60 2,000
J Tile/carpeting/windows H 8 10 12 6,000
K Inspection J 1 1 1 0
L Final detail work/cleanup I, K 20 25 60 4,500

Source: Heizer, Jay; Render, Barry, Operations Management, 6th ed., © 2001. Reprinted and Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY.

Case Study Family Planning Research Center of Nigeria

Dr. Adinombe Watage, deputy director of the Family Planning Research Center in Nigeria’s Over-the-River Province, was assigned the task of organizing and training five teams of field workers to perform educational and outreach activities as part of a large project to demonstrate acceptance of a new method of birth control. These workers already had training in family planning education but must receive specific training regarding the new method of contraception. Two types of materials must also be prepared: (1) those for use in training the workers and (2) those for distribution in the field. Training faculty must be brought in and arrangements made for transportation and accommodations for the participants.

Dr. Watage first called a meeting of his office staff. Together they identified the activities that must be carried out, their necessary sequences, and the time that they would require. Their results are displayed in Table 11.12.

Louis Odaga, the chief clerk, noted that the project had to be completed in 60 days. Whipping out his solar-powered calculator, he added up the time needed. It came to 94 days. “An impossible task, then,” he noted. “No,” Dr. Watage replied, “some of these tasks can go forward in parallel.” “Be careful, though,” warned Mr. Oglagadu, the chief nurse, “there aren’t that many of us to go around. There are only 10 of us in this office.”

“I can check whether we have enough heads and hands once I have tentatively scheduled the activities,” Dr. Watage responded. “If the schedule is too tight, I have permission from the Pathminder Fund to spend some funds to speed it up, just so long as I can prove that it can be done at the least cost necessary. Can you help me prove that? Here are the costs for the activities with the elapsed time that we planned and the costs and times if we shorten them to an absolute minimum.” Those data are given in Table 11.13.

Source: Family Planning Research Center of Nigeria by Curtis P. McLaughlin. © by Curtis P. McLaughlin. Reprinted by permission of Curtis P. McLaughlin.

Table 11.12 Family Planning Research Center Activities

A. Identify faculty 5 2
B. Arrange transport 7 3
C. Identify materials 5 2
D. Arrange accommodations A 3 1
E. Identify team A 7 4
F. Bring in team B, E 2 1
G. Transport faculty A, B 3 2
H. Print materials C 10 6
I. Deliver materials H 7 3
J. Train team D, F, G, I 15 0
K. Do fieldwork J 30 0

Table 11.13 Family Planning Research Center Costs

A. Identify faculty 5 400 2 700 100
B. Arrange transport 7 1,000 4 1,450 150
C. Identify materials 5 400 3 500 50
D. Arrange accommodations 3 2,500 1 3,000 250
E. Identify team 7 400 4 850 150
F. Bring in team 2 1,000 1 2,000 1,000
G. Transport faculty 3 1,500 2 2,000 500
H. Print materials 10 3,000 5 4,000 200
I. Deliver materials 7 200 2 600 80
J. Train team 15 5,000 10 7,000 400
K. Do fieldwork 30 10,000 20 14,000 400

Discussion Question

  1. Some of the tasks in this project can be done in parallel. Prepare a diagram showing the required network of tasks, and define the critical path. What is the length of the project without crashing?

  2. At this point, can the project be done given the personnel constraint of 10 persons?

  3. If the critical path is longer than 60 days, what is the least amount that Dr. Watage can spend and still achieve this schedule objective? How can he prove to the Pathminder Fund that this is the minimum-cost alternative?

Source: Professor Curtis P. McLaughlin, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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