• Labor, 297, 302303, 323

    • planning, 299300

    • stored in inventory, 187

  • Labor unions, 323

  • Laplace criterion, 66, 67

  • Latest finish time, 393, 394, 395, 400

  • Latest start time, 393, 394, 395, 400, 402

  • Lauderdale Construction, 334337

  • Law of addition for events not mutually exclusive, 2930

  • Lead time, 189, 194, 205206

  • Lead time variable, 471

  • Least-squares regression, 113, 163

  • Less-than-or-equal to constraint, 250251

  • Limited calling population, 430

  • Limited queue length, 430

  • Linear constraints, 373

  • Linear objective function, 374

  • Linear programming (LP), 237239, 248250, 319320

    • alternate optimal solutions, 263264

    • alternative courses of action, 238, 239

    • applications, 289, 299300, 308309

    • assignment problem, 309, 319, 325327

    • assumptions, 239, 357

    • beginning of, 239

    • certainty, 238, 239

    • conditions of certainty, 238, 239

    • constraints, 238, 239, 240, 241

    • corner point method, 248250

    • data envelopment analysis (DEA), 309

    • defining decision variables, 240

    • deterministic assumptions, 264

    • divisibility assumption, 238, 239

    • employee scheduling applications, 299300

    • Excel, 251, 252257

    • facility location analysis, 323325

    • feasible region, 244, 245

    • financial applications, 300305

    • Flair Furniture Company example, 240241

    • formulating, 239241

    • fractional values, 238

    • graphical solution, 241251

    • Hewlett Packard sales, 246

    • High Note Sound Company, 265268

    • ingredient blending applications, 305308

    • ingredient mix and blending problems, 306308

    • integer programming, 238, 357, 358363

    • isoprofit line method, 245248

    • limitations, 357

    • and linear equations, 238

    • manufacturing applications, 293299

    • marketing applications, 289293

    • maximal-flow problem, 319, 330332

    • minimal-spanning tree problem, 319, 320, 334

    • no feasible solution, 261

    • nonlinear programming, 357

    • nonnegative answers/variables, 238, 239

    • objective function, 238, 239, 369

    • optimal solution, 245248

    • production mix, 293295

    • production scheduling, 295299

    • product mix problem, 239

    • project crashing, 407409

    • properties of, 239

    • proportionality and additivity, 238

    • redundancy, 261, 262263

    • requirements, 238239

    • resources used to make products or services, 237

    • revenue management, 308309, 310

    • sensitivity analysis, 264271

    • shortest-route problem, 319, 320, 332333

    • slack, 250251

    • solution points satisfying constraints simultaneously, 244

    • solving minimization problems, 257261

    • special cases, 261264

    • surplus, 250251

    • and Swift & Company, 269

    • transportation problem, 309, 320321, 326

    • transshipment problem, 309, 327329

    • unboundedness, 261262

  • Linear programming (LP) isoprofit line method, 250

  • Linear trends, 163

  • Little, John D. C., 445

  • Little’s Flow Equations, 445

  • Liver transplants in United States, 24

  • Local optimum, 373

  • Lockheed Martin Inc., 388

  • Logical method, of objective probability, 2223

  • Logistics Management Institute (LMI), 199

  • Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 463

  • Low Knock Oil Company, 307308, 309, 317

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