12.2 Characteristics of a Queuing System

In this section, we take a look at the three parts of a queuing system: (1) the arrivals or inputs to the system (sometimes referred to as the calling population), (2) the queue or the waiting line itself, and (3) the service facility. These three components have certain characteristics that must be examined before mathematical queuing models can be developed.

Arrival Characteristics

The input source that generates arrivals or customers for the service system has three major characteristics. It is important to consider the size of the calling population, the pattern of arrivals at the queuing system, and the behavior of the arrivals.

Table 12.1 Three Rivers Shipping Company Waiting Line Cost Analysis

A table shows the waiting line cost analysis of Three Rivers Shipping Company.

Size Of The Calling Population

Population sizes are considered to be either unlimited (essentially infinite) or limited (finite). When the number of customers or arrivals on hand at any given moment is just a small portion of potential arrivals, the calling population is considered unlimited. For practical purposes, examples of unlimited populations include cars arriving at a highway tollbooth, shoppers arriving at a supermarket, and students arriving to register for classes at a large university. Most queuing models assume such an infinite calling population. When this is not the case, modeling becomes much more complex. An example of a finite population is a shop with only eight machines that might break down and require service.

Pattern Of Arrivals At The System

Customers either arrive at a service facility according to some known schedule (e.g., one patient every 15 minutes or one student for advising every half hour) or arrive randomly. Arrivals are considered random when they are independent of one another and their occurrence cannot be predicted exactly. Frequently in queuing problems, the number of arrivals per unit of time can be estimated by a probability distribution known as the Poisson distribution. See Section 2.11 for details about this distribution.

Behavior Of The Arrivals

Most queuing models assume that an arriving customer is a patient customer. Patient customers are people or machines that wait in the queue until they are served and do not switch between lines. Unfortunately, life and quantitative analysis are complicated by the fact that people have been known to balk or renege. Balking refers to customers who refuse to join the waiting line because it is too long to suit their needs or interests. Reneging customers are those who enter the queue but then become impatient and leave without completing their transaction. Actually, both of these situations just serve to accentuate the need for queuing theory and waiting line analysis. How many times have you seen a shopper with a basket full of groceries, including perishables such as milk, frozen food, or meats, simply abandon the shopping cart before checking out because the line was too long? This expensive occurrence for the store makes managers acutely aware of the importance of service-level decisions.

Waiting Line Characteristics

The waiting line itself is the second component of a queuing system. The length of a line can be either limited or unlimited. A queue is said to have limited queue length when it cannot, by the law of physical restrictions, increase to an infinite length. This may be the case in a small restaurant that has only 10 tables and can serve no more than 50 diners an evening. Analytic queuing models are treated in this chapter under an assumption of unlimited queue length. A queue is unlimited when its size is unrestricted, as in the case of the tollbooth serving arriving automobiles.

A second waiting line characteristic deals with queue discipline. This refers to the rule by which customers in the line are to receive service. Most systems use a queue discipline known as the first-in, first-out (FIFO) rule. In a hospital emergency room or an express checkout line at a supermarket, however, various assigned priorities may preempt FIFO. Patients who are critically injured will move ahead in treatment priority over patients with broken fingers or noses. Shoppers with fewer than 10 items may be allowed to enter the express checkout queue but are then treated as first come, first served. Computer programming runs are another example of queuing systems that operate under priority scheduling. In most large companies, when computer-produced paychecks are due out on a specific date, the payroll program has highest priority over other runs.2

Service Facility Characteristics

The third part of any queuing system is the service facility. It is important to examine two basic properties: (1) the configuration of the service system and (2) the pattern of service times.

Basic Queuing System Configurations

Service systems are usually classified in terms of their number of channels, or number of servers, and their number of phases, or number of service stops that must be made. A single-channel system, with one server, is typified by the drive-in bank that has only one open teller or by the type of drive-through fast-food restaurant that has become so popular in the United States. If, on the other hand, the bank had several tellers on duty and each customer waited in one common line for the first available teller, we would have a multichannel system at work. Many banks today are multichannel service systems, as are most large barber shops and many airline ticket counters.

A single-phase system is one in which the customer receives service from only one station and then exits the system. A fast-food restaurant in which the person who takes your order also brings you the food and takes your money is a single-phase system. So is a driver’s license agency in which the person taking your application also grades your test and collects the license fee. But if the restaurant requires you to place your order at one station, pay at a second, and pick up the food at a third service stop, it becomes a multiphase system. Similarly, if the driver’s license agency is large or busy, you will probably have to wait in a line to complete the application (the first service stop), then queue again to have the test graded (the second service stop), and finally go to a third service counter to pay the fee. To help you relate the concepts of channels and phases, Figure 12.2 presents four possible configurations.

Service Time Distribution

Service patterns are like arrival patterns in that they can be either constant or random. If service time is constant, it takes the same amount of time to take care of each customer. This is the case in a machine-performed service operation such as an automatic car wash. More often, service times are randomly distributed. In many cases, it can be assumed that random service times are described by the negative exponential probability distribution. See Section 2.10 for details about this distribution.

The exponential distribution is important to the process of building mathematical queuing models because many of the models’ theoretical underpinnings are based on the assumption of Poisson arrivals and exponential services. Before they are applied, however, the quantitative analyst can and should observe, collect, and plot service time data to determine if they fit the exponential distribution.

Identifying Models Using Kendall Notation

D. G. Kendall developed a notation that has been widely accepted for specifying the pattern of arrivals, the service time distribution, and the number of channels in a queuing model. This notation is often seen in software for queuing models. The basic three-symbol Kendall notation is in the form

Arrival distribution/Service time distribution/Number of service channels open

where specific letters are used to represent probability distributions. The following letters are commonly used in Kendall notation:

M=Poisson distribution for number of occurrences (or exponential times)D=constant (deterministic) rateG=general distribution with mean and variance known

Thus, a single-channel model with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times would be represented by


When a second channel is added, we would have


If there are m distinct service channels in the queuing system with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times, the Kendall notation would be M/M/m. A three-channel system with Poisson arrivals and constant service time would be identified as M/D/3. A four-channel system with Poisson arrivals and service times that are normally distributed would be identified as M/G/4.

Single phase and multiphase system configurations for single channel and multichannel systems is seen.

Figure 12.2 Four Basic Queuing System Configurations

There is a more detailed notation with additional terms that indicate the maximum number in the system and the population size. When these are omitted, it is assumed there is no limit to the queue length or the population size. Most of the models we study here will have those properties.

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