• Daily unloading rate variable, 476

  • Dantzig, George D., 239

  • Data Analysis add-in, 11, 122

  • Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 309

  • Day, Jason, 486

  • Decision analysis utility theory, 8691

  • Decision making

    • automating process, 2

    • centralized system, 191

    • under certainty, 6569

    • decision trees, 7782

    • group, 148

    • and minimization, 7375

    • model, 64, 148

    • probability concepts and, 2627

    • under risk, 65, 6975

    • six stpng in, 6365

    • types of, 65

    • under uncertainty, 65, 6669, 90

    • utility criterion, 8891

  • Decision nodes, 77

  • Decision points, 77

  • Decisions, good and bad, 63

  • Decision table, 64, 65

  • Decision theory, 63

    • alternatives, 64, 65, 78

    • analyzing problems, 7577

    • conditional probabilities, 78

    • decision making, 82

    • decision trees, 3, 7782

    • expected monetary value (EMV), 6970, 7981

    • expected value of sample information (EVSI), 8182

    • and Ford Motor Company, 63, 69

    • lottery ticket, 86

    • models, 64, 65

    • possible outcomes and alternatives, 64, 65, 7881

    • posterior probabilities, 78

    • sample information efficiency, 82

    • sensitivity analysis, 7273

    • sequential decisions, 7882

    • state-of-nature nodes, 77

  • Decision tree analysis, 7782

    • five stpng of, 77

  • Decision variables, 4, 241, 328, 472. See also Controllable variables

  • Decomposition method, 167170

    • software for, 170

  • Decoupling function, 186

  • Defects and control charts, 539540

  • Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC), 534

  • Degrees of freedom, 4446

  • Delivery lag, 472

  • Delivery time, 194

  • Delphi method, 23, 148

  • Demand, 190, 320, 323

  • Demand constraints, 320

  • Deming, W. Edwards, 530

  • Department of Agriculture, operations research, 12

  • Department of Commerce finite population model, 444445

  • Dependent demand, 214219

  • Dependent events, 26

  • Dependent selections and 0–1 (binary) variables, 365

  • Dependent variables, 111, 113, 128

  • Descriptive analytics, 2, 3

  • Deseasonalized data, 165

  • Destinations, 320, 322, 327, 330

  • Deterministic assumptions, 264

  • Deterministic models, 9

  • Deviation, 114, 115, 151. See also Errors, forecast

  • Deviational variables, 369

  • Diet problem, 239, 305306

  • Direct measurement, 5

  • Disaster response research, 5

  • Discrete distributions, 210

  • Discrete probability distribution, 3234

  • Discrete random variables, 31, 32

  • Disney World forecasting, 175

  • “Distribution of a Product from Several Sources to Numerous Locations, The” (Hitchcock), 324

  • Divisibility assumption, 238, 239

  • DMEP. See Dual Mode Equipment Procedure (DMEP)

  • Dodge, H. F., 530

  • Drawing cards, 26

  • Drexel Corp., 295

  • Dual Mode Equipment Procedure (DMEP), 470

  • Dual price, 270

  • Dummy variables. See Binary variables

  • DuPont, 388

  • Dynamic Car-Planning (DCP) system, 7

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