• Waiting costs, 428, 436437

  • Waiting lines, 3, 427429

    • characteristics of, 430

  • Walker, M. R., 388

  • Wallace Garden Supply, 154156

  • Water project, California, 401

  • Waukesha example of LP and maximal-flow problems, 330332

  • Weekly budget, 401

  • Weighted average, 67, 74

  • Weighted goals and goal programming, 371372

  • Weighted moving averages, 154156

  • Westover Wire Works, 286

  • What-if questions, 290, 363, 485

  • Whole Food Nutrition Center, 305

  • Win Big Gambling Club example for LP application, 290291

  • Winter Park Hotel, 459

  • Woods, Tiger, 486

  • Work breakdown structure (WBS), 387

  • WTVX, 61

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