8.5 Ingredient Blending Applications

Diet Problems

The diet problem, one of the earliest applications of LP, was originally used by hospitals to determine the most economical diet for patients. Known in agricultural applications as the feed mix problem, the diet problem involves specifying a food or feed ingredient combination that satisfies stated nutritional requirements at a minimum cost level.

The Whole Food Nutrition Center uses three bulk grains to blend a natural cereal that it sells by the pound. The cost of each bulk grain and the protein, riboflavin, phosphorus, and magnesium units per pound of each are shown in Table 8.5.

On the packaging for each of its products, Whole Food indicates the nutritional content in each bowl of cereal when eaten with 0.5 cup of milk. The USRDA (U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance) and the more recent DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) were consulted to establish recommended amounts of certain vitamins and minerals for an average adult. Based on these figures and the desired amounts for labeling on the package, Whole Food has determined that each 2-ounce serving of the cereal should contain 3 units of protein, 2 units of riboflavin, 1 unit of phosphorus, and 0.425 unit of magnesium.

In modeling this as an LP, the objective is to minimize cost. There will be four constraints (one each for protein, riboflavin, phosphorus, and magnesium) stipulating that the number of units must be at least the minimum amount specified. Since these requirements are for each 2-ounce serving, the last constraint must say that the total amount of the grains used will be 2 ounces, or 0.125 pound.

In defining the variables, notice that the cost is expressed per pound of the three grains. Thus, in order to calculate the total cost, we must know the number of pounds of the grains used in one serving of the cereal. Also, the numbers in Table 8.5 are expressed in units per pound of grain, so defining variables as the number of pounds of the grains makes it easier to calculate the amounts of protein, riboflavin, phosphorus, and magnesium. We let

XA = pounds of grain A in one 2-ounce serving of cerealXB = pounds of grain B in one 2-ounce serving of cerealXC = pounds of grain C in one 2-ounce serving of cereal

Table 8.5 Whole Food’s Natural Cereal Requirements

A 33 22 16 8 5
B 47 28 14 7 0
C 38 21 25 9 6


Minimize total cost of mixing a 2ounce serving=$0.33XA+$0.47XB+$0.38XC 

subject to

22XA + 28XB + 21XC3(protein units)16XA + 14XB + 25XC2(riboflavin units)8XA + 7XB + 9XC1(phosphorus units)5XA + 0XB + 6XC0.425(magnesium units)XA + XB + XC=0.125(total mix is 2 ounces or 0.125 pound)XA, XB, XC0

The solution to this problem requires mixing together 0.025 lb of grain A, 0.050 lb of grain B, and 0.050 lb of grain C. Another way of stating the solution is in terms of the proportion of the 2-ounce serving of each grain—that is, 0.4 ounce of grain A, 0.8 ounce of grain B, and 0.8 ounce of grain C in each serving. The cost per serving is $0.05. Program 8.8 illustrates this solution using Solver in Excel 2016.

Ingredient Mix and Blending Problems

Diet and feed mix problems are actually special cases of a more general class of LP problems known as ingredient or blending problems. Blending problems arise when a decision must be made regarding the blending of two or more resources to produce one or more products. Resources, in this case, contain one or more essential ingredients that must be blended so that each final product contains a specific percentage of each ingredient. The following example deals with an application frequently seen in the petroleum industry, the blending of crude oils to produce refinable gasoline.

A screenshot of Excel illustrates the solution for whole food nutrition problem.

Program 8.8 Whole Food Diet Solution in Excel 2016

The Low Knock Oil Company produces two grades of cut-rate gasoline for industrial distribution. The grades, regular and economy, are produced by refining a blend of two types of crude oil, type X100 and type X220. Each crude oil differs not only in cost per barrel but in composition as well. The following table indicates the percentages of crucial ingredients found in each of the crude oils and the cost per barrel for each:

X100 35 55 30.00
X220 60 25 34.80

Weekly demand for the regular grade of Low Knock gasoline is at least 25,000 barrels, and demand for the economy is at least 32,000 barrels per week. At least 45% of each barrel of regular must be ingredient A. At most, 50% of each barrel of economy should contain ingredient B. While the gasoline yield from one barrel of crude depends on the type of crude and the type of processing used, we will assume for the sake of this example that one barrel of crude oil will yield one barrel of gasoline.

The Low Knock management must decide how many barrels of each type of crude oil to buy each week for blending to satisfy demand at minimum cost. In modeling this as an LP, the objective is to minimize cost. Each of the two types of gasoline has a demand constraint, and each of the two types of gasoline has a constraint restricting the amount of the ingredients. Thus, there are four constraints. The decision involves the amount of each type of crude to use in each type of gasoline, so these will be the decision variables. Let

X1 = barrels of crude X100 blended to produce the refined regularX2 = barrels of crude X100 blended to produce the refined economyX3 = barrels of crude X220 blended to produce the refined regularX4 = barrels of crude X220 blended to produce the refined economy

This problem can be formulated as follows:


Minimize cost=$30X1+$30X2+$34.80X3+$34.80X4

subject to

X1+X325,000(demand for regular)X2+X432,000(demand for economy)

At least 45% of each barrel of regular must be ingredient A:

(X1+X3)=Total amount of crude blended to produce the refined regular gasoline demand


0.45(X1+X3)=Minimum amount of ingredient A required


0.35X1+0.60X3=Amount of ingredient A in refined regular gas


0.35X1+0.60X3 ≥ 0.45X1+0.45X3


0.10X1 + 0.15X3  0 (ingredient A in regular constraint)

Similarly, at most 50% of each barrel of economy should be ingredient B:

X2+X4=Total amount of crude blended to produce the refined economy gasoline demanded


0.50(X2+X4)=Maximum amount of ingredient B allowed


0.55X2+0.25X4=Amount of ingredient B in refined economy gas




0.05X20.25X40 (ingredient B in economy constraint)

Here is the entire LP formulation:

An LP formulation shows the objective and the constraints.

Using Excel, the solution to Low Knock Oil’s formulation was found to be

X1 = 15,000 barrels of X100 into regularX2 = 26,666.67 barrels of X100 into economyX3 = 10,000 barrels of X220 into regularX4 = 5,333.33 barrels of X220 into economy

The cost of this mix is $1,783,600. Refer to Program 8.9 for details.

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