247Avatars and Nonplayer Characters
FIGURE 12.3 Screen grabs from OpenSim. Initial steps for setting up a new avatar, skin, and undergarments.
248 Virtual World Design
FIGURE 12.4 Screen grabs from OpenSim showing the menus for adjusting the clothing layers to make a basic set
249Avatars and Nonplayer Characters
allows you to put a pattern on your avatar’s clothing layers; this could also be an image of the seams and other
surface detail that you would see on a garment. To create that kind of detail on your clothes, you will need
to make your own fabric texture le that contains these details and is designed to align to the avatar’s shape.
Section 12.11.6 has some examples of these, but for now, let’s focus on nding and coloring the various layers
of clothes so you can see the default shapes and how they can be adjusted. You have already probably started
to play with the sliders on the clothing layer edit page, so go ahead and get the pants, shirt, jacket, what have
you into the color and t you want.
When you are happy with the color and t on each layer, click on the top Save arrow to go back to the
main edit list.
12.11.3 ediTing eyes, hair, and sKin
Now that you have set up your basic clothing layers, colored them, and t them, let’s go to work on the
body parts. Jump back through the edit menu using the save arrow key on the top left until you are back
at the main Appearance menu. This is the one shown in Figure 12.4, picture 2, it has three tabs, Clothing,
Attachments, and Body Parts. Now, select the far right tab, called Body Parts. Under that listing, you
modify the editable layers for your eyes, hair, shape, and skin. Select the eyes you are wearing and start
adjusting your eye color and lightness. Note that the other qualities of your avatar’s eyes, such as spacing,
size, and position, are adjustable under the Shape layer. As you can see, the eye has a default iris texture
already in its window (Figure 12.5, picture 1). You can make your own eye textures should you desire
something different.
Jump back to the main menu and select the hair you are wearing to edit. Again, there is an option for
adding your own hair texture, such as straight, ne or, abundantly curly (Figure 12.5, picture 2). Under the
Hair menu are four categories: Color, Style, Eyebrows, and Facial (male avatars only). Please note that the
standard avatar hair is not easy to adjust and usually produces somewhat unrealistic results. Most avatars
opt for going to a no-hair setup (bald) and/or wearing a wig attachment. Good results can be achieved by
combining prim-based hair attachments, the standard avatar hair, and a head tattoo for those close-to-skull
details on the hairline. You should also adjust your eyebrows to match your hair.
Finally, select and edit your avatar’s skin. As you can see from the avatar in the picture, all colors are
available, so you can be blue if you desire. Also under this subcategory are the options for adding facial detail
like lines, wrinkles, and freckles, as well as this kind of detail to the body. There is a makeup section for
decorating the face and nails of your avatar as well.
12.11.4 adjusTing The parameTers of your aVaTar, shape, size, and oTher deTails
The Shape parameters are a large menu in the Appearance/Body Parts menu section which you can access by
selecting the shape you are already wearing under the Body Parts tab in the main Edit Outt menu. Select the
shape you are wearing to edit it, and in the Shape menu, you will nd the gender selector (top right corner),
as well as tabs for Body, Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Chin, Torso, and Legs (including foot size). Most
avatars are well over the norm for height in human scale. As you can see from Figure 12.6, the range of avatar
sizes is extensive.
For the purpose of demonstration, this avatar has been given large, pointy ears and some minimal makeup.
Her height is 6.5 feet or 1.98 meters. That is tall for the average human female, but fairly common for the
avatar female. Go ahead and tweak the shape settings until your avatar has a pleasing shape.
250 Virtual World Design
FIGURE 12.5 Screen grabs from OpenSim showing the menus for adjusting avatar hair and skin parameters.
251Avatars and Nonplayer Characters
FIGURE 12.6 Screen grabs from OpenSim showing the menus for adjusting avatar height and shape.
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