206 Virtual World Design
8. At the bottom of the same menu, you have a space where you can drag in a snapshot of the com-
pleted shop, or perhaps your logo.
9. While you are still in the About Land/Options menu, walk to one end of the shop foundation, where
the entrance will most likely be, and click the Landing Point/Set button to establish a Landing point.
You can always adjust this and should check on it before you load landmarks into your greeter or
give them out yourself. Leave the Teleport Routing set at Anywhere. Setting Up Music for the Shop
Music can play a large part in setting the mood in your shop. This is added with streaming audio. The process
is outlined in the steps below, and also illustrated in Figure 10.9.
1. Under the World/Parcel Details/About Land/Sound tab you can set up your streaming audio channel.
2. Choose a music URL from this list: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Music_streams, and copy/
paste the URL from the page into the Music URL slot. It will be a series of numbers like this:
3. Check the “Restrict the gesture and object sound to the parcel” box, the “Enable Voice” box, and the
“Restrict Voice to this Parcel” box to prevent annoying sound bleed to your neighbors. Setting Up Access and How to Ban Unwanted Avatars
Figure 10.10 shows you the steps to set up access and how to ban unwanted avatars. Please note, you can
access all the land-based menus from World/Location Prole/Places, should you need to modify the param-
eters for a region, rather than a parcel.
1. In the World/Parcel Details/About Land/menu, under the Access tab, make sure that Allow Public
Access is checked; you do not want to ban your customers.
2. The lower two boxes are where you can set up Access/No Access lists. Sometimes while you are
building your store, you will just want the people in your build group on the land. In the Allowed
Residents box, just add their names, deselect Allow Public Access. When you do that only your
build group can teleport onto your land. Do not forget to open this again when your store is built.
3. Under the Banned Residents box is an Add button where you can list the names of the FlatterBots
begging for money, avatars with a CopyBot program trying to steal your content, or griefers that
may visit your shop and bother your customers.
10.7.2 Building The shop sTruCTures from prefaB parTs
Figure 10.11 gives a visual demonstration of the steps for building the shop wall structures from prefab parts.
Once you have downloaded the Chapter 10 content from the Ann Cudworth Projects website (http://www.
anncudworthprojects.com) you should upload all the Pop_UP_Shop .dae les from into your inventory for
use in the virtual environment, naming them the same way, once they have been uploaded. For instance,
Pop_UP_Shop_Front_Wall.dae would become a linked object called Pop_UP_Shop_Front_Wall in your
inventory. If you have not read the guidelines for uploads in Chapter 2, section 2.3, you should do that now.
Follow the guidelines there for including physics shape les and textures in your uploads. Make sure you tuck
all the parts away in a special folder when you have nished the upload, and make a copy of it just in case.
Aswith other projects in this book, these shop elements come with alignment cubes, which you can see in
the middle of the build in Figure 10.11. As noted in section 2.3, the upload may change the linking order of
these elements. After you upload these models into your world and have them rezzed on the ground near each
207Virtual Goods and Design for Virtual Shopping Environments
FIGURE 10.9 Screen grabs showing the About Land/Sound menu for setting up the music stream for the Pop-up shop.
208 Virtual World Design
FIGURE 10.10 Screen grab showing the About Land menu and how it can be used to restrict access to the parcel while
a Pop-up shop is being built.
209Virtual Goods and Design for Virtual Shopping Environments
other, check to make sure that the alignment cubes are the key prim on these elements. As you know, this is
indicated with a yellow outline when you have the linked object (a wall section, for example) selected in the
Build/Edit menu. If the .dae model les have not uploaded into your virtual environment with the alignment
cube as the key prim, go into the Edit Linked mode (check the box on the Build/Edit menu), and unlink the
alignment prim. Without moving it, deselect everything by clicking on the ground or sky. Now, re-select the
model, and then the alignment cube, and link them back together. The cube should now be the key prim, and
show a yellow highlight, while the rest of the model is highlighted in blue.
Do not unlink the parts of these walls until you have the whole shop assembled, want to remove the align-
ment cubes, and/or you want to make a hole for a window or doorway in the shop walls or ceilings. Since the
shop elements are modular, you can always expand the shop innitely, until you run out of land, of course. Setting Up the Shop Floor and Walls
1. Drag the Pop_UP Shop_Floor object from your inventory and set the center in the same coordinates
as the center of the foundation prim you have on your parcel. Reset the alignment cube to be the key
prim for the Shop Floor, if necessary.
2. Drag Pop_UP Shop_Front_Wall object from your inventory onto the foundation in your parcel, reset
the cube as the key prim if neccesary, and align it properly with the oor at the front of your shop,
using the same coordinates as shown in Figure 10.11. The front wall has a ramp on it, the other walls
are closed and at.
FIGURE 10.11 Screen grab showing the use of alignment cubes to assemble the oor, walls, and front door of the
Pop-up shop.
210 Virtual World Design
3. Drag Pop_UP Shop_Left_Side_Wall object from your inventory, reset the alignment cube as the
key prim if necessary, and set it up on the left side when you stand in the doorway facing into the
shop. Align it to the center coordinates of the Pop_UP Shop_Floor.
4. Drag Pop_UP Shop_Right_Side_Wall object from your inventory and set it up opposing the left
wall. Reset the alignment cube as the key prim if necessary, and make sure that the x and y coordi-
nates match so that the walls are centered and parallel.
5. Drag Pop_UP Shop_Back_Wall object from your inventory, reset key prim if necessary, as you have
with the other walls, and stand it up opposing the front wall. Make sure the x and y coordinates
match with the front wall so they are centered and parallel. Putting on the Roof and Giant Lamps
Please look at Figure 10.12 for a visual guide to the following steps:
1. Drag Pop_UP_Shop_Roof out of inventory and locate it above the top of the walls. Reset the align-
ment cube as the key prim if necessary on these objects.
2. Using the spinners in the Edit Object box, make sure that the roof has the same x and y coordinates
as the oor prim and lower it into place on the walls.
3. Drag Pop_UP_Shop_Outlet_Plug out of inventory, and align it to the center of the roof.
4. Now, drag Pop_UP_Shop_Lamp_1 and put it in the back right corner of the roof, as you face the
door, so that its plug matches in the socket, you will have to rotate it on the z axis 90 degrees.
FIGURE 10.12 Screen grab of the almost completed Pop-up shop, showing the large lamps and their placement on
the roof.
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