Microsoft® SharePoint® Foundation 2010 Inside Out

Errin O'Connor

Penelope Coventry

Troy Lanphier

Johnathan Lightfoot

Thomas Resing

Michael Doyle


Kenyon Brown

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Microsoft Press


I dedicate this book to the men of the Navy Seals, Delta, and those Special Operators lost in the defense of our great nation, along with all who support them, as they are mostly overlooked but support the noble cause of these operators on a daily basis.

Errin O’Connor

To Mum, who died during the production of this book; I will miss you Mum, but I am happy that you are now at peace, with Dad.

“Never happier than when you were together.”

Penelope Coventry

To Mom for not grounding me when I plugged in the bare AC cord just to see it arc, and to Dad for encouraging me to put back together the things I took apart. I love you both—Dad, I miss you terribly.

Troy Lanphier

To my daughter, Giavrielle Always know that all that I do, I do for you.

Johnathan Lightfoot

To my wife, Kerri, and my daughter, Elise—my biggest supporters.

Tom Resing

I would like to dedicate my part in this book to my children, Stephanie, Maxson, and Carianna, as well as my partner, Dr. Lissa Joy Geiken, for providing balance, love, and caring during the writing process. I would also like to thank Ken Brown and the people at O’Reilly Media and Microsoft Press for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this book as well as to work with the other great authors. Finally, I would like to thank the SharePoint Community for providing inspiration, friendship, and for making my work more than just a job.

Michael Doyle

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