• SaaS (Software as a Service) 37

  • SalariedEmployee class header 554

  • SalariedEmployee class implementation file 555

  • Salary Calculator exercise 151

  • Sales Commission Calculator exercise 151

  • Sales Summary exercise 332

  • Salesperson Salary Ranges exercise 329

  • savings account 167

  • SavingsAccount class 443

  • scanning images 6

  • scientific stream manipulator 593, 597

  • scope 233

    • function prototype 233

    • of a symbolic constant or macro 985

    • of a variable 164

    • of an identifier 86

  • scope resolution operator (::) 230

  • scoped enumeration (enum class) 230

  • scoping example 235

  • screen-manager program 533

  • scripting language 10

  • scrutinize data 392

  • SDK (Software Development Kit) 37

  • search algorithm 748

  • search algorithms 842

    • binary search 846

    • linear search 843

    • recursive binary search 866

    • recursive linear search 866

  • search functions of the string-handling library 935

  • search_n algorithm 748

  • searching arrays 306

  • searching blocks of memory 939

  • searching data 842

  • Searching for Characters exercise 951

  • Searching for Substrings exercise 951

  • searching performance 839

  • second data member of pair 685

  • second-degree polynomial 58

  • second refinement in top-down, stepwise refinement 133

  • secondary storage 6

  • secondary storage unit 7

  • second-degree polynomial 58

  • security flaws 295

  • seed function rand 226

  • seed the random-number generator 725

  • seek direction 623

  • seekg function of istream 623, 642

  • seekp function of ostream 623, 633

  • select a substring 485

  • selection sort algorithm 853

  • selection sort efficiency 853

  • selection sort with call-by-reference 853

  • self documenting 52

  • self-referential class 799, 800

  • semicolon that terminates a structure definition 901

  • send a message to an object 15

  • sentinel-controlled iteration 207

  • separate interface from implementation 388

  • Separating Digits exercise 275

  • sequence of random numbers 226

  • sequence-structure activity diagram 107

  • sequential execution 106

  • serialized object 644

  • <set> header 221

  • set associative container 681, 685 set function 421

  • set_intersection 739

  • set_new_handler function 769, 771

  • set of recursive calls to method Fibonacci 259

  • set operations of the Standard Library 737

  • set_new_handler specifying the function to call when new fails 771

  • set_symmetric_difference algorithm 737, 739, 748

  • setbase stream manipulator 588

  • setprecision stream manipulator 130, 588

  • Shakespeare, William 953

  • Shape class hierarchy 500, 529

  • shape of a tree 839

  • shell prompt on Linux 20

  • shift a range of numbers 223

  • shifted, scaled integers 224

  • shifted, scaled integers produced by 1 + rand() % 6 223

  • Shifting and Printing an Integer exercise 948

  • shiftingValue 227

  • “shipping” section of the computer 6

  • shopping list 117

  • short-circuit evaluation 190

  • showbase stream manipulator 593, 597

  • showpoint stream manipulator 130, 593

  • shrink_to_fit member function of classes vector and deque 672

  • shuffle cards 948

  • shuffling algorithm 903

  • sides of a right triangle 156

  • sides of a triangle 155

  • Sieve of Eratosthenes exercise 335, 706

  • sign extension 906

  • sign left justified 592

  • signal value 123

  • signatures of overloaded prefix and postfix increment operators 461

  • significant digits 593

  • simple condition 188

  • Simple Decryption 897

  • simplest activity diagram 194, 196

  • Simpletron Machine Language (SML) 382, 799

  • Simpletron Simulator exercise 382, 799

  • Simulation: Tortoise and the Hare exercise 374

  • sin function 215

  • single-argument constructor 483, 484

  • single entry point 194

  • single-entry/single-exit control statements 109, 194

  • single exit point 194

  • single inheritance 499

  • single-line comment 46

  • single-precision floating-point number 169

  • single quote 48

  • single quote (') 364

  • six-sided die 223

  • size function of string 632

  • size member function of array 285

  • size member function of class string 178, 871

  • size member function of containers 659

  • size member function of priority_queue 694

  • size member function of queue 693

  • size member function of stack 691

  • size member function of vector 320

  • size of a string 877

  • size of a variable 54

  • size of an array 356

  • size_t type 356

  • sizeof operator when applied to an array name returns the number of bytes in the array 356

  • sizes of the built-in data types 652

  • skipws stream manipulator 592

  • small circles in the UML 107

  • smallest of several integers 206

  • smart pointer xxvi, 39

    • make_unique function template 773, 775

  • smartphone 3, 34

  • SML operation code 377

  • SMS Language exercise 898

  • software 2, 5

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) 37

  • Software Development Kit (SDK) 37

  • software engineering

    • data hiding 82

    • separate interface from implementation 388

  • solid circle in the UML 107

  • solid circle surrounded by a hollow circle in the UML 107

  • solution 21

  • Solution Explorer 23

  • sort algorithms

    • bubble sort 865

    • bucket sort 865

    • selection sort 853

  • sort member function of list 679

  • sort_heap algorithm 748

  • source code 17

  • source-code file 76

  • space–time trade-off 670

  • spaces for padding 595

  • space-time trade-off 637

  • Spam Scanner 898

  • speaking to a computer 6

  • special character 365

  • special characters 51

  • Special Section: Building Your Own Computer 376

  • special symbol 8

  • specialization of a class template 580

  • spelling checker 957

  • splice member function of list 679

  • splice_after member function of class template forward_list 679

  • split the array in merge sort 855

  • sqrt function of <cmath> header 215

  • square function 220

  • Square of Any Character exercise 275

  • Square of Asterisks exercise 154, 275

  • stable_partition algorithm 748

  • stable_sort algorithm 748

  • <stack> header 221

  • stack adapter class 691

    • empty function 691

    • pop function 691

    • push function 691

    • size function 691

    • top function 691

  • Stack class template 786, 792, 818, 839

    • definition with a composed List object 819

  • stack frame 237

  • <stack> header 691

  • stacking building blocks 198

  • stacking control statements 199

  • stacking rule 196

  • stacks used by compilers 835

  • standard data type sizes 357

  • standard error stream (cerr) 19

  • standard exception classes 776

  • Standard Library 213

    • class string 449

    • container classes 658

    • deque class template 680

    • exception classes 775

    • exception hierarchy 775

    • function sort 850

    • list class template 676

    • map class template 689

    • multimap class template 687

    • multiset class template 682

    • priority_queue adapter class 694

    • queue adapter class templates 693

    • set class template 686

    • stack adapter class 691

    • vector class template 668

  • standard stream libraries 579

  • Standard Template Library 656

  • “warehouse” section of the computer 7

  • Start Page 21

  • statement spread over several lines 62

  • statement terminator (;) 47

  • static array initialization 296

  • static array initialization and automatic array initialization 296

  • static binding 541

  • static data member 304, 429, 430

    • save storage 429

    • tracking the number of objects of a class 432

  • static data member to maintain a count of the number of objects of a class 430

  • static keyword 234

  • static member 430

  • static member function 430

  • static_cast 192

  • static_cast (compile-time type-checked cast) 286

  • std namespace 870

  • std::cin 53

  • std::cout 47

  • std::endl stream manipulator 54

  • __STDC__ predefined symbolic constant 988

  • StepStone 33

  • STL exception types 674

  • stod function 891

  • stof function 891

  • stoi function 891

  • stol function 891

  • stold function 891

  • stoll function 891

  • storage alignment 901

  • storage unit 917

  • storage-unit boundary 917

  • store a lambda in a variable 729

  • stoul function 891

  • stoull function 891

  • str member function of class ostringstream 392, 888, 889

  • straight-line form 56, 57

  • straight-time 151

  • strcat function of header <cstring> 923, 925

  • strchr function of header <cstring> 935

  • strcmp function of header <cstring> 923, 926

  • strcpy function of header <cstring> 923, 924

  • strcspn function of header <cstring> 935, 936

  • stream base 588

  • stream input/output 46

  • stream of bytes 579

  • stream of characters 47

  • stream operation failed 603

  • <string> header 222

  • string being tokenized 929

  • string class 77, 80, 448, 451, 871

    • assignment and concatenation 872

    • at member function 453

    • copy constructor 870

    • empty member function 452

    • find functions 880

    • find member function 880

    • insert functions 883

    • insert member function 883

    • size member function 178

    • subscript operator [] 873

    • substr member function 452

  • string class from the Standard Library 222

  • string concatenation 178

  • string constant 365

  • string length 929

  • string literal 47, 365

    • string-object literal 452

  • string manipulation 213

  • string of characters 47

  • string-search function

  • string stream processing 887

  • string::npos 881

  • string-object literal 452

  • strings as full-fledged objects 364

  • Strings Beginning with b exercise 951

  • Strings Ending with ED exercise 951

  • strlen function of header <cstring> 924, 929

  • strncat function of header <cstring> 923, 925

  • strncmp function of header <cstring> 924, 926

  • strncpy function of header <cstring> 923, 924

  • Stroustrup, B. 11

  • strpbrk function of header <cstring> 935, 937

  • strrchr function of header <cstring> 935, 937

  • strspn function of header <cstring> 935, 938

  • strstr function of header <cstring> 935, 939

  • strtod function of header <cstring> 930, 932

  • strtok function of header <cstring> 924, 928

  • strtol function of header <cstring> 931, 933

  • strtoul function of header <cstring> 931, 934

  • structure members default to private access 900

  • structure name 900

  • structure type 900

  • Student Inheritance Hierarchy exercise 529

  • student-poll-analysis program 294

  • subscript 0 (zero) 285

  • subscript operator 681

  • subscript out of range 674

  • subscripted name used as an rvalue 472

  • subscripting 680

  • subscripting with a pointer and an offset 363

  • substr member function of class string 452, 876, 876

  • substring length 485

  • substring of a string 876

  • subtract one pointer from another 359

  • subtraction compound assignment operator, -= 137

  • sum of the elements of an array 290

  • Summing and Averaging Elements in a List exercise 835

  • supermarket simulation 837

  • swap member function of class string 876

  • swap member function of containers 660

  • swap member function of list 679

  • swapping strings 876

  • Swift programming language 33

  • switch multiple-selection statement 108, 180, 185, 198

    • activity diagram with break statements 185

    • controlling expression 184

  • symbol values 968

  • symbolic constant NDEBUG 988

  • symbolic constant PI 984

  • symmetric key encryption 895

  • synchronize operation of an istream and an ostream 604

  • synchronous error 767

  • syntax error 47

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