
  1. 15.4 State whether each of the following is true or false. If false, explain why.

    1. Many of the Standard Library algorithms can be applied to various containers independently of the underlying container implementation.

    2. arrays are fixed in size and offer direct access to any element.

    3. forward_lists are singly linked lists, that offer rapid insertion and deletion only at the front and the back.

    4. sets offer rapid lookup and duplicates are allowed.

    5. In a priority_queue, the lowest-priority element is always the first element out.

    6. The sequence containers represent non-linear data structures.

    7. As of C++11, there is now a non-member function version of swap that swaps the contents of its two arguments (which must be of different container types) using move operations rather than copy operations.

    8. Container member function erase removes all elements from the container.

    9. An object of type iterator refers to a container element that can be modified.

    10. We use const versions of the iterators for traversing read-only containers.

    11. For input iterators and output iterators, it’s common to save the iterator, then use the saved value later.

    12. Class templates array, vector and deque are based on built-in arrays.

    13. Attempting to dereference an iterator positioned outside its container is a compilation error. In particular, the iterator returned by end should not be dereferenced or incremented.

    14. Insertions and deletions in the middle of a deque are optimized to minimize the number of elements copied, so it’s more efficient than a vector but less efficient than a list for this kind of modification.

    15. Container set does not allow duplicates.

    16. Class stack (from header <stack>) enables insertions into and deletions from the underlying data structure at one end (commonly referred to as a last-in, first-out data structure).

    17. Function empty is available in all containers except the deque.

  2. 15.5 Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:

    1. The three styles of container classes are first-class containers,               and near containers.

    2. Containers are divided into four major categories—sequence containers, ordered associative containers,               and container adapters.

    3. The Standard Library container adapter most closely associated with the first-in, first-out (FIFO) insertion-and-removal discipline is the              .

    4. Built-in arrays, bitsets and valarrays are all               containers.

    5. A(n)               constructor (C++11) moves the contents of an existing container of the same type into a new container, without the overhead of copying each element of the argument container.

    6. The               container member function returns the number of elements currently in the container.

    7. The               container member function returns true if the contents of the first container are not equal to the contents of the second; otherwise, returns false.

    8. We use iterators with sequences—these can be input sequences or output sequences, or they can be              .

    9. The Standard Library algorithms operate on container elements indirectly via              .

    10. Applications with frequent insertions and deletions in the middle and/or at the extremes of a container normally use a(n)              .

    11. Function               is available in every first-class container (except forward_list) and it returns the number of elements currently stored in the container.

    12. It can be wasteful to double a vector’s size when more space is needed. For example, a full vector of 1,000,000 elements resizes to accommodate 2,000,000 elements when a new element is added, leaving 999,999 unused elements. You can use               and               to control space usage better.

    13. As of C++11, you can ask a vector or deque to return unneeded memory to the system by calling member function              .

    14. The associative containers provide direct access to store and retrieve elements via keys (often called search keys). The ordered associative containers are multiset, set,               and              .

    15. Classes               and               provide operations for manipulating sets of values where the values are the keys—there is not a separate value associated with each key.

    16. We use C++11’s auto keyword to              .

    17. A multimap is implemented to efficiently locate all values paired with a given              .

    18. The Standard Library container adapters are stack, queue and              .

Discussion Questions

  1. 15.6 Why is it expensive to insert (or delete) an element in the middle of a vector?

  2. 15.7 Containers that support random-access iterators can be used with most but not all Standard Library algorithms. What is the exception?

  3. 15.8 Why would you use operator * to dereference an iterator?

  4. 15.9 Why is insertion at the back of a vector efficient?

  5. 15.10 When would you use a deque in preference to a vector?

  6. 15.11 Describe what happens when you insert an element in a vector whose memory is exhausted.

  7. 15.12 When would you prefer a list to a deque?

  8. 15.13 What happens when the map subscript is a key that’s not in the map?

  9. 15.14 Use C++11 list initializers to initialize the vector names with the strings "Suzanne", "James", "Maria" and "Juan". Show both common syntaxes.

  10. 15.15 What happens when you erase a container element that contains a pointer to a dynamically allocated object?

  11. 15.16 Describe the multiset ordered associative container.

  12. 15.17 How might a multimap ordered associative container be used in a credit-card transaction processing system?

  13. 15.18 Write a statement that creates and initializes a multimap of strings and ints with three key–value pairs.

  14. 15.19 Explain the push, pop and top operations of a stack.

  15. 15.20 Explain the push, pop, front and back operations of a queue.

  16. 15.21 How does inserting an item in a priority_queue differ from inserting an item in virtually any other container?

Programming Exercises

  1. 15.22 (Palindromes) Write a function template palindrome that takes a vector parameter and returns true or false according to whether the vector does or does not read the same forward as backward (e.g., a vector containing 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 is a palindrome, but a vector containing 1, 2, 3, 4 is not).

  2. 15.23 (Sieve of Eratosthenes with bitset) This exercise revisits the Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding prime numbers that we discussed in Exercise 7.27. Use a bitset to implement the algorithm. Your program should display all the prime numbers from 2 to 1023, then allow the user to enter a number to determine whether that number is prime.

  3. 15.24 (Sieve of Eratosthenes) Modify Exercise 15.23, the Sieve of Eratosthenes, so that, if the number the user inputs into the program is not prime, the program displays the prime factors of the number. Remember that a prime number’s factors are only 1 and the prime number itself. Every nonprime number has a unique prime factorization. For example, the factors of 54 are 2, 3, 3 and 3. When these values are multiplied together, the result is 54. For the number 54, the prime factors output should be 2 and 3.

  4. 15.25 (Prime Factors) Modify Exercise 15.24 so that, if the number the user inputs into the program is not prime, the program displays the prime factors of the number and the number of times each prime factor appears in the unique prime factorization. For example, the output for the number 54 should be

    The unique prime factorization of 54 is: 2 * 3 * 3 * 3
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