• .C extension 17

  • C-like pointer-based array 659

  • C programming language 11

  • c_str member function of class string 885

  • C# programming language 13

  • C++ compiler 18

  • C++ development environment 18, 19

  • C++ How to Program, 10/e instructor resources xxxv

  • C++ preprocessor 17, 46

  • C++ Standard Library 11, 213

    • <string> header 77

    • array class template 284

    • class template vector 317

  • C++11 38, 257

    • all_of algorithm 730

    • anonymous function objects 708

    • any_of algorithm 730

    • associative container keys are immutable 659

    • cbegin container member function 671

    • cend container member function 671

    • cend function 671

    • compiler fix for types ending in >> 684

    • copy_n algorithm 735

    • crbegin container member function 671

    • crend container member function 671

    • crend function 671

    • default special member function 546

    • default type arguments for function template type parameters 793

    • delegating constructor 405

    • find_if_not algorithm 730

    • forward_list class template 658, 676

    • in-class initializer 389

    • insert container member function (now returns an iterator) 675

    • iota algorithm 749

    • list initialization of a return type 688

    • list initialization of associative container 689

    • minmax algorithm 743

    • minmax_element algorithm 725, 743

    • move algorithm 734

    • move assignment operator 660

    • move constructor 659

    • move_backward algorithm 734

    • none_of algorithm 730

    • non-member container swap function 660

    • nullptr constant 342

    • random_device random-number source 725

    • random-number generation 292

    • rend function 671

    • scoped enumeration (enum class) 230

    • shrink_to_fit container member function for vector and deque 672

    • shuffle algorithm 725

    • specifying an enum’s integral type 232

    • stod function 891

    • stof function 891

    • stoi function 891

    • stol function 891

    • stold function 891

    • stoll function 891

    • stoul function 891

    • stoull function 891

    • to_string function 890

    • tuple container 685

    • unique_ptr class template 772

    • unordered_multimap class template 658

    • unordered_multiset class template 658

    • unordered_set class template 658

  • C++14 2, 38

    • binary literals 914

    • cbegin function 671

    • crbegin function 671

    • digit separator ' 225

    • generic lambdas 711

    • heterogeneous lookup (associative containers) 685

    • make_unique function template 773, 775

    • quoted stream manipulator 627

    • rbegin function 671

    • string-object literal 452

  • calculate a salesperson’s earnings 151

  • Calculating Number of Seconds exercise 275

  • calling function (caller) 80

  • calling functions by reference 345

  • calling method (caller) 213

  • camel case 79

  • capacity member function

  • capacity of a string 877

  • capturing variables in a lambda 711, 712

  • carbon footprint calculator 42

  • CarbonFootprint Abstract Class: Polymorphism exercise 575

  • carriage return (' ') escape sequence 48, 918, 921

  • cascading member function calls 425, 426, 428

  • cascading stream insertion operations 54

  • case keyword 184

  • case sensitive 52

  • cast expression 985

  • cast operator function 481

  • cast variable visible in debugger 983

  • catch a base class object 776

  • catch all exceptions 776

  • catch block 322

  • catch clause (or handler) 764, 767

  • catch handler 762

  • catch related errors 776

  • Catching All Exceptions 782

  • Catching Derived-Class Exceptions 781

  • cbegin library function 671

  • cbegin member function of containers 660

  • cbegin member function of vector 671

  • ceil function 214

  • Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperatures exercise 275

  • cend library function 671

  • cend member function of containers 660

  • cend member function of vector 671

  • central processing unit (CPU) 7

  • cerr (standard error stream) 19, 580, 616

  • <cfloat> header 222

  • chaining stream insertion operations 54

  • char* strings 871

  • character constant 364

  • character-handling functions 918

    • isdigit, isalpha, isalnum and isxdigit 919

    • islower, isupper, tolower and toupper 920

    • isspace, iscntrl, ispunct, isprint and isgraph 922

  • character manipulation 213

  • character presentation 222

  • character sequences 628

  • character set 8, 70

  • characters represented as numeric codes 928

  • character-string manipulation 918

  • checked access 873

  • checkerboard pattern 70, 155

  • Checkerboard Pattern of Asterisks exercise 155

  • checkout line in a supermarket 837

  • chrono library 443

  • cin (standard input stream) 19, 53, 580, 616, 620

    • function getline 366

    • cin.get function 584

    • cin.tie function 604

    • Circle Area exercise 280

    • circular, doubly linked list 814

    • circular, singly linked list 813

    • Cisco 3

    • class 15, 983

      • class keyword 79

      • client-code programmer 396

      • constructor 84

      • data member 16

      • default constructor 87

      • implementation programmer 396

      • interface described by function prototypes 217

      • public services 388

    • class definition 79

    • class development 469

    • class-implementation programmer 396

    • class members default to private access 900

    • class variable 304

    • classic stream libraries 579

    • clear function of ios_base 603

    • clear member function of containers 660

    • clear member function of first-class containers 675

    • client

      • of a class 88

    • client code 533

    • client-code programmer 396

    • <climits> header 222

    • clog (standard error buffered) 580, 616

    • close member function of ofstream 620

    • cloud computing 4, 37

    • <cmath> header 221

    • COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) 12

    • code maintenance 94

    • CodeLite 17

    • coefficient 495

    • Coin Tossing exercise 276

    • column headings 287

    • column subscript 307

    • Combining Class Time and Class Date exercise 442

    • combining control statements in two ways 193

    • command-line argument 352

    • Command Prompt window 23

    • commercial data processing 649

    • CommissionEmployee class header 556

    • CommissionEmployee class implementation file 557

    • CommissionEmployee class represents an employee paid a percentage of gross sales 502

    • CommissionEmployee class test program 505

    • CommissionEmployee class uses member functions to manipulate its private data 519

    • Common Programming Errors overview xxxiii

    • commutative 481

    • commutative operation 481

    • comparator function object 682, 687

    • comparator function object less 682, 694

    • compare iterators 666

    • compare member function of class string 875

    • comparing blocks of memory 939

    • compartment in a UML class diagram 83

    • compilation error 47, 136

    • compilation phase 47

    • compile 17

    • compile-time error 47

    • compiler 10, 46, 47, 129, 815

      • Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition for Windows 20, 38

      • Xcode on Mac OS X 20, 38

    • compiler error 47

    • complement operator (~) 905

    • Complex Class 613

    • Complex class member-function definitions 491

    • compound assignment operators 136, 139

    • compound statement 62

    • computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 281

      • Difficulty Levels 281

      • Monitoring Student Performance 281

      • Reducing Student Fatigue 281

      • Varying the Types of Problems 282

    • computer network 820

    • computer program 5

    • Computer Simulator exercise 379

    • Computerization of Health Records exercise 102

    • computers in education 281

    • computing the sum of the elements of an array 290

    • concatenate 873

      • stream insertion operations 54

      • two linked list objects 835

    • concrete class 547

    • concrete derived class 552

    • conditional compilation 982, 985

    • conditional execution of preprocessing directives 982

    • conditional expression 114

    • conditional operator, ?: 114

    • conditional preprocessing directives 985

    • conditionally compiled output statement 986

    • confusing equality (==) and assignment (=) operators 59, 193

    • const 414, 459, 983

      • member function 413

      • member function on a const object 414

      • member function on a non-const object 414

      • objects and member functions 414

    • const member function 82

    • const qualifier before type specifier in parameter declaration 244

    • const reference parameter 245

    • const version of operator[] 479

    • const with function parameters 352

    • const_pointer 661

    • const_reference 661

    • constant integral expression 186

    • constant pointer

      • to an integer constant 355

    • constant reference 478

    • constant runtime 844

    • constructed inside out 420

    • constructor 84

      • called automatically 405

      • cannot be virtual 546

      • default arguments 402

      • function prototype 388

      • inherit from base class 524

      • multiple parameters 89

      • throwing exceptions from 782

    • container 221, 399, 472, 656, 658, 799

      • begin function 660

      • cbegin function 660

      • cend function 660

      • clear function 660

      • crbegin function 660

      • crend function 660

      • empty function 659

      • end function 660

      • erase function 660

      • insert function 659

      • map associative container 681

      • max_size function 660

      • multimap associative container 681

      • multiset associative container 681

      • rbegin function 660

      • rend function 660

      • set associative container 681

      • size function 659

      • swap function 660

      • unordered_map associative container 681

      • unordered_multimap associative container 681

      • unordered_multiset associative container 681

      • unordered_set associative container 681

    • continuous beta 38

    • control characters 921

    • control statements

    • controlling expression of a switch 184

    • converge on the base case 261

    • conversion operator 481

    • convert

      • among fundamental types by cast 482

      • among user-defined types and built-in types 481

      • between types 481

      • binary number to decimal 973

      • hexadecimal number to decimal 973

      • lowercase letters 221

      • octal number to decimal 973

      • strings to C-style strings and character arrays 884

      • Strings to Floating-Point Numbers exercise 951

      • strings to floating-point types 891

      • Strings to Integers exercise 950

      • strings to integral types 891

    • converting

      • Fahrenheit to Celsius exercise 612

    • Cooking with Healthier Ingredients exercise 897

    • copy assignment 411

    • copy member function of class string 632, 885

    • copy of the argument 352

    • copy_backward algorithm 733, 747

    • copy_if algorithm 747

    • copy-and-paste approach 511

    • Copying a List in Reverse Order 835

    • copying strings 924

    • correct number of arguments 217

    • correct order of arguments 217

    • cos function 214

    • count function of associative container 684

    • counting loop 161

    • Counting Vowels exercise 896

    • cout (<<) (the standard output stream) 580, 616

    • cout (standard output stream) 19

    • cout (the standard output stream) 47, 50

    • __cplusplus predefined symbolic constant 988

    • .cpp extension 17

    • .cpp filename extension 76

    • CPU (central processing unit) 7, 18

    • Craps Game Modification exercise 279, 331

    • crbegin library function 671

    • crbegin member function of containers 660

    • crbegin member function of vector 671

    • create a random access file 629

    • create a random-access file with 100 blank records sequentially 633

    • create a sequential file 617

    • create an association 689

    • create an object (instance) 75

    • create and traverse a binary tree 824

    • create your own data types 54

    • CreateAndDestroy class

      • member-function definitions 407

    • Credit inquiry program 623

    • credit limit on a charge account 150

    • Credit Limits exercise 150

    • credit processing program 630

    • crend

    • library function 671

    • member function of containers 660

    • member function of vector 671

  • crossword puzzle generator 956

  • <cstdint> header 177

  • <cstdio> header 222

  • <csdtlib> header 771

  • <cstdlib> header 223

  • current position in a stream 623

  • .cxx extension 17

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