• radius of a circle 155

  • RAII (resource allocation is initialization) 769

  • RAM (Random Access Memory) 7

  • RAND_MAX symbolic constant 223

  • random integers in range 1 to 6 223

  • random intervals 837

  • random number 225

  • random_device random-number source 725

  • random_shuffle algorithm 748

  • randomizing 226

    • die-rolling program 226

  • Randomly Creating Sentences exercise 952

  • range-based for statement 298

  • Rational Class exercise 441

  • RationalNumber class 495

  • raw data processing 616

  • rbegin library function 671

  • rbegin member function

    • of class string 887

    • of containers 660

  • rdstate function of ios_base 603

  • read a line of text 77

  • read characters with getline 77

  • read data sequentially from a file 621

  • read member function of istream 586, 629, 642

  • read-only variable 289

  • readability 133

  • Reading a random-access file sequentially 636

  • Reading and printing a sequential file 621

  • real number 126

  • “receiving” section of the computer 6

  • record format 630

  • recover from errors 603

  • Rectangle Class exercise 442

  • recursion 254, 260, 262, 277

    • determine whether a string is a palindrome exercise 335

    • Eight Queens exercise 336

    • find the minimum value in an array exercise 336

    • print a string backward exercise 336

    • print an array exercise 336

  • recursion examples and exercises 262

  • recursion exercises

    • binary search 866

    • linear search 866

  • recursive binary tree insert 263

  • recursive binary tree printing 263

  • recursive binary tree search 263

  • Recursive Eight Queens exercise 263

  • Recursive Exponentiation exercise 277

  • recursive factorial function 262

  • recursive Fibonacci function 262

  • recursive function call 815

  • recursive function factorial 256

  • recursive greatest common divisor 263, 278

  • recursive implementation of merge sort 856

  • recursive inorder traversal of a binary tree 263

  • recursive maze traversal 263

  • recursive mergesort 263

  • recursive postorder traversal of a binary tree 263

  • recursive preorder traversal of a binary tree 263

  • recursive quicksort 263

  • recursive solution 262

  • recursive Towers of Hanoi 263

  • recursive utility function 827

  • recursively calculate minimum value in an array 263

  • recursively check if a string is a palindrome 263

  • recursively determine whether a string is a palindrome exercise 755

  • recursively print a linked list backward 263

  • recursively print a list backwards 838

  • recursively print a string backward 263

  • recursively print an array 263

  • recursively raising an integer to an integer power 263

  • recursively search a linked list 263

  • recursively search a list 838

  • redundant parentheses 59

  • refactoring 36

  • referencing array elements 363

    • with the array name and with pointers 363

  • refinement process 124

  • regular expression 39, 887

  • reinventing the wheel 12

  • relational operator 59, 60

  • release candidate 38

  • release dynamically allocated memory 477

  • remainder after integer division 56

  • remainder compound assignment operator, %= 137

  • remainder operator (%) 56, 70, 71

  • remove member function of list 680

  • rend library function 671

  • rend member function of class string 887

  • rend member function of containers 660

  • rend member function of vector 672

  • replace == operator with = 192

  • replace member function of class string 882, 883

  • replacement text 984, 987

    • for a macro or symbolic constant 984, 985

  • representational error in floating point 170

  • requirements 16

  • resize member function of class string 879

  • resource allocation is initialization (RAII) 769

  • resource leak 769

  • restore a stream’s state to “good” 603

  • resumption model of exception handling 763

  • rethrow an exception 764

  • Rethrowing Exceptions exercise 782

  • return a value 47

  • Return key 53

  • return type

    • of a function 80

  • returning a reference from a function 245

  • returning a reference to a private data member 409

  • Returning Error Indicators from Class Time’s set Functions exercise 442

  • reusability 785

  • reusable software components 14

  • Reverse Digits exercise 276

  • reverse order of bits in unsigned integer 949

  • Reversing a string with Iterators exercise 897

    • using Recursion 897

  • Reversing Bits 949

  • rfind member function of class string 881

  • Richer Shape Hierarchy 529

  • right child 823

  • right operand 48

  • right shift with sign extension assignment operator (>>=) 913

  • right-to-left associativity 139

  • right triangle 156

  • right value 193

  • rightmost (trailing) arguments 247

  • right-shifting a signed value is machine dependent 913

  • right-to-left associativity 63

  • rise-and-shine algorithm 105

  • Ritchie, Dennis 11

  • robot 4

  • Roku (Internet TV) 4

  • rolling two dice 330

  • root node of the left subtree 823

  • root node of the right subtree 823

  • rotate algorithm 748

  • rotate_copy algorithm 748

  • round a floating-point number for display purposes 130

  • rounding a number 170

  • Rounding Numbers exercise 273

  • row subscript 308

  • RTTI (runtime type information) 567, 571

  • Ruby on Rails 14

  • Ruby programming language 14

  • rule of thumb (heuristic) 188

  • rules for forming structured programs 194

  • rules of operator precedence 56

  • running total 124

  • runtime error 20

  • runtime type information (RTTI) 567, 571

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